Goa State Government Contact No. 1800 233 5060

Govt of Goa Toll free Number(s):
- 1800 233 5060 (For Contact Support Mon-Fri 9:30am to 5:45pm)
Official Website - stateportal.goa@nic.in (For General Query)
Important Link
Department Wise Contact Details
SNo. | Designation | Name | Contact Details | |
Administrative Reforms Department, Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa | ||||
1 | Chief Secretary/ Secretary (Admn. Reforms) |
Shri. Puneet Kumar Goel, IAS |
0832-2419659 Fax: 0832-2415201 |
cs-goa@nic.in |
2 | Additional Secretary (ARD) | Shri. V.M. Paranjape | 0832-2419424 0832-2419425 |
jsard-sect.goa@nic.in |
3 | Under Secretary | Amalia O.F.Pinto | 0832-2419464 | us-ard.goa@nic.in |
Administrative Tribunal, Vaidya Hospital Bldg., Opp Municipal Market, Panaji, Goa | ||||
4 | President | Shri Rajesh Narvekar | 0832-2421974 0832-2415730 Fax: 0832-2421973 |
President-at@goa.nic.in |
5 | I/C Registrar | Smt. Jyoti P. Satardekar | 0832-2225320 | reg-tribunal.goa@gov.in |
6 | Registrar | Shri Vassant G.Dhargalkar | 0832-2225320 | reg-tribunal.goa@gov.in |
7 | Jr. Stenographer | Smt. Sheetal R. Mangeshkar |
0832-2225320 | reg-tribunal.goa@gov.in |
Bal Bhavan, Campal, Panaji-Goa | ||||
8 | Director/Member Secretary - Bal Bhavan |
Shri. Dayanand N. Chawdikar |
0832-2226823 0832-2223002 |
goabalbhavan@yahoo.in |
Bicholim Government Industrial Training Institute, Valshi Bicholim-Goa | ||||
9 | Principal | Shri. Kapil P. Aigal | 9923693684 0832-2362315 |
bicholim-iti.goa@nic.in |
Cacora Government Industrial Training Institute Cacora, Curchorem-Goa, 403706 | ||||
10 | Principal / Public Information Officer |
Shri. RaviKiran D. Pawaskar |
9423312964 0832-2650270 |
cacora-iti.goa@nic.in |
Canacona Government Industrial Training Institute Mastimal,Canacona Goa – 403702 |
11 | Principal | Shri. Samrat Sandesh Naik Gaonkar |
0832-2633354 | canacona-iti.goa@nic.in |
12 | G.I. (COPA) | Smt. Sayali Prabhu Desai | 9421241251 | - |
13 | Vocational Instructor | Smt. Tessy Joseph | 8805207252 | - |
14 | Vocational Instructor | Shri. Baiju Aiya | 9422575266 | - |
15 | Vocational Instructor | Shri. Sanjay Goankar | 8408044766 | - |
16 | Vocational Instructor | Shri. Shirish Sangelkar | 8805582806 | - |
Captain of Ports Dept., D.B. Marg, Panaji, Goa | ||||
17 | Captain of Ports/ Head of Department |
Capt. James Braganza | 9225905926 0832-2225070 0832-2452070 Fax: 0832-2421483 |
cpt-port.goa@nic.in |
18 | Dy. Captain of Ports | Capt. Premlal Sirsaiker | 9923390953 0832-2426109 0832-2790048 Fax: 0832-2421483 |
cpt-port.goa@nic.in |
19 | Marine Engineer & Ship Surveyor |
Shri Octavio Rodrigues | 9225981553 0832-2426109 0832-2790048 Fax: 0832-2421483 |
cpt-port.goa@nic.in |
20 | Hydrographic Surveyor | Shri Ram Asare M. Gupta | 9823194437 0832-2426109 0832-2790048 Fax: 0832-2421483 |
cpt-port.goa@nic.in |
21 | Radio Officer | Shri Constantino D'Sa | 9225905929 0832-2420579 0832-2420580 0832-2464013 Fax: 0832-2420582 |
captainofports.ispsgoa@gmail.com |
Collectorate North Goa District,Collectorate Building, Opp. Municipal Garden,Panaji-Goa 403001. |
22 | Collector / District Magistrate | Ms. Mamu Hage, IAS | 0832-2223612 0832-2225383 0832-2225083 0832-2224084 |
- |
23 | Additional Collector- (I) | Shri K B Salgaonkar | 0832-2223418 0832-2225383 0832-2427690 0832-2426758 |
- |
24 | Additional Collector-I | Shri Gopal Parsekar | 083-2253314 | - |
25 | Dy. Collector (Revenue) / Addl Charge Dy. Collector (LA) |
- | 0832-2225383 0832-2427690 0832-2426758 |
- |
26 | Deputy Director (Development) Higher Education |
Shri Kabir Shirgaonkar | 8669006132 | - |
27 | Administrator of Communidade Central Zone |
Dr. Geeta Nagvenkar | 9552270260 | - |
28 | Deputy Director (Tourism) | Shri Prasad Volvoikar | 9822762636 | - |
29 | Assistant Commissioner of Commercial Taxes |
Shri Alexio F Vaz | 9422456826 | - |
30 | Assistant Commissioner of Commercial Taxes |
Shri Tushar Halarnakar | 9822382303 | - |
31 | Deputy Director (Panchayat) North |
Smt Fiona Audrey Cardozo |
9822849383 | |
32 | Dy.Collector and SDM Ponda / Chief Officer, Ponda Municipal Council |
Shri. Pradeep Naik | - | sdm-ponda.goa@nic.in |
33 | Deputy Collector & SDM,Tiswadi |
Shri Eshant Sawant | 0832-2419450 | usgen-home.goa@nic.in |
34 | Deputy collector (LA) | Shri Chandrakant Shetkar | 0832-2225383 0832-2427690 |
dycla-north.goa@nic.in |
Collectorate of South Goa District,Matanhy Saldanha Administrative Complex,Near KTC Bus Stand,Margao, South Goa District, Goa, India – 403601 |
35 | Collector / District Magistrate | Ms. Jyoti Kumari, IAS (2018) |
0832-2794414 0832-2794100 |
cols.goa@nic.in |
36 | Dy. Collector, Revenue (Collectorate -South) |
- | 0832-2794315 | - |
37 | District Informatics Officer | - | 0832-2794318 | - |
38 | Dy. Collector (L.A.) (Collectorate - South) |
Shri N. R. Kulkarni | 0832-2794360 | nr.kulkarni@nic.in |
39 | Deputy Collector & SDO Quepem |
Shri Nilesh Dhaigodkar | 8380018171 0832-2662241 |
sdm-quepem.goa@nic.in |
40 | Additational Collector-III | Shri. Pradeep Naik | 9423834456 0832-2614036 |
dycol-dharband.goa@nic.in |
41 | Dy Collector LA | Shri Manuel P Barreto | 9423883793 0832-2794317 |
dycla-south.goa@nic.in |
42 | Deputy Collector (DRO) | Smt Roshell Fernandes | - | dycdro-south.goa@nic.in |
43 | Additional Collector (II) South Goa |
Shri Agnelo A.J. Fernandes | 9822142132 0832-2794483 |
ac2-cols.goa@nic.in |
44 | Additional Collector I | Shri Srinet N. Kotwale | 0832-2419453 | cols.goa@nic.in |
45 | Officer on Special Duty, District Collector (South) |
Dr. Pooja Madkaikar | 9764743818 | - |
46 | Deputy Director (Admin) DSLR |
Shri Kapil Phadte | 9823915320 | - |
47 | Assistant Commissioner of Commercial Taxes |
Darshani Dessai | 9921017054 | - |
48 | Deputy Collector & SDO Mormugao |
Shri Sachin S Dessai | 0832-2512688 | sdm-mormugao.goa@nic.in |
49 | Dy. Collector & SDO-II, Salcete Margao with Additional Charge Of Administrator Of Communidade (South) |
Shri Joao B. Fernandes | 0832-2794160 | sdm-salcete.goa@nic.in |
50 | Dy. Collectopr & SDO Mormugao |
Shri Satish R Prabhu | 7507799303 0832-2643696 |
sdm-canacona.goa@nic.in |
51 | Mamlatdar of Mormugao | Shri. Saiesh Naik | 9860719196 0832-2513014 |
mam-mormugao.goa@nic.in |
52 | Joint Mamlatdar II Mormugao | Shri Krishna Gauns | 0832-2513014 | mam-mormugao.goa@nic.in |
53 | Mamlatdar Dharbandora with Additional charge of Joint Mamlatdar I Dharbandora |
Smt Sharmila Gaonkar | 9923581805 0832-2614111 |
mam-dharbandora.goa@nic.in |
54 | Jt-Mamlatdar-I, Quepem | Shri Rosario Carvalho | 9822183796 | jtm1-quepem.goa@nic.in |
55 | Mamlatdar (Canacona) | Shri. Vimod Dalal | 0832-2664329 | mam-canacona.goa@nic.in |
56 | Mamlatdar in Collectorate, South -I |
Shri. Jeetendra Bugde | 9881060905 0832-2794312 |
eln-cols.goa@nic.in |
57 | Mamlatdar of Sanguem Taluka |
Shri Manoj Korgaonkar | 0832-2604232 | mam-sanguem.goa@nic.in |
58 | Additional Collector II | Shri Paresh Faldesai | 0832-2794414 0832-2794324 |
cols.goa@nic.in |
59 | Jt.Mamlatdar-VI Salcete | Shri. Gaurav Sagun Gaounkar |
7798206718 | gouravg83@gmail.com |
60 | Jt. Mamlatdar-III of Ponda Taluka |
Smt. Janavi J. Kalekar | 9404910261 | jtm3-ponda.goa@nic.in |
61 | Jt. Mamlatdar-II of Ponda Taluka |
Shri. Kaushik B. Dessai | 8378003255 | jtm2-ponda.goa@nic.in |
62 | Additional Collector-III | Shri. Arvind B. Khutkar | 9921480736 0832-2311000 |
ac2-south.goa@nic.in |
63 | Jt. Mamlatdar-I of Ponda Taluka |
Shri Shripad V. Majik | 8390684677 | jtm1-ponda.goa@nic.in |
64 | Jt.Mamlatdar-VII Salcete | Smt Avelina D'Sa e Pereira | 9921670761 | dsaavelina@gmail.com |
65 | Jt.Mamlatdar-V Salcete | Shri Shailendra J. Desai | 9049468580 | jtm5-salcete.goa@nic.in |
66 | District Informatics Officer | Shri Dhanesh K. R | 0832-2794362 | dhanesh.kr@nic.in |
67 | Jt.Mamlatdar-IV Salcete | Shri Gaurav Sagun Gaounkar(Holding Additional Charge) |
7798206718 | gouravg83@gmail.com |
68 | Jt.Mamlatdar-III Salcete | Shri Raghuraj Faldessai | 0832-2794126 | jm3-salcete@goa@nic.in |
69 | Jt.Mamlatdar-II Salcete | Shri Bhiku L. Gavas | 9421151048 | bhikugas@gmail.com |
70 | Jt.Mamlatdar-I Salcete | Smt Deona Elsa Pereira | 8308543928 | deonapereira22@gmail.com |
71 | Joint Mamlatdar-III of Mormugao |
Shri Dhiren D Banavaliker | 0832-2513014 | mam-mormugao.goa@nic.in |
72 | Jt. Mamlatdar- I | Smt. Ana Rita Maria Paes | 8208190232 | mam-sanguem.goa@nic.in |
73 | Mamlatdar of Quepem | Shri Laxmikant R Dessai | 0832-2662228 | mam-quepem.goa@nic.in |
74 | Mamlatdar of Salcete | Shri Prataprao P. Gaunker | 9764627999 | pratappg@gmail.com |
75 | Mamlatdar of Ponda Taluka | Shri Rajesh G. Sakhalkar | 9822181954 | mam-ponda.goa@nic.in |
76 | Deputy Collector (LA), South with Additional Charge of Deputy Collector (DRO) |
Shri. Rajesh Ajgaonkar | 0832-2794414 0832-2794100 |
- |
77 | Dy. Collector and SDM Dharbandora |
Shri Ramesh P Naik | 9823915623 0832-2311498 |
- |
78 | Additional Collector III | Shri Vishal C. Kundaikar | 0832-2794414 0832-2794324 |
cols.goa@nic.in |
79 | OSD to Collector, South Goa | Shri. Ramesh Gaonkar | 0832-2794414 0832-2794100 |
- |
Corporation Of City Of Panaji, Dr Pandurang Pissurlekar Rd, Altinho, Panaji, Goa 403001 |
80 | Mayor | Shri Rohit Joe Monserrate | 0832-2223339 | - |
81 | Commissioner | Shri Agnelo A.J. Fernandes | 0832-2223339 | commissioner@ccpgoa.com |
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services Pashusamvardhan, Bhavan, Patto - Panaji, Goa |
82 | Director | Dr. Agustin Misquita | 0832-2437245 | dir-ahvs.goa@nic.in |
83 | Dy. Director (Admin.) | Smt Sapna Bandodkar | 0832-2437245 | dir-ahvs.goa@nic.in |
84 | Dy. Director (Farms) | Dr. Prashant Naik | 0832-2437245 | dir-ahvs.goa@nic.in |
85 | Dy. Director(SLBP) | Dr. Shirish Gaonkar | 0832-2437245 | dir-ahvs.goa@nic.in |
86 | Dy. Director (AWB) | Dr Marwin Lopes | 0832-2437245 | dir-ahvs.goa@nic.in |
Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, 1st Lift, 2nd Floor, Junta House, Panaji-Goa, 403001 |
87 | Director | Shri. Sudhir Kerkar | 0832-2226084 | dir-csca.goa@nic.in |
88 | Asst. Director | Shri. Franklin Ferrao | 0832-2226084 | adi-csca.goa@nic.in |
Commercial Taxes, Goa Rajya Kar Bhavan, Old I.P.H.B. Complex, Near office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Altinho - Panaji, Goa, India. |
89 | Commissioner of State Tax |
Smt. Ruchika Katyal, IAS |
0832-2229225 0832-2229430 |
comm-ctax.goa@nic.in |
90 | Additional Commissioner of State |
Smt. Sarita Gadgil | 0832-2229225 0832-2229430 |
adcomm-ctax.goa@nic.in |
91 | Additional Commissioner of State |
Shri Chandresh C. Kunkalkar |
0832-2712025 | adcomm-south@gov.in |
92 | Dy. Commissioner of State Tax |
Shri Chandresh C. Kunkalkar |
0832-2262359 | acmap-ctax.goa@nic.in |
93 | Dy. Commissioner of State Tax, Panaji |
Shri. Vishant S.N. Gaunekar |
0832-2225558 | acpan-ctax.goa@nic.in |
94 | Dy. Commissioner of State Tax, Vasco |
Shri Rohit Kadam | 0832-2500240 | acvas-ctax.goa@nic.in |
95 | Dy. Commissioner of State Tax, Ponda |
Shri. Gauresh Pilgoankar | 0832-2318804 | acpon-ctax.goa@nic.in |
96 | Dy. Commissioner of State Tax, Bicholim |
Shri. Chandresh Kunkalkar |
0832-2229225 0832-2229430 |
acbic-ctax.goa@nic.in |
97 | Dy. Commissioner of State Tax, Margao |
Smt. Darshani S. Dessai | 0832-2712055 | admar-ctax.goa@nic.in |
98 | Dy. Commissioner of State Tax, Curchorem |
Shri. Rohit Kadam | 0832-2662690 | accur-ctax.goa@gov.in |
99 | Dy. Commissioner of State Tax, Admin |
Smt. Neha A.N.Panvelkar | 0832-2229225 0832-2229430 |
acadmin-ctax.goa@nic.in |
100 | Dy. Commissioner of State Tax, Head Office |
Shri. Sachin Desai | 0832-2229225 0832-2229430 |
acaudit-ctax.goa@gov.in |
101 | Dy. Commissioner of State Tax, Enforcement (EIU) |
Shri. Vivek K. Naik | 0832-2229225 0832-2229430 |
dycstgoa-enforcement@gov.in |
102 | Office Superitendent | Commecial Taxes Office Superitendent |
0832-2229225 0832-2229430 |
- |
103 | Accounts Officer | Shri. Nilesh Gaonkar | 0832-2225576 | accounts-ctax.goa@nic.in |
104 | Deputy Commissioner State Taxes |
Shri Sagar Gaude | 0832-2229225 0832-2229430 |
- |
Cooperation, 4th Floor Sahakar Sankul EDC Complex, Patto Panaji Goa | ||||
105 | Registrar of Co-operative Societies | Shri Arvind Khutkar | 0832-2437165 0832-2437175 0832-2437134 |
reg-orcs.goa@nic.in |
106 | Dy. Registrar (Admn) | Shri Ramesh Gaonkar | 0832-2437165 0832-243175 |
- |
107 | The Asstt. Registrar of Coop. Societies, HQ, Panaji Goa |
Shri Avit Naik | 7741839478 0832-2437165 0832-2437175 0832-2437134 |
reg-ores.goa@nic.in |
108 | The Asstt. Registrar of Coop. Societies, Audit, Panaji Goa |
Shri Rupesh L. Korde | - | reg-ores.goa@nic.in |
109 | The Asstt. Registrar of Coop. Societies(Marketing), HQ, Panaji Goa |
Shri Santosh P. Naik | 9763629013 0832-2437165 0832-2437175 0832-2437134 |
reg-ores.goa@nic.in |
110 | Asstt. Registrar of Coop. Societies,South Zone |
Shri. Pundalik A. Parab | 9423059073 0832-2733578 |
aresmargao-ores.goa@nic.in |
111 | Asstt. Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Quepem Zone |
Shri. Suraj S. Ghaisas | 9822982264 0832-2662227 |
aresquepem-ores.goa@nic.in |
112 | Dy. Registrar Of Cooperative Societies(Tech) |
Shri. Pundalik Khorjuvekar | 9420595095 0832-2437134 0832-2437165 0832-2437175 |
reg-orcs.goa@nic.in |
113 | Asstt. Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Ponda Zone |
Smt. Pratima J. Braganza | 9403273067 0832-2313025 |
aresponda-ores.goa@nic.in |
114 | Assistant Registrar Of Cooperative Societies, Central Zone, Panaji |
Shri. Pandurang S. Sawant | 9403270430 0832-2437134 0832-2437165 0832-2437175 |
reg-orcs.goa@nic.in |
115 | Asstt. Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Sankhali Zone |
Shri Pankaj V. Maratthe | 9822986655 | - |
116 | Assist. Registrar of Cooperative Societies, North Zone |
Shri. M. N. Kalgutkar | 0832-2262662 | aresmapusa-ores.goa@nic.in |
117 | Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Socities (Tech) also Additional Charge of Member Secretary, Ravindra Bhavan, Mormugao |
Shri Dattaraj Krishna Gauns Dessai |
0832-2437165 0832-2437175 0832-2437134 |
- |
Department of Environment and Climate Change , 4th Floor Dempo Towers, Patto - Panaji - 403 511 |
118 | Director/Jt.Secretary | Shri.Dashrath Redkar | 0832-2416581 0832-2416582 0832-2416583 0832-2416584 0832-2416585 |
dir-env.goa@nic.in dasharathredkar@gmail.com |
119 | O.S.D. (Environment & Climate Change) |
Shri. Sanjeev Joglekar | 9158008605 0832-2951089 |
sanjucat@yahoo.com |
Commissioner of Excise, Ground Floor of Goa Rajya Kar Bhavan, Altinho, Panaji Goa | ||||
120 | Commissioner of Excise along with Additional Commissioner Charge |
Shri Narayan Gad | 9822383488 0832-2425593 0832-2420045 |
exci-comm.goa@nic.in |
121 | Assistant Commissioner Of Excise |
Shri Mangaldas Gaonkar | 8830797152 0832-2425593 |
mb.gaonkar90@gov.in |
122 | Superintendent Of Excise (South) |
Shri Nilesh B. Naik | 8830098507 0832-2425593 |
naiknilesh.goa@gov.in |
123 | Superintendent Of Excise (North) |
Shri Mahesh Korgaonkar | 9822165554 0832-2425593 |
korgaonkarmahesh.goa@gov.in |
Finance Department , Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa | ||||
124 | Finance - Secretary | Dr. V. Candavelou, IAS (1997) |
0832-2419440 0832-2419405 |
jsfin-sect.goa@nic.in |
125 | Additional Secretary (Finance) | Shri Vikas S. Naik Gaunekar |
0832-2419426 0832-2419427 0832-2419664 |
Jsfin-sect.goa@nic.in jsrc-sect.goa@nic.in |
Department of Finance- Audit / Budget Division, Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa | ||||
126 | Joint Secretary(Budget) | Ms. Nidhi A. Satija, (IES) 2012 |
8510075555 | - |
127 | Additional Charge Under Secretary |
Smt. Maya Pednekar | 0832-2419451 | - |
Department of Finance- Debt Managenent Division, Secretariat | ||||
128 | Additional Secretary (Finance) |
Shri Vikas S. Naik Gaunekar |
0832-2419426 0832-2419427 0832-2419664 |
Jsfin-sect.goa@nic.in jsrc-sect.goa@nic.in |
129 | Under Secretary | Shri Pranab G. Bhat | 9049654260 0832-2419695 |
- |
Department of Finance- Expenditure Division, Secretariat | ||||
130 | Under Secretary - Expenditure | Shri Premraj Shirodkar | 8830413394 | |
Department of Finance- Revenue Control Division, Secretariat | ||||
131 | Under Secretary (Revenue Control) Also Additional Charge ( Budget - I ) & (Budget - II - DMU) |
Shri Pranab G. Bhat | 9049654260 0832-2419448 0832-2419664 |
usfinexp-sect.gov@nic.in |
132 | Principal Secretary (Finance) | Dr. V. Candavelou, IAS (1997) |
- | usrc-sect.goa@nic.in |
Department of Finance- Public Private Partnership Division, Secretariat | ||||
133 | Director | Dr. Suresh Shanbhogue | 0832-2419542 0832-2419543 |
ppp-cell.goa@nic.in |
Department of Forest, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests , Goa,Van Bhawan, Altinho, Panaji, Goa-403001 |
134 | Principal Chief Conservator of Forests |
Shri R. K. Gupta, IFS,(AGMUT:1988) |
0832-2492521 0832-2492501 |
pccf-fore.goa@gov.in |
135 | Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Chief Wildlife Warden. |
Shri Santosh Kumar, IFS | 7798986100 0832-2492521 0832-2492501 |
apccf.goa@gmail.com |
136 | Chief Conservator of Forests | Shri Keshav Kumar, IFS | 9990022874 0832-249253 0832-249503 |
- |
137 | Conservator of Forests, Conservation & (addl. Charge) Conservator of Forests, Wildlife & Eco-Tourism |
Shri Saurabh Kumar, IFS | 9772510682 0832-2492525 0832-2492505 0832-2492504 |
cfc-forest.goa@nic.in |
138 | Deputy Conservator of Forests |
Smt Anisha Kalkoor | 7798986115 0832-2312095 0832-2312856 |
dcfnorth-forest.goa@nic.in |
139 | Deputy Conservator of Forests |
Shri Anil A. Shetgaonkar | 7798986116 0832-2756309 0832-2750246 |
dcfsouth-forest.goa@nic.in |
140 | Dy Director (Admin) | Shri H B Khedekar | 0832-2492521 0832-2492501 |
Department of Handicraft Textile And Coir, CraftComplex, Neuginagar Panaji - Goa | ||||
141 | Director | Shri Arvind Bugde | 8668938002 | dhtcgoa@gmail.com |
142 | Technical Officer | Shri Ashok Shetye | 7588446160 | dhtcgoa@gmail.com |
Department of industries, Secretariat, Porvorim – Goa | ||||
143 | Under Secretary (Industries) | Smt. Amalia O. F. Pinto | 0832-2419445 | usind-sect.goa@nic.in |
144 | Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer |
Shri Ravi Dhawan, IAS | 0832-2220440 (Ext: 101) |
office@imaginepanaji.com |
Department of Information and Publicity, 3rd Floor, Udyog Bhavan Panaji, Tiswadi, Goa - 403001 |
145 | Director | Shri Dipak Bandekar | 0832-2223157 0832-2226047 |
dir-info.goa@nic.in |
146 | Joint Director | Shri Ganesh Barve | 0832-2223157 0832-2226047 |
dir-info.goa@nic.in |
Department of Information Technology, |
147 | Director (IT) | Shri. Praveen Volvotkar | 0832-2221505 0832-2221509 |
dir-dit.goa@nic.in |
148 | Deputy Director (Administration) |
Shri H.B Khedekar | 0832-2221505 0832-2221509 |
- |
149 | Deputy Director (IT) | Shri Harshad V. Pawar | 0832-2221505 0832-2221509 |
harshad.pawar@nic.in |
150 | Deputy Director (IT) | Shri Nijanand V. Vasta | 0832-2221505 0832-2221509 |
nijanand.vasta@nic.in |
151 | Deputy Director (IT Infrastructure) |
Shri Siddharth Borkar | 0832-2221505 0832-2221509 |
siddharth.borkar@nic.in |
152 | Deputy Director (IT Infrastructure) |
Shri Akash S. Kantak | 0832-2221505 0832-2221509 |
akash.kantak@nic.in |
153 | Assistant Director (IT) | Shri Gaurabh Sawal | 0832-2221505 0832-2221509 |
gaurabh.sawal@nic.in |
154 | Assistant Director (IT) | Shri Rajesh Pednekar | 0832-2221505 0832-2221509 |
pednekar.rajesh@nic.in |
155 | Assistant Director (IT) | Shri Hirendra Parulekar | 0832-2221505 0832-2221509 |
hirendra.parulekar@nic.in |
156 | Assistant Director (IT) | Mrs. Fiona D'costa | 0832-2221505 0832-2221509 |
fiona.dcosta@nic.in |
157 | Assistant Director (IT) | Shri Sagar Gurav | 0832-2221505 0832-2221509 |
sagar.gurav@nic.in |
158 | Assistant Director (IT) | Smt. Priyatama Patil | 0832-2221505 0832-2221509 |
priatama.d@nic.in |
159 | Assistant Director (IT) | Smt. Prashila Borkar | 0832-2221505 0832-2221509 |
prashila.rs@nic.in |
160 | Assistant Director (IT) | Shri Pradeep Gaonkar | 0832-2221505 0832-2221509 |
pradeep.gaonkar@nic.in |
Law & Judiciary And Legislative Affairs Department, Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa |
161 | Secretary ( Law & Judiciary And Legislative Affairs ) |
Shri. Sandip Jacques , IAS | 0832-2419417 0832-2419469 |
- |
162 | Under Secretary (Establishment) |
Shri Amir Y. Parab | 0832-2419469 0832-2419810 |
usestt-sect.goa@nic.in |
Legal Metrology Bhavan, Next to National Sample Survey Office, Near AIR India Colony, Housing Board, Alto Porvorim, Goa 403521 |
163 | Controller | Shri Prasad S. Shirodkar | 0832-2416432 | con-lega.goa@nic.in |
164 | Inspector, Legal Metrology | Vikas .V. Kandolkar | 9822153491 0832-2416432 |
vikas.kandolkar@gov.in |
Personnel Department,Secretariat,Porvorim Goa | ||||
165 | Joint Secretary-Personnel with Additional Charge Secretary - Goa Staff Selection Commission |
Smt. Meghana Shetgaonkar |
0832-2419475 0832-2419476 |
us-pers.goa@nic.in |
166 | Under Secretary (Personnel-I) |
Shri Eshant Sawant | 0832-2419475 0832-2419476 |
us-pers.goa@nic.in usper1-sect.goa@nic.in |
167 | Under Secretary (Personnel-II) |
Smt. Nathine Stevea Araujo |
0832-2419476 | us-pers.goa@nic.in |
Department Of Printing and Stationery, M. G. Road Near Azad Maidan Panaji – Goa | ||||
168 | Director | Shri Rajendra D. Mirajkar | 9423324140 0832-2426491 |
dir-gpps.goa@nic.in |
169 | Deputy Director (Administration) |
Smt. Asha Harmalkar | 0832-2426441 | dir-gpps.goa@nic.in |
170 | Deputy Director (Technical) |
Shri Andre T. A. Pereira | 0832-2426441 | dir-gpps.goa@nic.in |
171 | Assistant AccountsOfficer |
Shri Shankar B. Sawant | 0832-2426441 | dir-gpps.goa@nic.in |
Department Of Sainik Welfare Building, Collectorate Building, Panaji Goa | ||||
172 | (Retd.) Secretary | Major Venugopal Nair | 9420686834 0832-2227138 |
secyrsbgoa@gmail.com |
173 | Director | Shri Levinson J. Martins | 0832-2416581 0832-2416583 0832-2416584 |
dir-ste.goa@nic.in |
Department Of Tourism , 2nd Floor Paryatan Bhavan Patto - Panaji Goa - 403001 (Block No. 43 Gr. Floor, Mathany Saldanha Administrative Complex, Margao Salcete-Goa 403601) |
174 | Director | Shri. Nikhil Dessai, IAS | 0832-2494217 0832 2494200 0832 2494204 |
dir-tour.goa@nic.in |
175 | Asst Director (Revenue & Information) |
Shri Ganesh R. Teli | 0832-2494205 0832-2494200 |
- |
176 | Dy. Director Of Tourism (Information/North Zone/South Zone) |
Shri Rajesh Kale | 0832-2494208 0832-2794635 0832-2794633 |
- |
177 | Dy. Director(Accounts) | Smt. Sunita Singh | 0832-2494224 0832-2494200 |
- |
178 | Assistant Director Of Tourism/ PIO (South) |
Shri. Ganesh Teli | 0832-2794633 | - |
179 | Assistant Director Of Tourism/ PIO (North) (Planning/North Zone Office) |
Mr. Dhiraj Vagle | 0832-2494206 9822133053 |
dir-tour.goa@nic.in |
180 | Assistant Account Officer |
Shri Uday Wadkar | 0832-2494218 0832-2494200 |
- |
181 | Assistant Tourist Officer (South) |
Shri Rodlin Mascarenhas | 0832-2715204 | - |
182 | Assistant Tourist Officer - I (Revenue) |
Shri Gajanan Mahale | 0832-2494207 | - |
183 | Assistant Tourist Officer - I (North Zone) |
Smt Chitra Vengurlekar | 0832-2494213 | - |
184 | Assistant Tourist Officer (South) |
Shri Pradeep Binnar | 0832-2715204 | - |
185 | Assistant Tourist Officer (Information) |
Shri Jayesh Kankonkar | 0832-2494217 | - |
186 | Assistant Tourist Officer - II (North Zone) |
Shri Clifford D'Mello | 0832-2494213 | - |
187 | Assistant Tourist Officer - II (Revenue) |
Shri Milind Chodankar | 0832-2494233 | |
188 | Assistant Planning Officer ( Planning ) |
Smt Lodovina Quadros | 0832-2494211 | |
Directorate of Tribal Welfare, Shrama Shakti Bhavan, 5th Floor, Patto, Panaji- Goa. | ||||
189 | Director | Smt Triveni Velip | - | dir-tw.goa@nic.in |
190 | Deputy Director, Tribal Welfare with additional charge of Member Secretary |
Smt Swati Dalvi |
9422063213 | - |
191 | Asst Director of Tribal Welfare |
Smt. Yogini Acharya | 9420164919 0832-2438024 |
dir-tw.goa@nic.in |
192 | Deputy Director, Tribal Welfare |
Smt. Seema Salkar @ Veera Nayak |
0832-2438024 | - |
Directorate of Municipal Administration 1st floor, Dempo towers, EDC Patto Plaza, Panaji | ||||
193 | Director | Shri Gurudas Pilarnekar | 0832-2438708 | dir-dma.goa@nic.in |
194 | Deputy Director | Shri Ganesh Barve | 0832-2438708 | |
195 | Additional Director (Urban Development) with Additional Duty Of Chief Officer Bicholim Muncipal Council |
Shri Clen Madeira | 0832-2438708 | |
196 | Dy.Collector and SDM Ponda /Chief Officer, Ponda Municipal Council |
Shri. Pradeep Naik | - | sdm-ponda.goa@nic.in |
197 | Chief Officer, Pernem Muncipal Council |
Smt. Akshaya Anish Amonkar |
0832-2438708 0832-2438640 |
- |
198 | Chief Officer Ponda Municipal Council additional charge Deputy Registrar Goa Engineering College |
Shri. Yogiraj P. Gosavi | 0832-2336302 0832-2336303 |
- |
Department Of Water resources, 2nd Floor, Junta House (Annexe), Panaji | ||||
199 | Chief Engineer | Shri Pramod Badami | 9422437432 0832-2223506 |
- |
200 | Superintending Engineer | Shri S. D. Patil | 9422437435 0832-2759427 |
- |
201 | Asst. Surveyor of Works – I | Shri Mohan G. Halkatti | 9420690068 0832-2759427 |
- |
202 | Asst. Surveyor of Works – I | Shri Dinesh Mahale | 9420690076 | - |
203 | Dy. Director of Administration | Smt. Catherine Fernandes | 9420690082 0832-2223506 |
- |
204 | Director ( Admin.) | Ms Biju R Naik | 0832-2412047 | |
Accounts Department Panaji-Goa | ||||
205 | Director | Shri. Dilip K. Humraskar | 0832-2223930 Ext 201 |
dir-acco.goa@nic.in |
206 | Vigilance Officer / Joint Director of Accounts |
Shri. Rushikesh G. Halarnekar |
0832-2223930 Ext 201 |
dir-acco.goa@nic.in |
207 | Joint Director of Accounts | Smt. Thereza Fernandes | 0832-2794342 | - |
208 | Deputy Director of Accounts | Shri. Ulhas K. Naik | 0832-2223930 Ext 201 |
dir-acco.goa@nic.in |
Department Of Agriculture Krishi Bhavan, Tonca Caranzalem, Goa | ||||
209 | Director | Shri Nevil Alphonso | 9423314438 | dir-agri.goa@nic.in |
210 | District Agriculture Officer (North) |
Shri. Sanjeev Mayekar | 9422545263 0832-2465443 0832-2465845 0832-2465840 |
- |
211 | District Agriculture Officer (North) |
Shri Nevil Alphonso | 9423889662 0832-2735079 |
- |
212 | Dy. Director of Agriculture (Extension) |
Smt. Ana Camara | 0832-2465443 | - |
Department Of Archives and Archaeology Rua de Ourem, Panaji, Goa | ||||
213 | Director | Shri Dipak M. Bandekar | 0832-228795 0832-226692 |
dir-arch.goa@nic.in |
214 | Assistant Superintending Archeologist |
Shri Varad S. Sabnis | 0832-2226692 | |
215 | Archivist (Publication) | Shri Balaji Sudas Shenvy | 0832-2226692 | |
216 | Director | Shri Sagun Velip | 0832-2437941 0832-2404600 0832-2404602 |
dir-dac.goa@nic.in |
For more departments please visit. |
Telephone Directory
Head Of Department
S.No. | Department | HOD Designation |
Address | |
1 | Administrative Reforms Department |
Under Secretary | usardhyphensect.goa@nic.in | Administrative Reforms Department, Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa |
2 | Administrative Tribunal | President | president.admtrib@gmail.com reg-tribunal.goa@gov.in |
Dr. Vaidya Hospital Bldg., 3rd Floor, Near Municipal Market, Panaji -Goa |
3 | Bal Bhavan | Director | goabalbhavan@yahoo.in | Opposite Parade Ground, Campal, Panaji-Goa |
4 | Bicholim Government Industrial Training Institute |
Principal | bicholim-iti.goa@nic.in | Bicholim Government Industrial Training Institute, Valshi Bicholim-Goa |
5 | Cacora Government Industrial Training Institute |
Principal | cacora-iti.goa@nic.in | Cacora Government Industrial Training Institute Cacora, Curchorem-Goa |
6 | Canacona Government Industrial Training Institute |
Principal | canacona-iti.goa@nic.in | Canacona Government Industrial Training Institute, Mastimol, Canacona Goa |
7 | Captain of Ports Department |
Captain of Ports | cpt-port.goa@nic.in | Captain of Ports Department,Dayanand Bandodkar Road,Panaji-Goa |
8 | Collectorate North Goa | Collector | coln.goa@nic.in | North Goa District Collectorate, Collectorate Building,Panaji, Goa |
9 | Collectorate South Goa | Collector | cols.goa@nic.in | Office of the Collector and District Magistrate, South Goa District, Mathany Saldanha Administrative Complex, Margao, Goa |
10 | Corporation Of The City Of Panaji |
Commissioner | commissioner@ccpgoa.com | Dr Pandurang Pissurlekar Rd, Altinho, Panaji, Goa |
11 | Department Of Animal Husbandry And Veterinary Services |
Director | dir-ahvs.goa@nic.in | Department of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, Pashusamvardhan Bhawan, Patto, Panaji Goa |
12 | Department Of Civil Supplies And Consumer Affairs |
Director | adi-csca.goa@nic.in | 1st Lift, 2nd Floor,Junta House, Panaji-Goa |
13 | Department Of Commercial Taxes |
Commissioner of State Tax |
comm-ctax.goa@nic.in | Goa Rajya Kar Bhavan, Old I.P.H.B. Complex, Near office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Altinho - Panaji, Goa |
14 | Department Of Cooperation ( Office Of The Registrar Of Cooperative Societies) |
Registrar of Co-operative Societies |
reg-orcs.goa@nic.in | 4th Floor Sahakar Sankul EDC Complex, Patto Panaji Goa |
15 | Department Of Enviornment & Climate Change |
Director | dir-env.goa@nic.in | Department of Environment and Climate Change ,4th Floor Dempo Towers ,Patto - Panaji, Goa |
16 | Department Of Excise | Commissioner of Excise |
exci-comm.goa@nic.in | O/o. The Commissioner of Excise, Ground Floor of Goa Rajya Kar Bhavan, Altinho, Panaji Goa |
17 | Department Of Finance | Principal Secretary (Finance) |
jsfin-sect.goa@nic.in | Department Of Finance, Secretariat Porvorim - Goa |
18 | Department Of Finance- Audit / Budget Division |
Principal Secretary (Finance) |
usbud2-sect.goa@nic.in |
Department Of Finance - Audit / Budget Division, Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa |
19 | Department Of Finance- (Debt Management) Division |
Principal Secretary (Finance) |
usbud1-sect.goa@nic.in | Department Of Finance - Debt Management Division, Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa |
20 | Department Of Finance- Expenditure Division |
Under Secretary (Finance- Expenditure) |
usfinexp-sect.gov@nic.in | Department Of Finance - Expenditure Division, Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa |
21 | Department Of Finance- Public Private Partnership Division, Secretariat |
Director | ppp-cell.goa@nic.in | Room No. 19,Secretariat, Porvorim, Bardez, Goa-403521 |
22 | Department Of Finance- Revenue & Control Division,Secretariat |
Principal Secretary (Finance) |
usrc-sect.goa@nic.in | Department Of Finance - Revenue & Control Division, Secretariat , Porvorim - Goa |
23 | Department Of Forests | Principal Chief Conservator of Forests |
pccf-fore.goa@gov.in | Office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forest,Goa Van Bhavan, Forest Department, Altinho, Panaji Goa |
24 | Department Of Handicrafts Textile And Coir |
Director | dhtcgoa@gmail.com | Craft Complex, Neuginagar,Panaji - Goa |
25 | Department Of Industries, Secretariat |
Under Secretary (Industries) |
usind-sect.goa@nic.in | Department Of Industries, Secretariat, Porvorim - Goa |
26 | Department Of Information And Publicity |
Director | dir-dip.goa@gov.in | 3rd Floor, Udyog Bhavan Panaji, Tiswadi, Goa |
27 | Department Of Information Technology |
Director | dir-dit.goa@nic.in | Department of Information Technology, 2nd Floor IT Hub, Altinho, Panaji, Goa - 403001 |
28 | Department Of Law & Judiciary (Legal Affairs Division) Secretariat |
Secretary ( Law & Judiciary) |
usestt-sect.goa@nic.in | Department Of Law & Judiciary (Legal Affairs Division) , Secretariat, Porvorim - Goa |
29 | Department Of Law & Judiciary (Establishment Division) Secretariat |
Under Secretary (Establishment) |
usestt-sect.goa@nic.in | Department Of Law & Judiciary (Establishment Division) , Secretariat, Porvorim - Goa |
30 | Department Of Legal Metrology |
Controller Legal Metrology |
con-lega.goa@nic.in | Legal Metrology Bhavan, Next to National Sample Survey Office, Near AIR India Colony, Housing Board, Alto Porvorim, Goa |
31 | Department Of Personnel | Under Secretary | us-pers.goa@nic.in | Department Of Personnel , Secretariat,Porvorim, Goa |
32 | Department Of Printing And Stationery |
Director | dir-gpps.goa@nic.in | M. G. Road Near Azad Maidan Panaji - Goa |
33 | Department Of Rural Development |
Director | pdn-drda.goa@nic.in | District Rural Development Agency, North Goa District, Spaces Building, 7th Floor, Patto Plaza, Panaji Goa. |
34 | Department Of Sainik Welfare |
Secretary | secy-dsw.goa@nic.in | Department of Sainik Welfare, Ground Floor, Collector Building, Panaji-Goa |
35 | Department Of Science, Technology And Waste Management |
Director | dir-ste.goa@nic.in | First Floor, Pandit Deendayal Upadhay Bhavan,Behind Pundalik Devasthan, Near Sanjay School,Porvorim,Bardez-Goa |
36 | Department Of Tourism | Director | dir-tour.goa@nic.in | 1st FloorParyatan Bhavan Patto - Panaji , Goa - 403001 |
37 | Department of Tribal Welfare |
Director | dir-tw.goa@nic.in | Shrama Shakti Bhavan 5th Floor, Patto,Panaji- Goa. |
38 | Department Of Urban Development (Municipal Administration ) |
Director | dir-dma.goa@nic.in | 1st Floor, Dempo Tower, Panaji Goa |
39 | Department Of Water Resources |
Chief Engineer | ce-wrd.goa@nic.in | Sinchai Bhawan,Nr. Police Station, Alto-Porvorim. |
40 | Directorate Of Accounts | Director | dir-acco.goa@nic.in | Directorate of Accounts Opp. Old Secretariat, Fazenda Building, Panaji, Goa |
41 | Directorate Of Agriculture | Director | dir-agri.goa@nic.in | Krishi Bhavan, Tonca, Caranzalem, Goa |
42 | Directorate Of Archives And Archaeology |
Director | dir-arch.goa@nic.in | Directorate of Archives and Archeology Our em Road, Mala, Panaji |
43 | Directorate Of Art And Culture |
Director | dir-dac.goa@nic.in | Sanskruti Bhavan, Patto, Panaji- Goa |
44 | Directorate Of Civil Aviation |
Director/Ex-Officio Joint Secretary |
dir-civilavia.goa@nic.in patodir-doca.goa@gov.in |
Room No. 19,Secretariat, Porvorim,Bardez, Goa |
45 | Directorate Of Education | Director | dir-educ.goa@nic.in | Directorate of Education, Porvorim, Goa |
46 | Directorate Of Fire And Emergency Services |
Director | dir-fire.goa@nic.in | Directorate of Fire & Emergency Services, St. Inez, Panaji-Goa |
47 | Directorate Of Fisheries | Director | dir-fish.goa@nic.in | Dayanand Bandodkar Marg. Next to Captain of Ports, Panaji Goa |
48 | Directorate Of Food And Drugs Administration |
Director | off-dfda.goa@nic.in | Dhanwantari, Opposite Shrine of the Holy Cross, Bambolim - Goa |
49 | Directorate Of Health Services |
Director | dir-heal.goa@nic.in | Directorate of Health Services Campal, Panaji - Goa |
50 | Directorate Of Higher Education |
Director | dir-dhe.goa@nic.in | Directorate of Higher Education, SCERT Building, Alto, Porvorim-Goa |
51 | Directorate Of Industries Trade And Commerce |
Director | dir-indu.goa@nic.in | Udyog Bhavan, Panaji, Goa |
52 | Directorate Of Mines And Geology |
Director | dir-mine.goa@nic.in | Directorate of Mines & Geology, Institute Menezes Braganza, Ground Floor, Panaji |
53 | Directorate Of Museums (Goa State Museum) |
Director | museum@goamuseum.gov.in | Adilshaha Palace, Old Secretariat, Panaji - Goa |
54 | Directorate Of Official Language |
Director | dir-dol.goa@nic.in official.language09@gmail.com |
1st Lift, 5th Floor, Junta House, Panaji,Tiswadi, Goa |
55 | Directorate Of Panchayats | Director | dir-panc.goa@nic.in | 3rd lift, 3rd floor, Junta house, Panaji-Goa |
56 | Directorate Of Planning, Statistics And Evaluation |
Director | planning-dpse.goa@nic.in | Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Bhavan,Near Pundalik Devasthan, Pundalik Nagar, Alto-Porvorim, Bardez- Goa |
57 | Directorate Of Prosecution | Director | dir-dp.goa@nic.in | 7th floor, Shram Shakti Bhavan, Patto Plaza, Panaji, Goa |
58 | Directorate of Settlement And Land Records |
Director | dir-land.goa@nic.in | Collectorate Building, Swami Vivekanand Road, Panaji - Goa |
59 | Directorate Of Skill Development And Entrepreneurship |
Director | dir-ct.goa@nic.in | 3rd Floor,Shrama Shakti Bhavan, Patto, Panaji Goa |
60 | Directorate Of Small Savings And Lotteries |
Director | dir-lott.goa@nic.in | Serra Building, Near All India Radio (AIR) Altinho,Panaji, Goa |
61 | Directorate Of Social Welfare |
Director | socialwelfaregoa@rediffmail.com | Directorate Of Social Welfare, 18th June Road, Panaji - Goa |
62 | Directorate Of Sports And Youth Affairs |
Director | dir-spor.goa@nic.in | Directorate of Sports and Youth Affairs, Campal, Panaji - Goa |
63 | Directorate of Technical Education |
Director | dir-dte.goa@nic.in | Directorate Of Technical Education Building , Porvorim, Goa |
64 | Directorate Of Transport | Director | dir-tran.goa@nic.in | Directorate of Transport, Government of Goa, 1st lift 1st floor, Junta house. 18th June road, Panaji Goa |
65 | Directorate Of Vigilance | Director | adv-dv.goa@nic.in | Serra Building,Near Al l India Radio, Altinho Panaji, Goa |
66 | Directorate Of Women And Child Development |
Director | dir-wcd.goa@nic.in | 2nd Floor, Old Education Building,18th June Road, Panjim-Goa |
67 | District And Subordinate Judiciary Of North Goa |
Principal District & Session Judge |
reg-ngdc.goa@nic.in | Court of the Senior Civil Judge & Chief Judicial Magistrate , North Goa, Lyceum Complex , Altinho, Panaji-Goa |
68 | District And Subordinate Judiciary Of South Goa |
Principal District & Session Judge |
reg-sgdc.goa@nic.in | District and Session Court, Old Market,Margao-Goa |
69 | District Rural Development Agency, North Goa |
Project Director | pdn-drda.goa@nic.in | Spaces Building, 7th Floor, Patto Plaza, Panaji Goa. |
70 | District Rural Development Agency, South Goa |
Project Director | pds-drda.goa@nic.in | Mathany Saldanha Administrative Complex, 2nd Floor, Block No.202, South Goa, Margao. |
71 | Economic Development Corporation Limited |
Managing Director | edcpanaji@edc-goa.com | EDC Limited, 1st Floor, "EDC House",Dr. A.B Road, Panaji,P.B. No.275,Panaji-Goa |
72 | Electricity Department | Chief Electrical Engineer |
cee-elec.goa@nic.in | Office of the Chief Electrical Engineer,Government of Goa, Electricity Department,3rd Floor, Vidyut Bhavan, Adjacent Hotel Mandovi, Panaji, Tiswadi, Goa |
73 | Entertainment Society of Goa |
Chief Executive Office |
ceo@iffigoa.org | Entertainment Society of Goa, Maquinez Palace Complex,Dayanand Bandodkar Marg, Campal Panaji Goa |
74 | Farmagudi Government Industrial Training Institute |
Principal | farmagudi-iti.goa@nic.in | Farmagudi, Ponda, Goa- 403401 |
75 | Forest Department, Secretariat |
Under Secretary | usforest-sect.goa@nic.in | Forest Department, Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa |
76 | General Administrative Department |
Under Secretary | usga1-sect.goa@nic.in usga2-sect.goa@nic.in |
General Administration Department, Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa |
77 | Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education |
Chairman | sec-gbshse.goa@nic.in | Porvorim, Alto Betim, Goa |
78 | Goa College Of Architecture |
Principal | prin.architecture@unigoa.ac.in | Dr. T.B. Cunha Educational Complex, Altinho-Panaji-Goa |
79 | Goa College Of Art | Principal | ppl-gcart.goa@gov.in | Goa Arts College Altinho, Panaji-Goa |
80 | Goa Engineering College | Principal | ppl@gec.ac.in | "Bhausaheb Bandodkar Technical Education Complex",Farmagudi, Ponda - Goa |
81 | Goa College Of Home Science |
Principal | principalgchs@rediffmail.com | Opp. Parade Ground, D. B. Road, Campal, Panaji, Goa |
82 | Goa College Of Music | Principal | principal-gcom@gov.in | Goa College of Music, Altinho Panaji-Goa |
83 | Goa College Of Pharmacy | Principal | principal.gcp.goa@gov.in | 18th June Road, Panaji, Goa |
84 | Goa Commission For Scheduled Castes And Scheduled Tribes |
Secretary / CEO | ceo-gcscst.goa@nic.in |
Shram Shakti Bhavan, Gr. Floor,Patto,Panaji Goa |
85 | Goa Dental College And Hospital |
Dean | dean-gdch.goa@nic.in | Goa Dental College & Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi Medical Complex, Bambolim, Goa |
86 | Goa Education Development Corporation |
Managing Director | office-gedc.goa@nic.in | Ground Floor, SCERT Building, Alto-Porvorim-Goa |
87 | Goa Electronics Limited | Managing Director | info@goaelectronics.co. | Ground floor, Shramshakti Bhavan,EDC Complex,Patto Plaza,Panjim,Goa |
88 | Goa Energy Development Agency (GEDA) |
Member Secretary | gedagoa@yahoo.com | 5th Floor, Goa IDC Building Patto,Panaji - Goa |
89 | Goa Football Development Council |
Member Secretary | contact@gfdc.in | Bambolim Athletic Stadium Goa |
90 | Goa Forest Development Corporation Ltd |
Managing Director | mdgfdc@gmail.com | Junta House 3rd Floor, Panaji Tiswadi, Goa |
91 | Goa Gazetteer | Executive Editor | eed-gaz.goa@gov.in | Junta House,3rd Lift, 4th Floor, Panaji - Goa |
92 | Goa Handicrafts Rural And Small Scale Industries Development Corporation |
Managing Director | ghrssidc@gmail.com | Crafts Complex, Neugi Nagar,Panjim- Goa |
93 | Goa Housing Board | Managing Director | goahousingboard@yahoo.in | Goa Housing Board, Head Office Alto Betim, Porvorim, Goa |
94 | Goa Human Resource Development Corporation |
Managing Director | admnghrdc@gmail.com | Near D.I.E.T Building, Alto-Porvorim, Bardez -Goa 403521 |
95 | Goa Human Rights Commission |
Secretary | sect-ghrc.goa@nic.in | Goa Human Rights Commission, 1st Floor, Old Directorate of Education Building, 18th June Road, Panaji, Goa |
96 | Goa Industrial Development Corporation |
Managing Director | goaidc1965@gmail.com | Plot No. 13-A-2,EDC ComplexPatto Plaza, Panjim - Goa |
97 | Goa Institute Of Public Administration & Rural Development |
Director General | gird.goa@nic.in | Ella Old Goa |
98 | Goa Investment Promotion and Facilitation Board |
Chief Executive Officer |
ceo-ipb.goa@gov.in | Goa Investment Promotion & Facilitation Board, 1st floor, SPACES, EDC Patto Plaza, Panaji Goa |
99 | Goa Khadi And Village Industries Board |
Chief Executive Officer |
goakvib@yahoo.co.in | Goa Khadi and Village Industries Board 2nd floor, 2nd lift, Junta House, 18th June Road, Panaji, Goa |
100 | Goa Konkani Academy | Secretary | konkaniakademi@gmail.com | Patto Colony, Panaji-Goa |
101 | Goa Legisative Assembly | Officiating Secretary Legislature |
sec-legi.goa@nic.in | Assembly Complex Alto Porvorim Bardez Goa |
102 | Goa Meat Complex Ltd | Managing Director | complexgoameat@yahoo.in | Sesa Ghor, 3rd Floor, 3-A & 3-B, Patto Plaza, Plot No-20, E.D.C. XComplex, Panjim, Goa - 403001 |
103 | Goa Medical College And Hospitals |
Dean | dean-gmc.goa@nic.in | Goa Medical College & Hospital, Bamboli, Tiswadi Goa |
104 | Goa Panchayat Mahila Shakti Abhiyan |
President | gpmsa2020@gmail.com | Flat C-1-2, Junta Quarters,Pajifond, Margao,Salcete - Goa |
105 | Goa Police | Director General of Police |
dgpgoa@goapolice.gov.in | Goa Police Headquarters ,Near Azad Maidan ,Panaji, Goa |
106 | Goa Public Service Commission |
Secretary | sec-gpsc.goa@nic.in | EDC House, Block - C,1st Floor,Dada Vaidya Road,Panaji.Goa-403001 |
107 | Goa Rehabilitation Board | Secretary | gsrbgoa@gmail.com | Shramshakti Bhavan, Ist Floor, Patto Plaza, Panaji,Goa-403001 |
108 | Goa Samagra Shiksha Abhiyaan |
State Project Director | dir-gssa.goa@nic.in | Goa Samagra Shiksha, F irst Floor, Old SCERT Building, Alto Porvorim Bardez Goa |
109 | Goa State AIDS Control Society |
Project Director | projdir-gsacs.goa@nic.in | 1st Floor, Dayanand Smruti Building,Swami Vivekanand Road, Panaji,Goa-403 001 |
110 | Goa State Biodiversity Board |
Member Secretary | goa-gsbb@gov.in | Goa State Biodiversity Board (GSBB),C/o Department of Science, Technology & Environment, Opp. Saligao Seminary, Saligao, Bardez, Goa |
111 | Goa State Central Library | Curator | lib-cent.goa@nic.in | Krishnadas Shama, Goa State Central Library, Sanskruti Bhavan, Patto, Panaji |
112 | Goa State Co-Op. Marketing And Supply Federation Ltd |
Managing Director | goamktg.fed@rediffmail.com | Sahakar Bhavan, Muncipal Market, Panaji-Goa |
113 | Goa State Commission For Backward Classes |
Chairman | gscbc2012@gmail.com | Old IPHB Complex, Altinho, Panaji, Goa-403001 |
114 | Goa State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission |
Registrar | goa-sforum@nic.in | Goa State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, 1st lift, 4th floor, Junta House, panaji Goa- 403001 |
115 | Goa State Election Commission |
Secretary | comm-gsec.goa@nic.in | Next to B.S.N.L Tower, Opposite Joggers Park,Altinho, Panaji-Goa |
116 | Goa State Horticultural Corporation Ltd. |
Managing Director | gshcl123@gmail.com | Kullagor,Tonca, Caranzalem,Goa |
117 | Goa State Information Commission |
Under Secretary | spio-gsic.goa@nic.in | Kamat Tower", 7th Floor, Patto Plaza,Panaji, Goa |
118 | Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation |
Managing Director | email@gsidcltd.com | 7th Floor, EDC House, Dr. Atmaram Borkar Road,Panaji, Goa. |
119 | Goa State Pollution Control Board |
Member Secretary | mail.gspcb@gov.in | Near Pilerne Industrial Estate, Opposite Saligao Seminary, Saligao – Bardez Goa |
120 | Goa State Scheduled Tribe Finance And Development Corporation Ltd. |
Chairman | gsstfdcl2018@gmail.com | 2nd floor, Dayanand Smruti Building, Swami Vivekanand Road, Panaji, Goa |
121 | Goa State Social Welfare Board |
Chairperson | goasswb@yahoo.co.in | Hotel Paradise Inn, 2nd Floor, Rua-de-Ourem Road, Panaji Goa |
122 | Goa State Urban Development Agency |
Member Secretary | gsuda.gsuda@yahoo.com | Shramashakti Bhavan 6th Floor, Patto Plaza, Panaji, Goa – 403001 |
123 | Goa State Wetland Authority |
Member Secretary | ms-gswa.goa@gov.in | 4th Floor, Dempo Towers, Patto Plaza, Panaji – Goa |
124 | Goa Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. |
Managing Director | md@goa-tourism.com | Paryatan Bhavan,3rd Floor, Patto Plaza, Panaji-Goa-403001 |
125 | Goa University | Registrar | registrar@unigoa.ac.in | Goa University, Taleigao Plateau, Goa |
126 | Goa Waste Management Corporation |
Managing Director | md.gwmc@zerowastegoa.com | Goa Waste Management Corporation, Opp. Saligao Seminary, Saligao Plateau, Saligao, Bardez, Goa |
127 | Government College, Khandola |
Principal | gcasck@rediffmail.com | Government College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Khandola, Marcela-Goa |
128 | Government College, Margao |
Principal | principal@gccem.ac.in | Government College Of Commerce And Economics, Borda, Margao, Goa. |
129 | Government College, Pernem |
Principal | gcacpg@yahoo.co.in | Sant Sohirobanath Ambiye Govt. College of Arts & Commerce, Virnoda, Pernem, Goa |
130 | Government College, Quepem |
Principal | govtcollegequepem@gmail.com | Quepem-Goa |
131 | Government College, Sanquelim |
Principal | gcascs@gmail.com | Govt. College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sanquelim, Goa |
132 | Government Polytechnic, Bicholim |
Principal | principalgpbicholim@gmail.com | Government Polytechnic, Mayem, Bicholim-Goa |
133 | Government Polytechnic Curchorem |
Principal | principal-gpc.goa@nic.in | Curchorem, Cacora-Goa |
134 | Government Polytechnic Panjim |
Principal | ppl-gpp.goa@nic.in | Government Polytechnic, Altinho, Panaji-Goa |
135 | Greater Panaji Planning And Development Authority |
Member Secretary | membersecretarygppda@gmail.com | Greater Panaji Planning and Development Authority, Archdiocese Building Mala, Panaji Goa. |
136 | Home Department -Secretariat |
Under Secretary | usgen-home.goa@nic.in | Home Department, Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa |
137 | Home Guards And Civil Defence |
DGP/Ex-Officio Commandant General Home Guards & Director Civil Defence |
commandanthgcd@goapolice.gov.in | Office of Home Guards & Civil Defence Organisation, Police Headquarters, Opp. Azad Maidan, Panaji-Goa. |
138 | Housing Department, Secretariat |
Additional Secretary | secy-hou.goa@gov.in | Housing Department, Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa |
139 | Indian Red Cross Society, Goa State Branch |
General Secretary | ircsgoa@gmail.com | 18 June Road, Municipality Building, Panaji Goa |
140 | Industrial Tribunal and Labour Court |
Commisioner | com-labo.goa@nic.in | Shramashakti Bhavan, 2nd Floor,Patto Plaza, Panaji, Goa |
141 | Info Tech Corporation Of Goa Ltd |
Managing Director | md-itg.goa@nic.in | IT Hub, 3rd Floor, Altinho, Panaji, Goa - 403001 |
142 | Inspectorate General Of Prisons |
Inspector General of Prison |
igp-pris.goa@nic.in | Inspector General of Prisons, Old Education Building, 1st Floor, 18th June Road, Panaji, Goa |
143 | Inspectorate Of Factories And Boilers |
Chief Inspector | ci-ifb.goa@nic.in | Institute of Safety, Occupational Health and Environment,Altinho, Panaji, Goa - 403001 |
144 | Institute Menezes Braganza |
Member Secretary | imbpanaji@yahoo.com | Near Police Head Quarters, Panaji-Goa |
145 | Institute Of Nursing Education |
Principal | principal-ine.goa@nic.in | Near Holy Cross Shrine, Bambolim, Goa-403202 |
146 | Institute of Psychiatry And Human Behaviour |
Director/Dean | dir-iphb.goa@nic.in | Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour, Opp: Holy Shrine Cross, Bamboli-Goa |
147 | Institute Of Public Assistance (Provedoria) |
Director | provedoria1984@gmail.com | Mala Panaji, Goa |
148 | Institute Of Shipbuilding Technology, Goa |
Principal | isbt@isbt.ac.in | Institute of Shipbuilding Technology, Goa Bogda, Vasco da Gama, Goa |
149 | Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd |
Managing Director | ktclmd@gmail.com | Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd. Parasio de Goa, Alto Porvorim, Bardez-Goa |
150 | Kala Academy | Member Secretary | kalaacademygoa@yahoo.co.in | Campal Panaji-Goa |
151 | Labour Department, Secretariat |
Under Secretary | uslabour-sect.goa@nic.in |
Labour Department, Secretariat, Porvorim,Goa |
152 | Mapusa Government Industrial Training Institute |
Principal | mapusa-iti.goa@nic.in | Behind District Hospital, Peddem, Mapusa Bardez Goa |
153 | Margao Government Industrial Training Institute |
Principal | margao-iti.goa@nic.in | Margao Government Industrial Training Institute Borda Margao Goa |
154 | Mormugao Planning And Development Authority |
Member Secretary | membersecretarympda@gmail.com | Commerce Center, Vasco Da Gama, Goa |
155 | NRI Commission | Commissioner for NRI Affairs |
commissioner-nri.goa@nic.in | Cabin No. 204, 2nd Floor, Ministerial Block, Secretariat, Porvorim Goa |
156 | North Goa Planning & Development Authority |
Member Secretary | membersecretaryngpda@gmail.com | Archdiocese Bldg, Ist Floor, Mala Link Road,Panaji, Goa-403001 |
157 | North Goa Zilla Panchayat |
Chief Executive Officer |
ceo-ngzp.goa@nic.in | Junta House, 3rd Lift, 5th Floor,Panaji, Tiswadi,Goa-403001 |
158 | Office Of Chief Electoral Officer, Election Office |
Chief Electoral Officer |
ceo_goa@eci.gov.in | Altinho, Panaji-Goa |
159 | Office Of Ombudsman | Ombudsman | ombudsman-domb.goa@nic.in | Office of Ombudsman, Govt. of Goa,Junta House Annexe, 4th Lift 6th Floor, Panaji, Goa |
160 | Office Of The Commissioner, Labour And Employment |
Commissioner | com-labo.goa@nic.in | Shrama Shakti Bhavan, Patto, Panaji - Goa |
161 | Panaji Government Industrial Training Institute |
Principal | panaji-iti.goa@nic.in | Altinho Panaji Goa |
162 | Pernem Government Industrial Training Institute |
Principal | pernem-iti.goa@nic.in | Tuem, Pernem ,Goa |
163 | Protocol And Hospitality Department |
Secretary | jsprotocol-sect.goa@nic.in | Protocol and Hospitality Department,Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa |
164 | Public Grievances | Director | publicgrievances.goa@gmail.com | Udyog Bhavan,4th Floor, Opposite Police Head Quarter, Azaad Maidan, Panaji, Goa |
165 | Public Health Department | Secretary (Health) | ushealth1-sect.goa@nic.in ushealth2-sect.goa@nic.in |
Public Health Department, Secretariat,Porvorim, Goa |
166 | Public Works Department | Principal Chief Engineer |
pce-pwd.goa@nic.in | Public Works Department, Govt. of Goa Head Office, Altinho Panaji Goa |
167 | Raj Bhavan | Secretary to Governor |
secy-governor.goa@gov.in | Dona Paula - Goa |
168 | Ravindra Bhavan, Margao |
Member Secretary | rbm-dac.goa@nic.in | Fatorda, Margao – Goa |
169 | Registration Department | State Registrar-cum -Head Of Notary Services |
srhns-rd.goa@nic.in | Office of State Registrar- cum-Head of Notary Services, Shramshakti Bhavan, 7th Floor, Patto, Panaji, Tiswadi - Goa |
170 | Revenue Department | Under Secretary | usrev1-sect.goa@nic.in usrev2-sect.goa@nic.in |
Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa |
171 | River Navigation Department |
Captain of Ports | navigationriver@yahoo.in | Opp. Gurudwara, Betim, Bardez - Goa. 403101 |
172 | Sattari Government Industrial Training Institute |
Principal | sattari-iti.goa@nic.in | Honda, Sattari, Goa |
173 | Sewerage And Infrastructural Development Corporation Of Goa Ltd |
Managing Director | info@sidcgl.com | Ishaan Building, Opposite CCP Panaji, Dr. Pissurlekar Road, Panaji-Goa. |
174 | South Goa Planning And Development Authority |
Member Secretary | sgpdamargao@yahoo.com | 4th floor, D wing , Osio Commercial Arcade, Near S.G.P.D.A market complex,Margao-Goa |
175 | State Council Of Educational, Research And Training |
Director | dir-scert.goa@nic.in | Porvorim, Bardez-Goa |
176 | State Police Complaints Authority |
Secretary | spcapanajigoa@rediffmail.com | Serra Building,Near All India Radio, Altinho, Panaji, Goa |
177 | The Goa Agricultural Produce And Livestock Marketing Board |
Secretary | gsamb5@yahoo.in | Arlem, Raia Salcete-Goa |
178 | The Goa State Scheduled Castes And Other Backward Classes Finance And D evelopment Corporation Limited |
Managing Director | goaobc@gmail.com | 4th Floor, Patto Centre,Near KTC Bus Stand,Panaji-Goa |
179 | Tiatr Academy Of Goa | Member Secretary | tiatracademy@gmail.com | AS-1, 2nd Floor, Campal Trade Centre, Campal Panaji Goa-403001 |
180 | The Sports Authority Of Goa |
Executive Director | ed.tsag-goa@nic.in | 1st Floor,Athletic Stadium,Near Cujira School Complex, Opp. Goa Medical College,Bambolim, Goa. |
181 | Town and Country Planning Department |
Chief Town Planner (Administration) |
ctp-tcp.goa@nic.in | Dempo Tower, 2nd floor Patto Plaza, Panajii - Goa-403001 |
182 | Treasury And Accounts Administration South Goa |
Joint Director of Accounts |
jtdasg-acco.goa@nic.in | Directorate of Accounts, South Branch Office, Margao-Goa |
183 | Vasco Government Industrial Training Institute |
Principal | vasco-iti.goa@nic.in | Bogda, Vasco-da- Gama, Mormugao - Goa, 403802 |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Contact | Fax | |
1 | Shri Puneet Kumar Goel | Chief Secretary | 0832-2419401 / 0832-2419402 / 0832-2419659 | cs-goa@nic.in | 0832-2415201 / 0832-2419658 |
2 | Dr. V. Candavelou | Principal Secretary (Finance) | 0832-2419440 / 0832-2419685 | sec-fin@goa.gov.in | 0832-2419687 |
3 | Shri Sanjay Goel | Commissioner cum Secretary (General Administration) | 0832-2419411 (GAD) / 0832-2419615 (Tourism) / 0832-2419405 (IT) | secyga.goa@gov.insec-tourism@goa.gov.insecy-ud.goa@gov.in | 0832 2419649 / 0832-2419645 |
4 | Shri M.R.M Rao | Secretary to Governor | 0832-2453504 | secy-governor.goa@gov.in | 0832-2453510 |
5 | Shri Sanjeev Ahuja | Resident Commissioner Goa Sadan, New Delhi | 011 24629964 | 011 24629956 | |
6 | Shri Ramesh Verma | Secretary (Elections) | 0832-2228443 / 0832-2225215 / 0832-2225228 | ceo_goa@eci.gov.in | 0832-2225448 |
7 | Shri. Sandip Jacques | Secretary (Revenue) | 0832-2419439 / 0832-2419680 / 0832-2419620 | secyrev.goa@gov.in | 0832-2419616 |
8 | Shri Subhash Chandra | Secretary (Water Resources) | 0832-2419418 / 0832-2419641 / 0832-2419419 | sec-wrd@goa.gov.in | 0832-2419638 |
9 | Shri Sarpreet Singh Gill | Secretary (Tribal Welfare) | 0832 2419415 / 0832 2419631 | secedu-sect.goa@nic.in | 0832 2419630 |
10 | Shri Arun Kumar Mishra | Secretary(Environment) | 0832-2419413 / 0832-2419626(not provided) | secyagri.goa@gov.in | |
11 | Shri. Ajit Roy | Secretary To Chief Minister | 0832-2419507 / 0832-2419508 / 0832-2419604 | sect-cmo.goa@nic.in | 0832-2419603 |
12 | Shri Sanjit Rodrigues | Secretary (Housing) | 0832-2419417 / 0832-2419636 | secy-hou.goa@gov.in | 0832-2419630 |
13 | Ms. Swetika Sachan | Secretary (Sports) | 0832-2419407 / 0832-2419406 | ||
14 | Shri Prasad Lolayekar | Secretary(Education) | secedu-sect.goa@nic.in | ||
15 | Ms. Ankita Mishra | Special Secretary (Revenue) |
Districts In Goa
Collector | Contact | Address | |
North Goa | |||
Ms. Mamu Hage, IAS(AGMUT:2017) |
0832-2223612 0832-2225383 0832-2225083 0832-2224084 |
coln.goa@nic.in | North Goa District Collectorate, Collectorate Building,Panaji, Goa(india)-403001 |
South Goa | |||
Ms. Jyoti Kumari, IAS(2018) |
0832-2794414 0832-2794324 |
cols.goa@nic.in | Collector & District Magistrate Office, South Goa District, Mathany saldanha Administrative Complex,Margoa, Goa |
Health Centers & Hospitals
CSC Centres
Name: Shri P.S. Sreedharan Pillai
EPABX: 0832-2453506 0832-2453507 0832-2453508
Office: 0832-2453501 0832-2453502
Email: governor.goa@gov.in
Fax: 0832-2453510
Address: Raj Bhavan, Dona Paula, Goa, 403004
Sr. No. |
Name | Contact No. |
1 | Dr. Pramod Sawant | 0832-2419501 0832-2419841 0832-2419842 0832-2419843 0832-2419879 0832-2419878 Fax: 0832-2419846 0832-2419840 |
2 | Shri. Vishwajit P. Rane | 0832-2419521 0832-2419821 Fax: 0832-2419854 |
3 | Shri. Mauvin Godinho | 0832-2419400 0832-2419744 |
4 | Shri.Ravi Naik | 0832-2419827 0832-2419528 Fax: 0832-2419857 |
5 | Shri. Nilesh Cabral | 0832-2419512 0832-2419813 Fax: 0832-2419849 |
6 | Shri. Subhash Shirodkar | 0832-2419817 |
7 | Shri. Rohan Khaunte | 0832-2419523 0832-2419882 0832-2419822 Fax : 0832-2419855 |
8 | Shri. Govind Gaude | 0832-2419513 0832-2419814 Fax: 0832-2419850 |
9 | Shri. Atanasio Monserrate | 0832-2419531 0832-2419829 Fax: 0832-2419836 |
10 | Shri.Ramkrishna Alias Sudin Dhavalikar |
0832-2419828 Fax: 0832-2419855 |
11 | Shri. Nilkanth Halarnkar | 0832-2419519 0832-2419820 Fax: 0832-2419853 |
12 | Shri. Subhash Phal Dessai | 0832-2419831 |
Goa Police Contact Details
SNo. | Department | Phone | Mobile | |
1 | Control Room Office | 0832-2428400 | 7875756000 | crospcr@gmail.com |
2 | Senior Citizen Helpline Spcr Panaji | 1090 | - | - |
3 | Women Whatsapp Messenger | - | 7875756177 | - |
4 | Women Helpline Spcr Panaji | 1091 | - | - |
5 | Anti-terror &Amp; Coastal Helpline Spcr Panaji | 1093 | - | - |
6 | Citizen Financial Cyber Fraud Reporting &Amp; Management System | 155260 | - | - |
7 | Vigilance Helpline | - | 7030100000 | - |
8 | District Police Control Room Porvorim | 0832-2416250 | 7875756117 | - |
9 | Control Room / Dcc Margao | 0832-2700142 (Exc.) | 7875756110 | - |
10 | Director General Of Police | 0832-2428360 | - | dgpgoa@goapolice.gov.in |
11 | Inspector General Of Police | 0832-2428738 | - | igpgoa@goapolice.gov.in |
12 | Dy. Inspector General Of Police (Crime &Amp; Range) | - | - | - |
13 | Dy. Inspector General Of Police (Hq) | 0832-2420883 | - | - |
14 | Superintendent Of Police, North-Goa / tourist Unit | 0832-2416100(North) | 7875756017 | spn-pol.goa@nic.in |
15 | Superintendent Of Police, South | 0832-2732218 | 7875756008 | sps-pol.goa@nic.in |
16 | Superintendent Of Police Head Quarter/ Acb/ Additional Charge Sp(Mt) | 0832-2428124 (HQ) 0832-2232733 (ACB) |
7875756016 | - |
17 | Superintendent Of Police – Crime/Sit (Mining, Land Grabbing/Land transferred ) Vigilance Officer For Goa Police / Central Procurement Cell | 0832-2443082(Crime Branch) | 7875756017 | spcb-pol.goa@nic.in |
18 | Superintendent Of Police - (Anc) Additional Charge Of Commandant 1St, 2Nd &Amp; 3Rd Irbn Public Relations Officer (Pro) For Goa Police Department /Sp Scrb/ Sp Mt/ Sp Sit Matka | 0832-2428217 (SCRB), 0832-2428266 (Election Cell), 0832-2421879 (ANC), 0832-2425220 (IRBn), | 7875756018 | spscrb@goapolice.gov.in spec@goapolice.gov.in spanc-pol.goa@nic.in Commandant1irb@goapolice.gov.in/ irb@goapolice.gov.in spmt@goapolice.gov.in |
19 | Superintendent Of Police - Adc to Governor | 0832-2453501 / 0832-245350102 | 7875756010 | - |
20 | Superintendent Of Police, Principal Police training School | 0832-2374248 (PTS) | 7875756009 | - |
21 | Superintendent Of Police (Security) | 0832-2428623 (Security) | 7875756013 | - |
22 | Superintendent Of Police (Coastal Security) | 0832-2222995 (Coastal) | 7875756014 | - |
23 | Superintendent Of Police (training) Additional Charge Of Sp (Sports) | 0832-2221703 (Trg.) | 7875756011 | - |
24 | Superintendent Of Police (Anti terrorist Squad) | 0832-2456111 | 7875756019 | - |
25 | Superintendent Of Police (Eoc) With Additional Charge Of S.P. (Legal And Vigilance) / Sp Election Cell | 0832-2221136 (L & V) | 7875756015 | - |
26 | Superintendent Of Police (traffic), Additional Charge Sp (Cyber Crime) | 0832-2422112 (Traffic) 0832-2443201 (Cyber) |
7875756006 | - |
27 | Superintendent Of Police (Konkan Railway) | 0832-2706048 (Rly PS) | 7875756080 | - |
28 | Superintendent Of Police (Special Branch) | 0832-2425536 (SB) | 7875756020 | - |
29 | Superintendent Of Police Frro | - | 7875756083 | - |
30 | Dy. Commandant General Home Guards And Dy. Commandant Civil Defence, Additional Charge Of Sp (Spcr) / Pink Force/ Sp (Wireless) | 0832-2220019 (HG) 0832-2425534 | 7875756058 | - |
31 | Dysp Grp A,B, C, D &Amp; E Coy (Shall Hold the Charge Of Dysp Armory And Escort Cell) Additional Charge Vice Principal Pts Valpoi (Dysp) | - | 7875756101 | - |
32 | Dysp (Eoc), Shall Hold Charge Of Dysp (Scrb) And Home Guard (Junior Staff Officer, Civil Defence &Amp; District Commandant Home Guard (Jsocd &Amp; Dchg) | 0832-2220019 (HG) 0832-2425534 0832-2428217 (SCRB) | 7875756232 | - |
33 | Dysp (Wireless) Additional Charge Of Dysp Spcr | - | 7875756176 | - |
34 | Dysp Hq (Administration) Additional Charge Of Welfare Cell | - | 7875756096 | - |
35 | Dysp (Hq) (Liasoning &Amp; Procurement Cell) Additional Charge Of tourist Police/ So to Dgp Goa | - | 7875756081 | picpchq@goapolice.gov.in |
36 | Dysp (Motor transport) Additional Charge Of Legal &Amp; Vigilance/Election Cell, Dysp Security Unit, Altinho Dysp Library | 0832-2428266 (Election Cell) | 7875756140 | - |
37 | Dysp –Anc | 0832-2421879 | 7875756102 | - |
38 | Dysp Acb/Vigilance | - | 7875756063 | - |
39 | Dysp (Cm Security) | - | 7875756094 | - |
40 | Dysp (traffic/Hq) | - | 7875756073 7875756224 |
- |
41 | Dysp – traffic North | 0832-2426580 | 7875756069 | - |
42 | Dysp traffic South | 0832-2736474 | 7875756074 | - |
43 | Dysp Konkan Railway | - | 7875756053 9822159515 |
- |
44 | Dysp Security Unit, Altinho Additional Charge Of Dysp Library | 0832-2227745 | 7875756092 | - |
45 | Dysp Special Branch (North) | 0832-2428412 | 7875756085 | - |
46 | Dysp (Sb/South), Dysp Sit For Illegal Land transferred/Land Grabbing | - | 8411972059 | - |
47 | Dysp – Foreigner's Branch / (Frro) Additional Charge Of Ahtu/Women Ps | 0832-2426545 (FRRO) | 7875756083 | frrogoa@nic.in |
48 | Dy. Commandant ( 2Nd &Amp; 3Rd Irbn) Additional Charge Of Dysp – Coastal Security | 0832-2426220 0832-2444367 (Coastal) |
7875756073 7875756224 (IRB) |
- |
49 | Dysp (Crime-Ii) | - | 7875756086 | - |
50 | Dysp (Hq/North), Porvorim | - | 7875756106 | - |
51 | Dysp Hq South Margao | - | 7875756105 | - |
52 | Dysp Ahtu/Women Ps | - | 7875756083 | - |
53 | Dysp –Communication Unit | - | 7875756096 | - |
54 | Dysp Eoc Holding Charge Of Dysp (Scrb) And (Jsocd &Amp; Dchg) | - | 8411972066 | - |
55 | Vice Principal Pts Valpoi (Dysp) | 0832-22227745 | 7875756101 | - |
56 | Dysp Sb North | 0832-2428412 | 7030949270 | - |
57 | Dysp Crime | 0832-2444888 | 7875756086 9518790589 |
- |
58 | Dysp (Cyber Crime) | 0832-2443201 | - | - |
59 | Sdpo Panaji | 0832-2226519 | 7875756021 | - |
60 | Sdpo Mapusa | 0832-2262207 | 7875756025 | - |
61 | Sdpo Pernem | - | 7875756124 | - |
62 | Sdpo Porvorim | 0832-2412723 | 7875756029 | - |
63 | Sdpo Bicholim | 0832-2363737 | 7875756032 | - |
64 | Sdpo Margao | 0832-2714454 (O) | 7875756038 | - |
65 | Sdpo Quepem | 0832-2663900 | 7875756043 | - |
66 | Sdpo Ponda Additional Charge Of Ats Panaji/ 1St Irbn Dy. Commandant | 0832-2317978 | 7875756035 | - |
67 | Sdpo Vasco | 0832-2500222 | 7875756048 | - |
68 | Sdpo Canacona | - | 7875756060 | - |
69 | Staff Officer to Igp | 0832-2428738 | 7030949358 | - |
70 | Staff Officer to Digp | 0832-2420883 | 7030948226 | - |
71 | Crime Reader, Dgp's Office, Phq Panaji (Pi) | 0832-2420649 (N/W) | 7875756129 | - |
72 | Sp North Reader (Psi) | 0832-2416100 | 7030949305 | - |
73 | Pi Panaji Ps | 0832-2428482 | 7875756022 | pipanaji@goapolice.gov.in |
74 | Pi Agacaim Ps | 0832-2218000 | 7875756023 | piagacaim@goapolice.gov.in |
75 | Pi Old Goa Ps | 0832-2285301 | 7875756024 | pioldgoa@goapolice.gov.in |
76 | Pi Woman Ps – Panaji / Pi Ahtu Ps Panaji | 0832-2428992, 0832-2421208 |
7030949311 | piwps.pan@goapolice.gov.in |
77 | Pi Mapusa Ps | 0832-2262231 | 7875756026 | pimapusa@goapolice.gov.in |
78 | Pi Anjuna Ps | 0832-2273233 | 7875756027 | pianjuna@goapolice.gov.in |
79 | Pi Colvale Ps | 0832-2993234 | 7875756234 | - |
80 | Pi Pernem Ps | 0832-2201233 | 7875756028 | pipernem@goapolice.gov.in |
81 | Pi Mopa Airport | - | 7875756178 | - |
82 | Pi Porvorim Ps | 0832-2417704 | 7875756030 | piporvorim@goapolice.gov.in |
83 | Pi Calangute Ps | 0832-2278284 | 7875756031 7030949330 |
picalangute@goapolice.gov.in |
84 | Pi Saligao Ps | 0832-2278100 | 7875756078 | pisaligao@goapolice.gov.in |
85 | Pi Bicholim Ps | 0832-2362233 | 7875756033 | pibicholim@goapolice.gov.in |
86 | Pi Valpoi Ps | 0832-2374255 | 7875756034 | pivalpoi@goapolice.gov.in |
87 | Pi Margao Ps | 0832-2705095 | 7875756039 | pimargao@goapolice.gov.in |
88 | Pi Fatorda Ps | 0832-2741000 | 7875756181 | fatordapolicestation@gmail.com |
89 | Pi Colva Ps / Addl. tourist South | 0832-2788396 | 7875756040 | pi-colva@goapolice.gov.in |
90 | Pi Cuncolim Ps | 0832-2763234 | 7875756041 | picuncolim@goapolice.gov.in |
91 | Pi Maina Curtorim Ps | 0832-2991307 | 7875756042 7030949325 |
pi-mainacurtorim@goapolice.gov.in |
92 | Pi Ahtu/Women And Child Protection Unit Margao (Addl. Charge) | 0832-2710767 (AHTU) 0832-2732048 |
7875756160 | piahtu.margao@goapolice.gov.in |
93 | Pi Quepem Ps | 0832-2662253 | 7875756044 | pi-quepem@goapolice.gov.in |
94 | Pi Curchorem Ps | 0832-2650568 | 7875756045 | picurchorem@goapolice.gov.in |
95 | Pi Sanguem Ps | 0832-2604233 | 7875756046 | pisanguem@goapolice.gov.in |
96 | Pi Canacona Ps | 0832-2633357 | 7875756047 | picanacona@goapolice.gov.in |
97 | Pi Ponda Ps | 0832-2313101 | 7875756036 | piponda@goapolice.gov.in |
98 | Pi Mardol Ps | 0832-2343433 | 7875756207 | - |
99 | Pi Collem Ps | 0832-2600233 | 7875756037 | picollem@goapolice.gov.in |
100 | Pi Vasco Ps | 0832-2512304 | 7875756049 | pi-vasco@goapolice.gov.in |
101 | Pi Mormugao Ps | 0832-2520740 (N/W) | 7875756050 | pi-mormugao@goapolice.gov.in |
102 | Pi Verna Ps | 0832-2782325 | 7875756051 | piverna@goapolice.gov.in |
103 | Pi Dabolim Airport Ps | 0832-2541506 | 7875756090 | pidaps2013@gmail.com |
104 | Pi Vasco Railway Ps | 0832-2512488 | 7875756052 7875756080 |
pivascorailway@goapolice.gov.in |
105 | Pi Konkan Railway Margao | 0832-2706048 | 7875756054 | pikrpsmargao@gmail.com |
106 | Pi Betul Coastal Security Ps | 0832-2775513 | 7875756067 | picoastal.betul@goapolice.gov.in |
107 | Pi talpona Coastal Security Ps | 0832-2262357 (N/W) | 7875756201 | picoastaltalpona@goapolice.gov.in |
108 | Pi Harbour Coastal Security Ps | 0832-2521793 (N/W) | 7875756241 | picoastalharbour@goapolice.gov.in |
109 | Pi Panaji Coastal Security Ps | 0832-2443112 (N/W) | 7875756099 | picoastal.panaji@goapolice.gov.in |
110 | Pi Chapora Coastal Security Ps | 0832-2273000 | 7875756116 | picoastalchapora@goapolice.gov.in |
111 | Pi Siolim Coastal Security Ps | 0832-2272080 | 7875756066 | picoastal.siolim@goapolice.gov.in |
112 | Pi tiracal Coastal Security Ps | - | 7875756208, 7875756240 | picoastal.tiracol@goapolice.gov.in |
113 | Pi traffic Cell Margao | 0832-2736473 | 7875756075 | - |
114 | Pi traffic Cell Colva | 0832-2780455 | 7875756118 | - |
115 | Pi traffic Cell Curchorem | 0832-2650083 | 7875756077 | - |
116 | Pi traffic Cell Canacona | 0832-2633457 | 7875756204 | - |
117 | Pi traffic Cell Ponda | 0832-2335202 | 7875756072 | - |
118 | Pi traffic Cell Quepem | 0832-2662467 | 7030949373 | - |
119 | Pi traffic Cell Vasco | 0832-2511414 | 7875756076 | - |
120 | Pi traffic Cell Dabolim Airport | 0832-2541855 | 7875756126 | - |
121 | Pi Cid/Special Branch Margao (Addl. Charge) | 0832-2715328 | 7030949283 | - |
122 | Pi Sb Ponda | - | 8999902302 | - |
123 | Pi Sb Vasco | 0832-2513932 (N/W) | 7875756147 | - |
124 | Pi Sb Centre Curchorem | - | 7030949283 | - |
125 | Pi Spcr | 0832-2428400 | 7875756064 7875756128 |
- |
126 | Lpi Spcr / Pink Force | 0832-2428400 | 7875756214 | - |
127 | Pi Wireless (Additional Charge) | 0832-2428268 | 7875756062 | - |
128 | Communication Unit Of Wireless Section | 0832-2428268 | 8411972039 | - |
129 | So Pwcr | - | 7875756176 | - |
130 | Pi Rm/ Additional Pts (Indoor) | - | 7875756217 | - |
131 | Pi Phq (Additional Charge) | - | 7875756096 7875756062 7875756213 |
- |
132 | Pi Anc | 0832-2428439 (N/W) | 7875756088 | pianc@goapolice.gov.in |
133 | Psi Phq Office | - | 7875756170 | - |
134 | Lpi Petition Cell Additional Charge Of Election Cell / Goa Police Welfare Society | 0832-2428266 (Election Cell) |
7875756111 | - |
135 | Pi Central Procurement Cell/Election Cell | 0832-2428266 (Election Cell) |
7875756153 | - |
136 | Lpi Petition Cell | - | 7875756138 | - |
137 | Pi Vigilance (L &Amp; V) | - | 8411972051 | - |
138 | Pi Foreigner's Branch / (Frro) | 0832-2426545 | 7875756084 7875756141 |
- |
139 | Pi Eoc | - | 7030949373 7875756082 |
pieoc@goapolice.gov.in |
140 | Pi Security | 0832-2227745 | 7875756144 | - |
141 | Pi Bdds /Dog Squad | 0832-2227745 | 7875756212 | - |
142 | Pi Security | 0832-2227745 | 7875756229 | - |
143 | Pi Security | 0832-2227745 | 7875756132 | - |
144 | Pi Security Rajbhavan | - | 7030949332 | - |
145 | Pi Security | 0832-2227745 | 7875756119 | - |
146 | Pi Security Unit, Panaji | - | 9823146498 | - |
147 | Pi Security Unit Panaji (Raj Bhavan) | - | 7875756207 | - |
148 | Pi Cm Security | - | 7030949273 7030949347 |
- |
149 | Pi Grp A Coy Attached to Crime Branch | 0832-2424377 | 7875756279 | - |
150 | Pi Grp "A" Coy | 0832-2424377 | 7875756225 | - |
151 | Pi Grp "B" Coy | 0832-2424377 | 8421246191 | - |
152 | Pi Grp "C" Coy/Addl. Charge Grp Armoury | 0832-2424377 | 7875756163 | - |
153 | Pi Grp "D" Coy | 0832-2424377 | 7875756211 | - |
154 | Pi Grp "E" Coy Altinho/ Attached to Phq Store | 0832-2424377 | 7875756150 | - |
155 | Pi Grp "E" Coy Altinho | - | 7875756221 | - |
156 | Pi Goa Police Welfare Society Altinho Panaji | - | 7875756062 | - |
157 | Pi Pts (Charge Of Goa Police Consumer Co-Op Society, Altinho) | 0832-2374248 | 7875756173 9822488865 7875756171 7875756152 7030949338 |
- |
158 | Pi Mt Section | - | 7875756268 | - |
159 | Mt Section | - | 7030949387 | - |
160 | Pi Sb Centre Panaji | - | 8411972046 | - |
161 | Pi Sb Panaji (Verification) | - | 8411972046 | - |
162 | Pi Sb Panaji | 0832-2426063 | 7875756147 | - |
163 | Pi Sb Bicholim | - | 7875756205 | - |
164 | Pi Sb Mapusa | 0832-2262573 | 7030949317 | - |
165 | Pi Sb Smmc (Social Media Monitoring Cell) | - | 8411972041 | - |
166 | Pi Crime Branch | 0832-2444888 | 7875756279 7875756166 7875756136 7030949312 |
picrimebranch.gpol@nic.in |
167 | Pi Crime Branch Ribander (Admin) | 0832-2444888 | 7875756122 | - |
168 | Pi Crime Branch Ribander (Sit Panaji) | 0832-2444888 | 7875756179 | - |
169 | Pi Crime Branch Ribander (Sit Mining) | 0832-2444888 | 7875756068 | - |
170 | Pi Sit Matka Cb, Ribander | - | 7875756072 | - |
171 | Pi Cyber Crime | 0832-2443201 | 7875756238 7875756261 |
picyber@goapolice.gov.in |
172 | Pi Sit For Illegal Land transferred/Land Grabbing | - | 7875756123 7875756192 9764002876 |
- |
173 | Pi Ats Ps | 0832-2456111 | 9049342780 9881338388 |
pi.ats@goapolice.gov.in |
174 | Pi Ats (Irbn) (Operation) | 0832-2456111 | 7875756157 | - |
175 | Pi traffic Cell Panaji | 0832-2447434 | 7030949299 | - |
176 | Pi traffic Cell Mapusa | 0832-2266311 | 7875756071 | - |
177 | Pi traffic Cell Pernem | - | 7875756156 | - |
178 | Pi Mopa traffic Cell | - | 7875756210 | - |
179 | Pi traffic Cell Bicholim | 0832-2362233 (Bicholim PS) |
7875756226 | - |
180 | Pi traffic Cell Calangute | 0832-2275100 | 7875756134 | - |
181 | Pi traffic Cell Anjuna | - | 7875756269 | - |
182 | Pi tec Panaji (Addl. Charge) | - | 7875756118 | - |
183 | Notice Branch Altinho | - | 7875756118 | - |
184 | Pi Acb/Vigilance | 0832-2232735 | 7030949310 7875756148 7030949297 7875756236 |
- |
185 | Pi Escort Cell Mapusa | - | 7030949349 | - |
186 | Pi Scrb | 0832-2428217 | 7875756116 | piscrb@goapolice.gov.in |
187 | Pi 1St Irbn | - | 7875756247 7875756159 7875756246 7875756253 7875756264 7875756259 |
- |
188 | Lpi 1St Irbn | - | 7875756260 | - |
189 | Pi 2Nd Irbn | - | 7875756262 7875756257 7875756251 7875756249 7875756192 9764002876 7875756255 8411972063 9923806999 |
- |
190 | Pi 3Rd Irbn | - | 7875756258 7875756254 7875756250 7875756252 7875756276 7875756261 |
- |
191 | Pi, 3Rd Irbn Ats Altinho | - | 7875756266 | - |
192 | Psi, Photographer | - | 7875756300 | - |
193 | Psi Bdds (North) | - | 7875756273 7030933409 |
- |
194 | Psi Phq Armory | - | 7875756286 | - |
195 | Asi, Dog Section | - | 9767503692 9764633424 |
- |
196 | Goa Human Rights Commission | 0832-2424031 | 7030949340 | - |
197 | Dy. Director (Admin)., Administrative Branch, Dgp's Office, Phq, Panaji | 0832-2428583 | 9552610588 | - |
198 | Office Superintendent For Dy. Director (Admin) Dgp's Office | 0832-2428583 | 9423883015 | - |
199 | Office Superintendent For Supdt. Of Police (Hq) | 0832-2428583 | 9637480909 | - |
200 | Dy. Director Of Accounts Phq Panaji | 0832-2220406 | 8411972024 9850832749 |
- |
201 | District Police Control Room Margao | 0832-2700142 | 7575756110 | - |
202 | Donapaula Outpost (Op) - Panaji | - | - | - |
203 | taleigao Outpost (Op)- Panaji | - | - | - |
204 | Ribandar Outpost (Op)- Old-Goa | 0832-2444344 N/W | - | - |
205 | Charao Outpost (Op)- Old-Goa | 0832-2239244 | - | - |
206 | St. Cruz Outpost (Op) - Old-Goa | - | - | - |
207 | Gmc Outpost (Op) - Agacaim | 0832-2495555 N/W | - | - |
208 | Betim Outpost (Op) - Porvorim | 0832-2417705 N/W | - | - |
209 | Aldona Outpost (Op) - Mapusa | 0832-2293233 N/W | - | - |
210 | Karaswada Outpost (Op) - Mapusa | - | - | - |
211 | Assnoda Outpost (Op) - Colvale | - | - | |
212 | Siolim Outpost (Op) - Anjuna | 0832-2272233 N/W | - | - |
213 | Harmal Outpost (Op) - Pernem | - | - | - |
214 | Patradevi Outpost (Op) - Pernem | - | - | - |
215 | Mopa Outpost (Op) - Pernem | - | - | - |
216 | Dodamarg Outpost (Op) - Bicholim | 0832-2380155 N/W | - | - |
217 | Usgao Pali (Bhamai) Outpost (Op) - Bicholim | 0832-2372235 N/W | - | - |
218 | Sanquelim Outpost (Op) - Bicholim | 0832-2364208 | - | - |
219 | Keri Outpost (Op) - Valpoi | 0832-2369344 N/W | - | - |
220 | Honda Outpost (Op) - Valpoi | 0832-2370233 N/W | - | |
221 | Betora Outpost (Op) - Ponda | 0832-2330555 | - | - |
222 | Marcel Outpost (Op) - Ponda | 0832-2399800 (N/W) | - | - |
223 | Farmagudi Outpost (Op) - Ponda | 0832-2335339 | - | - |
224 | Usgao tisk Outpost (Op) - Ponda | 0832-2345200 | - | - |
225 | Shiroda Outpost (Op) - Ponda | 0832-2306233 | - | - |
226 | Kundai Outpost (Op) - Ponda | - | - | - |
227 | Chandor Outpost (Op) - Maina Curtorim | 0832-2784233 | - | - |
228 | Davarlim Outpost (Op) - Maina Curtorim | - | - | - |
229 | Nessai Outpost (Op) - Maina Curtorim | - | - | - |
230 | Mollem Outpost (Op) - Collem | 0832-2612233 N/W | - | - |
231 | Cortalim Outpost (Op) - Verna | - | - | - |
232 | Sancoale (Birla) Outpost (Op) - Verna | 0832-2555732 N/W | - | - |
233 | Idc Verna Outpost (Op) - Verna | - | - | |
234 | Baina Outpost (Op) - Vasco | - | - | |
235 | Agonda Outpost (Op) - Canacona | 0832-2647630 N/W | - | - |
236 | Pollem Outpost (Op) - Canacona | 0832-2640357 N/W | - | - |
237 | Cavelossim Outpost (Op) - Colva | 0832-2871090 N/W | - | - |
238 | Assolna Outpost (Op) - Cuncolim | 0832-2773888 N/W | - | - |
239 | Vichurdem Outpost (Op) - Sanguem | 0832-2608261 N/W | - | - |
Department Of Information &
2nd Floor IT Hub,
Panaji, Goa - 403001
Fax: 0832-2221490
Related Links:
- Goa Legal Metrology Department Contact No.
- Directorate Of Agriculture Goa Contact No. 0832-246 5443
- Directorate Of Education Goa Contact No.
- Goa Accounts Department Contact No.
- Goa Administrative Tribunal Department Contact No.
- Goa Animal Husbandry And Veterinary Services Dept. Contact No.
- Goa Archives Department Contact No. 0832-222 6692
- Goa Captain of Ports Department Contact No.
- Goa Civil Aviation Department Contact No.
- Goa CM Helpline Contact No.
- Goa Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission Department Contact No.
- Goa Department Of Civil Supplies And Consumer Affairs Contact No.
- Goa Finance Department Contact No.
- Goa Fisheries Department Contact No.
- Goa Forest Department Contact No.
- Goa Labour Department Contact No. 0832-243 7083
- Goa Printing And Stationery Department Contact No.
- Goa Registrar Of Cooperative Societies Contact No.
- Goa State Government Holidays List 2021
- Goa State Museum Contact No. 0832-243 6006
- Goa State Tax Department Contact No.
- Goa Technical Education Department Contact No.
- Goa Transport Department Contact No.
- Goa Vigilance Department Contact No.
- Goa Water Resources Department Contact No.
- Goa Women And Child Development Department Contact No.
- North Goa District All Important Contact No.
- South Goa District All Important Contact No.
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