Goa Technical Education Department Contact No.

All India Number(s): 
  • 0832-241 3571(For Contact Support)


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Officers Contacts

Sr No. Name Designation Contact No
1 Dr. Vivek B. Kamat Director 0832-2413571
2 Shri Pradip Kusnur Dy. Director 0832-2415106
3 Shri. Nitin K. Rao Secretary 0832-2412146
4 Shri. Vivek Belokar Asst. Director 0832-2412145
5 Shri. Bhalchandra S.Nadkarni Asst. Director 0832-2412145
6 Kum. Anar Sangodkar Asst. Secretary 0832-2412146
7 Smt. Classie Monteiro Asst. Secretary 0832-2412146
8 Kum. Neeta Naik Asst. Director 0832-2415106
9 Dr. Dipak Gaitonde Asst. Director 0832-2415106
10 Shri Victor D'souza System Analyst 0832-2412146
11 Shri Girish Sawant Dy. Director 0832-2412145
12 Shri Chetan Dharangutti Asst. Accounts Officer 0832-2410705
13 Shri. Sarvesh Naik Asst. Accounts Officer 0832-2410705

Colleges Contacts

Sr. No. College Name Contact Details Email Address
1 Goa Medical College Dr. S.M. Bandekar 0832-2495000, 0832-2495169 goamedicalcollege07@rediffmail.com Goa Medical College, Bambolim Goa 403 202.
2 Goa Dental College Hospital Dr. Ida de Noronha de Atiaide 0832-2459812, 0832-2459815
Fax: 0832-2459816
deangdch123@hotmail.com Rajiv Gandhi Medical Complex, Bambolim Goa 403 202.
3 Goa College of Engineering Dr. Krupashankara Mysore Sethuram 0832-2336301, 0832- 2336306,
Fax: 0832-2336401, 0832-2335021
ppl@gec.ac.in Goa College of Engineering Farmagudi Ponda Goa 403 401
4 Padre Conceicao College of Engineering Dr. Mahesh B.Parappagoudar 0832-2791266, 0832-2791267
Fax: 0832-2791268
agnelpcce@gmail.com Agnel Technical Education Complex Verna, Goa 403 722.
5 Shree Rayeshwar Institute of Engg. And Info Tech. Dr. Anurag Jain 0832-2307001, 0832-2307032
Fax: 0832-2307001
principal.ritgoa@gmail.com Shiv-Shail Karai Shiroda Goa 403103.
6 Don Bosco College of Engineering Dr. Neena Panandikar 0832-2741045, 0832-2743944
Fax: 0832-2742648
dbcefatorda@dbcegoa.ac.in Fatorda, Margao-Goa 403 602.
7 Agnel Institute of Technology and Design Dr. J. William 0832-2268642
aitdgoa@gmail.com Assagao, Bardez, Goa 403 507.
8 Goa College of Pharmacy Dr. Gopalkrishna Rao 0832-2226882, 0832-2226883
Fax: 0832-2226883
gcpprincipal@yahoo.com 18th June Road, Panaji Goa 403 001.
9 P.E. S.Rajaram And Tarabai Bandekar College of Pharmacy Dr. S. N. Mamle Desai 0832-2335162, 0832-2335020
principalrtbcop@gmail.com Post Box no. 73, Farmagudi Ponda Goa 403 401.
10 Goa College of Architecture Dr. Ashish Rege 0832-2436435, 0832-2227144, 0832-2426027
gca.principal@gmail.com Dr. T.B.Cunha Educational Complex, Altinho, Panaji Goa 403 001.
11 Shri Kamaxidevi Homoeopathic Medical College And Hospital Dr. Shubha Shirwaikar 0832-2306842, 0832-2307441, 0832-2307442
Fax: 0832-2307001
skhmchgoa@gmail.com "Shiv-Shail", Karai Shiroda-Goa 403 103.
12 Gomantak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya And Research Centre Dr. Anura Bale 0832-2306309
Fax: 0832-2307394
ayurgoa@rediffmail.com "Vajem'' Shiroda-Goa 403 103.
13 Institute of Nursing Education Dr. Wilson Nicolau Fernandes 0832-2459727
Fax: 0832-2458191
inegoabam@gmail.com Opp. Station Workshop, EME Bambolim Camp- Goa. 403202.
14 Vrundavan Institute of Nursing Education, Colvale Dr. Digambar Naik (Chairman) 0832-3260844, 9225988570 vinegoa@yahoo.co.in Near Binani Glass Fibre Pvt. Ltd., Mushir wado, Colvale, Bardez- Goa 403 513.
15 Sai Nursing Institute, Sankhali-Goa Ms. Kalyan Sawant (Principal) 0832-2364023 sainursinginstitute@gmail.com Near CHC bldg, Sankhali-Goa
16 Sai Nursing Institute, Sankhali-Goa Ms. Kalyan Sawant (Principal) 0832-2364023 Near CHC bldg, Sankhali-Goa
17 Goa College of Physiotherapy Naturopathy and Yoga Science, Thivim-Goa Dr. Sneha Bhagwat (Secretary) 0832-2346662 prin.geny@gmail.com Thivim-Goa
18 Shri. Bhumika Nursing College, Sattari-Goa Mrs. Annie Dias, Officiating Principal 9209017819, 9420425995 shribhumikanursingcollegeparye@gmail.com Parye, Sattari, P.O. Sankhali-Goa-403505
19 Harmal Panchakroshi Shikshan Mandal's College of Nursing-Armabol Shri. Kiruba Gnana Chitra.J Principal 9623969250 hpsmcollegeofnursing@gmail.com Vidya Sankul, Bomb Plateau, Arambol (Harmal)- Pernem-Goa-403524

Government Institutes Contacts

Sr No. Institutes Name Name Contacts Email Address
1 Government Polytechnic, Panaj Shri. Luis R. Fernandes 0832-2225973/ 0832-2432667
Fax: 0832-2432667
gpp@sancharnet.in Altino – Panaji , Goa
2 Government Polytechnic, Mayem Shri Subhash P. Borkar 0832-2361235/ 0832-2363968,
gpbicholim@rediffmail.com Mayem, Bicholim - Goa
3 Goa College of Pharmacy Dr. Gopalkrishna Rao 0832-2226883
gcpprincipal@yahoo.com 18th June Road, Panaji Goa
4 GovernmentPolytechnic, Curchorem Shri. Ajit Gaonkar 0832-2654400/ 0832-2967602/ 0832-2967603
Fax: 0832-2654400
diplomagpc@rediffmail.com Near Kakoda Industrial Estate, Cacora-Goa
Aided And Unaided Institutes
5 Institute of Shipbuilding Technology Goa Shri. Gopal Midlagajni 0832-2520984/ 0832-2524150
Fax: 0832-2524033
isbt@isbt.ac.in, isbt@sancharnet.in tInstitute of Shipbuilding Technology Goa Bogda, Vasco-da-gama, Goa-403 802
6 Agnel Polytechnic hri. A.F.Dias 0832-2791206
agnelpolytechnic@rediffmail.com Agnel Technical Education Complex, Agnel Ganv, Verna Salcette – Goa 403 722
7 Guardian Angel Institute of Hotel Management And Catering Technology Fr. Joaquim Rebello 7588660530/ 9420654304 9881780481 gaihm1@yahoo.com Guardian Angel Educational Complex, Curchorem- Goa-403 706
8 Agnel Institute of Food Crafts And Culinary Sciences Shri. Alphonso Pereira 0832-2791211/ 0832-2791916/
Fax:0832-2791211/ 0832-2791205
aifccsverna@yahoo.co.in Agnel Technical Education Complex, Agnel Ashram, Agnel Ganv, VernaSalcette - Goa


Goa Technical Education Department
Dte Building, Alto-Porvorim, Bardez, Goa, Pin 403521.

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