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Gmail.Password recovery
सर मैं अपना जीमेल पासवर्ड भूल चूका हूं कृपा मेरा जीमेल पासवर्ड मैसेज करें कृपा करें
Sir , मैं अपना ईमेल अकाउंट का password भूल गया हू, और मेरा ईमेल
Sir, मै अपना ईमेल अकाउंट का पासवर्ड दूसरे मोबाइल फोन मे जा रहा है कृपया मदद करें
My email id recovery in 2
My email id recovery in 2 verification phone
Somebody hack me Gmail account and doing wrong use of it
somebody hack my mom mail account and change the recovery mail and my phone number too. Now he is doing wrong use of it. He is spreading fake rumors
Please I somebody can help me. Please contact me. If they could recover the account. They will we awarded with a cash price.
Gmail recovery
I lost my mobile I buy new mobile. For account recovery it's asking gmail . Verification code sent to my old mobile. Now how can retrieve my old data. Please help me. Contact
Gmail recover
I'm sending this feedback as an help request regarding my personal gmail ID, which is disabled to login. And for your kind information, I haven't given any recovery mail ID except my phone number for 2 step verification. I even tried "forgot password" method, but i can't make it done. I kindly requesting your guidance to recover my personal mail ID that i mentioned below for your reference.
MAIL ID- saranraj12417 [at] gmail [dot] com
To contact me for further information, kindly send the reply to the following mail ID,
Contact MAIL ID- saranraj3627 [at] gmail [dot] com
Thanking you.
I cannot recover Gmail ID
Unable to recover my Gmail account for that I don't have any recovery phone number and Gmail so please help me to recover my Gmail account thanks
Email acount recover
lost my mobile I buy new mobile. For account recovery it's asking gmail . Verification code sent to my old mobile. Now how can retrieve my old data. Please help me
Please recover my email id
My phone is lost and forgot password my other main gmail acount
My phone is lost and forgot password my gmail account please help me not remember password and not recovery email pasword not show forgot password option please help me login my gmail account my other account without password not working please help me
manishkumarprajapath632 [at] gmail [dot] com
forget My email Id
forget My email Id password
Submitted by Abdul Aziz (not verified) on fri, 12/01/2024 - 2:43pm.
Sir I forget my email password. That is shaikas2580 [at] gmail [dot] com. I tried the forgot password option and receiving verification code on my registered contact No 8217898xxx but unable to receive the verification code on my recovery/alternate running email id.
My running email I'd is shaikas2580 [at] gmail [dot] com I need to login my old email as it has all my data e.g. contact no's & backup files. Pls help me to recover my old email.
I am waiting for your valuable response.
forget My email Id password
Sir I forget my email password. That is ishu060492 [at] gmail [dot] com. I tried the forgot password option and receiving verification code on my registered contact No9575004711 but unable to receive the verification code on my recovery/alternate running email id.
My running email I'd is ishwar [dot] kondla [at] gmail [dot] com. I need to login my old email as it has all my data e.g. contact no's & backup files. Pls help me to recover my old email.
I am waiting for your valuable response.
Thanks & Regards
Recover my account
Sir I forget my email password. That is dhaneshwarikenvat [at] gmail [dot] com. I tried the forgot password option and receiving verification code on my registered contact No ××××××××62 but unable to receive the verification code on my recovery/alternate running email id.
My running email I'd is dhaneshawarikenvat [at] gmail [dot] com. i need to login my old email as it has all my data e.g. contact nos & backup files. Pls help me to recover my old email.
I am waiting for your valuable response.
Thanks & Regards
सर, मैं अपना ईमेल पासवर्ड भूल
सर, मैं अपना ईमेल पासवर्ड भूल गया हूं। वह है sumitprajapatisk29 [at] gmail [dot] com . मैंने पासवर्ड भूल जाने का विकल्प आज़माया और अपने पंजीकृत संपर्क नंबर ×××××××984 पर सत्यापन कोड प्राप्त किया, लेकिन अपनी पुनर्प्राप्ति/वैकल्पिक चल रही ईमेल आईडी पर सत्यापन कोड प्राप्त करने में असमर्थ रहा।
मेरा चालू ईमेल आईडी sumitprajapatisk29 [at] gmail [dot] com है । मुझे अपना पुराना ईमेल लॉग इन करना होगा क्योंकि इसमें मेरा सारा डेटा जैसे संपर्क नंबर और बैकअप फ़ाइलें हैं। कृपया मेरा पुराना ईमेल पुनर्प्राप्त करने में मेरी सहायता करें।
मैं आपकी बहुमूल्य प्रतिक्रिया की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा हूँ.
धन्यवाद एवं सादर
I am not receiving verification code on recovery email id
Sir I forget my email password. That is shilpachopra062 [at] gmail [dot] com. I tried the forgot password option and receiving verification code on my registered contact No xxxxxxx11 but unable to receive the verification code on my recovery/alternate running email id.
My running email I'd is sahilchopra008 [at] gmail [dot] com. i need to login my old email as it has all my data e.g. contact nos & backup files. Pls help me to recover my old email.
I am waiting for your valuable response.
Thanks & Regards
Change my old mobile number with linked this gmail
Please change my mobile number on this gmai that I can login easily-my new number was xxxxxxx
I can't recover my account
I can't recover my gmail account please forget my password
Locked folder photo recovery
1/01/2022 to 30/6/203
youtube chanel dalate hogaya hai
youtube chalel dalate zala ahe maza
Gamil recovery forget password
Submitted by Dinesh mali(not verified)
Sir I forget my email password. That is my old gmail malid3667 [at] gmail [dot] com
My running email I'd is dm7353322 [at] gmail [dot] com i need to login my old email.pls help me to recover my old email
Frogot password
Sir I was forgot my google gmail account password sir my phone was gone in 1 year back sir In google there are telling I had me tried so in phone no my account name is janakilakshmi2345 [at] gmail [dot] com
So please do sir
I am forget my gmail I'd
Sir I forget my email password. That is my old gmail akshay001313 [at] gmail [dot] com.
My running email I'd is akshay001322 [at] gmail [dot] com. i need to login my old email.pls help me to recover my old email
Sir I forget my email
Sir I forget my email password. That is devrajchavdiya4799 [at] gmail [dot] com.
My running email I'd is devjichavdiya4970 [at] gmail [dot] com. i need to login my old email.pls help me to recover my old email
gmail verification codes being sent to the same email account to
when I try to login to my email account, it asks for a password, which I put correctly, then it sends a verification code to my phone number via text, which I again key in correctly, then it asks for 8-digit backup code( which I don't have) , so I select use another method, then it sends a verification code to a recovery email , Which turns out to be the same email account.
Sir I forget my email
Sir I forget my email password. That is er [dot] anamika [dot] jadhav [at] gmail [dot] com.
My running email I'd is anjadhavan [at] gmail [dot] com. i need to login my old email.pls help me to recover my old email
pls help me Gmail ID ka password bhul gye hai recovery I'd b ni
npsaidpurbudaun [at] gmail [dot] com
Gmail ID ka password bhul gaye hain but password nahin Ho pa raha hapls help me
Photo recovery
Sir help me my locked folder recovery photo please you pay money
Recovery memory forget passport
Dear google team my gmail has two step verification because recovery email is included second otp goes to that gmail that's why i can't recover my gmail
Recovery Gmail shaikmahaboob03009 [at] gmail [dot] com
Recover Gmail account
Dear Sir,
There is a problem in recovering my Gmail id Because I reset my phone. Due to this reason Gmail id is not able to login in my phone, Due to this I am facing problem in login to my Gmail id because I have forgotten my password and verification code is coming in recover mail. My recover Gmail id is also same id as per current Gmail id and not logged in any phone on mobile number and on Gmail. Because of this I am facing problem in receiving OTP Because of this I am having trouble recovering my Gmail id. Please try to remove the 2-verification code.
Please help me out for my Verification code that should received on my recover Gmail ( akhandpratapsingh0229 [at] gmail [dot] com) only not on Gmail Please sir help me.
Please recover my Gmail account
Gmail account is not recover please help me community please I need to edit all contact to save in my Gmail account as Gmail account is ahirsandeep26 [at] gmail [dot] com please please help me Google community I need my all contact alternate Gmail ID
sandeepaair0540 [at] gmail [dot] com please help me Google community
I have recently tried to
I have recently tried to login to my email due to mobile phone theft, still it is not recovering from my old password, the verification code is going to the gmail account that is logged out so my gmail account not recovered sir which gmail account nannasai223 [at] gmail [dot] com
I have forget password and backup email also.
pls recover my password on brokenlover044 [at] gmail [dot] com. please help respected sir/madam.
Recover my old gmail account
Hello Sir,
Iam unable to recover my old gmail account because of 2 step verification even I requested for recovery email on another mail id but didn't recieved any link yet I want to recover my this mail id rohitchaurasia [dot] 3105 [at] gmail [dot] com,
please do the the needful and right now my my contacting mail id is rohit10chaurasia [at] gmail [dot] com
Email Account Recovery
Dear Sir
I have recently tried to login to my email due to mobile phone theft, still it is not recovering from my old password, the verification code is going to the gmail account that is logged out so my gmail account not recovered sir which gmail account teamamusicz [at] gmail [dot] com
I have forget password and backup email also.
pls recover my password on amanrao1710 [at] gmail [dot] com. please help respected sir/madam.
Hacked my email
My this email aliya00khan0 [at] gmail [dot] com is completely hacked pls recover my email and send me notification on this email aayat00khan0 [at] gmail [dot] com
Recover my gmail account
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 26/03/2023 - 8:16pm.
Dear Sir
I have recently tried to login to my email due to mobile phone theft, still it is not recovering from my old password, the verification code is going to the gmail account that is logged out so my gmail account not recovered sir which gmail account er [dot] dey69096 [at] gmail [dot] com
I have forget password and backup email also.
pls recover my password on dey69096 [at] gmail [dot] com. please help respected sir/madam.
Recover my account
Dear Sir
I have recently tried to login to my email due to mobile phone theft, still it is not recovering from my old password, the verification code is going to the gmail account that is logged out so my gmail account not recovered sir which gmail account
tikusah9770 [at] gmail [dot] com
I have forget password and backup email also
pls recover my password on tikusahu0320 [at] gmail [dot] com. please help respected sir/madam
Recover my gmail account
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 26/03/2023 - 8:16pm.
Dear Sir
I have recently tried to login to my email due to mobile phone theft, still it is not recovering from my old password, the verification code is going to the gmail account that is logged out so my gmail account not recovered sir which gmail account er [dot] dey69096 [at] gmail [dot] com
I have forget password and backup email also.
pls recover my password on dey69096 [at] gmail [dot] com. please help respected sir/madam.
Account recovery
I forgot my gmail id password & also lost my phone and sim so can you please help me
Not recover the gmail
account Recover
Sir, I have forgotten the password of my google account and my phone is stolen.I have sim but not have Recovery Google Account.
Id password bhul gya hu
Id password bhul gya hu. Mujhe id password btaye
Lost email password
Dear Sir
I have recently tried to login to my email due to mobile phone theft, still it is not recovering from my old phone number, the verification code is going to the gmail account that is logged out so my gmail account not recovered sir which gmail account er [dot] deepakdeshwal [at] gmail [dot] com.
I have forget password and backup email also.
pls recover my password on dedeepak658 [at] gmail [dot] com.
Gmail account recovery
Dear Sir
I have recently tried to login to my email due to mobile phone reset, still it is not recovering from my old phone number, the verification code is going to the gmail account that is logged out so my gmail account not recovered sir which gmail account www.santysuthar19@gmail this recovery is not happening plus recover sir
Gmail account recovery
My Gmail account recovery in this a/C thirunav14 [at] gmail [dot] com
Contact this gmail id thirunav1993 [at] gmail [dot] com
Dear Sir, There is a problem
Dear Sir,
There is a problem in recovering my Gmail id Because I reset my phone. Due to this reason Gmail id is not able to login in my phone, Due to this I am facing problem in login to my Gmail id because I have forgotten my password and verification code is coming in recover mail. My recover Gmail id is also same id as per current Gmail id and not logged in any phone on mobile number and on Gmail. Because of this I am facing problem in receiving OTP Because of this I am having trouble recovering my Gmail id. Please try to remove the 2-verification code.
Please help me out for my Verification code that should received on my recover Gmail (crazymayank071 [at] gmail [dot] com) only not on Gmail Please sir help me.
Account recover
Dear Sir,
Please recover my gmail account password forgot
Dear Sir
Dear Sir
Gmail account blocked
Dear Sir
I have recently tried to login to my email due to mobile phone reset, still it is not recovering from my old phone number, the verification code is going to the gmail account that is logged out so my gmail account not recovered sir which gmail account gopilalbalai2010 [at] gmail [dot] co this recovery is not happening plus recover sir contact us
hi sir Mere Gmail account par
hi sir Mere Gmail account par many field stamp Lag Gaya Hai use Wapas recover karna hai
The stand is on this Gmail
markandeyupadhyay417 [at] gmail [dot] com
Gmail account recovery
Dear Sir
I have recently tried to login to my email due to mobile phone reset, still it is not recovering from my old phone number, the verification code is going to the gmail account that is logged out so my gmail account not recovered sir which gmail account gopilalbalai2010 [at] gmail [dot] co this recovery is not happening plus recover sir
Gmail account recovery
Dear Sir
I have recently tried to login to my email due to mobile phone reset, still it is not recovering from my old phone number, the verification code is going to the gmail account that is logged out so my gmail account not recovered sir which gmail account gopilalbalai2010 [at] gmail [dot] co this recovery is not happening plus recover sir
Unable to Advertiser verification
Sir, I am Sandesh Kumar, I many time trying to fill the form but not verify advertiser verification. I am trying to connecting with account manager Sakshi. but she is not proper coordinate with me and my ads was stopped on 18 Aug'2022. Please call and guide me how to resolve this error.
Sandesh Kumar
CEO at Air Cargo Services
I have forget password of
I have forget password of this Gmail rk74940999 [at] gmail [dot] com please help me recovery password please help me sir
Recovery my gmail account
I have forget password of this Gmail rahulsuthar3747 [at] gmail [dot] com please help me recovery password please help me sir
i forget my password recovery gmail is not found
Please add my new mobile
I have forget password of this Gmail manvizhi1988 [at] gmail [dot] com please help me recovery password please help me sir
my gmail account not recover beacouse i facing two step verifica
Sir there is a problem in recovering my gmail id Because I reset my phone. Due to this reason gmail id is not able to login in my phone Due to this I am facing problem in login to my gmail id because I have forgotten my password and verification code is coming in recover mail. My recover gmail id is forgotten and not logged in any phone on mobile number and on gmail. Because of this I am facing problem in receiving OTP Because of this I am having trouble recovering my gmail id
Please try to remove the 2 verification code. Please help me out for my Verification code that shoud received on my recover gmail(amandhakad0 [at] gmail [dot] com) only not on gmail Please sir help me.
Password is not know
I can't access my account and lost password and back-up password .I need open this email. Even after forgetting password My old mobile no
is showing but there's are lost.Pleasee help and solutions. How to change the mobile no so that I set the New password
email id: manivikas42 [at] gmail [dot] com
2 step verification nahi ho raha hai
gmail problem and solve my account rabindra431996 [at] gmail [dot] com
Gmail account not receiver
My gmail account not working.
My gmail ID ashdesmukh [at] gmail [dot] com
Not working please support
Ashvin Deshmukh
I can't access my account and lost password and back-up password
I can't access my account and lost password and back-up password .I need it's my youtube channel please help me I //manjunathamanimanju [at] gmail [dot] com ... I can't recovery my account please help ....
Gmail Account deleted
My official account slnamizoram [at] gmail [dot] com was mistakely deleted on 5 august 2022...I really need to recover which i cannot do at my level. ..Please do help or instruct how to proceed.
Recovery of my backup gmail
I have a Id (chetankanthariya13 [at] gmail [dot] com) which I have forgotten my password and the registered number is shut down because i have broken the sim so help me to get the backup of my 10 years history
Please reply as soon as possible because it's my business work which is depend on it
Mayuri chawda
Unable to recover my password
I have tried to login into my gmail account. But I am not able to login. I am not even receiving any code. I tried 2 step security code also but that is not working can someone please help me out to retrieve my gmail account. It's very important to me.
This is my alternative email I'd - sumanpateo075 [at] gmail [dot] com
password bhol gya hu
Sir mera password Cheng krna he code nhi aa rha he
Password forgotten
Hi, I am also forgotten my email id password and I don't have my linked mobile number pls help me for password.
My email id - vishwanathdivate1974 [at] gmail [dot] com
2 step verification
Mere gmail a/c ka code nahi hai mere pass kese log in karu
Sar meri email ID mein
Sar meri email ID mein password bhi Dal lete hain FIR security code mang raha hai sar Maine jo mobile forward maar Diya hai to sar email id ki active Nahin hai meri tumhen court security kahan se launga yah bataiye sar code mang raha hai ya court mein kahan se laun security code Kahan se lekar aaun sar yahi samasya ko solve kar dijiye sar
Sar meri email ID mein
Sar meri email ID mein password bhi Dal lete hain FIR security code mang raha hai sar Maine jo mobile forward maar Diya hai to sar email id ki active Nahin hai meri tumhen court security kahan se launga yah bataiye sar code mang raha hai ya court mein kahan se laun security code Kahan se lekar aaun sar yahi samasya ko solve kar dijiye sar
Troubleshooting in sign in
I can't sign in getting otp on mobile number but not verify account & password also not remember. Please recover my account.
My email- priyank3648 [at] gmail [dot] com
Also add recovery email ID - rawalpriyank115 [at] gmail [dot] com
Priyank Rawal
Same Email And Same Recovery email, how can login to my account
Same Email And Same Recovery email, how can login to my account without recovery verification code
Gmail problem
Submitted by Prakash sing
(not verified) on Tue, 08/03/2020 - 11:57am.
Sir me apna email id ka password bhul gaya hu or mene id ke password ko forget karne ki koshis ki magar 2 steps varyfiction nhi hua hai mere pass mobile number bhi hai
Please sir mere gmail id ko chalu kro
Mera recovery email id -singprakash426 [at] gmail [dot] com
Mera email jo mai login nhi karpa rha
Please add my recovery gmail singprakash428 [at] gmail [dot] com
ADD GMAIL ACCOUNT = devsinghsolanki2004 [at] gmail [dot] com
ADD RECOVERY GMAIL = crisgayle93 [at] gmail [dot] com
How to recover my gmail id password
I have forgotten my gmail id password rambokingfitness837 [at] gmail [dot] com even I can't remember last password
unable to login gmail account
Hi Google,
I am unable to login my google account, i am getting below error
"We noticed unusual activity in your Google Account. To keep your account safe, you were signed out. To continue, you’ll need to verify it’s you. Learn more"
I have important mails and contact in this, i request you to please enable my account to login.
Thank you
Recovery email account
Sir me apna email id ka password bhul gaya hu or mene id ke password ko forget karne ki koshis ki magar 2 steps varyfiction nhi hua hai mere pass mobile number bhi hai
Please sir mere gmail id ko chalu kro
Mera recovery email id -dsmmb5694 [at] gmail [dot] com
Mera email jo mai login nhi karpa rha hu
meenadhanraj2018 [at] gmail [dot] com
Account Got Suspended
My Query Related to an Account Suspension.
Hi Google Ads Team,
Previously 3-5 days before i have received an notification as well as Email
that my account got suspended due to Circumventing systems policy.
I have gone through all the possible outcomes which i have read via ads articles and tried to solve my website issues as per policy requisites.
Below i am mentioning what i have done which is wrong or unknown by my side so for this is i am apologize for the same.
1st thing i have done is crated an subdomain for an affiliate marketing
2nd thing i have done is installed an plugins to my primary website for solving duplicate content issues for an redirections.
3rd thing after that i have done is that i have compared 2 SEO plugins at a same time to found which one is best and what are the results of it's.
4th things is that i am unaware about the ad wards that for running an campain the privacy policy and contact page is necessary. Which i have created and attached on my menu sections.
And Kindly suggest me the necessary steps to improve my ads as well as my website.
Main Thing is that i can't understand the policy so requesting to help in in short explaination
ads runing probilem
Recovery the password of gmail
Respected sir/ Mam
Iam ritik roushan. I forgot the password of gmail this is my problem. Iam trining manny times but can't receive the password. So I request to you that you can slove this problem.
Thanking you
Not open my gmail id
Pl helf me not my gmail id open
Pliz chak my id no open
arumugamvimal63 [at] gmail
arumugamvimal63 [at] gmail [dot] com my Google account was hacked sir very important account my Google account recover plz sir
issue with my gmail id
Sir there is a problem in recovering my gmail id Because I reset my phone. Due to this reason gmail id is not able to login in my phone Due to this I am facing problem in login to my gmail id because I have forgotten my password and verification code is coming in my phone. My gmail id is not logged in any phone on mobile number and on gmail. Because of this I am facing problem in receiving OTP Because of this I am having trouble recovering my gmail id
Please try to remove the 2 verification code. Please help me out for my Verification code that shoud received on my mobile number(7837***583) only not on gmail Please sir help me.
Sir I want to get this recovery email id done MY contact gmail bhagatronit6 [at] gmail [dot] com.
Gmail recover
Sir there is a problem in recovering my gmail id Because I reset my phone. Due to this reason gmail id is not able to login in my phone Due to this I am facing problem in login to my gmail id because I have forgotten my password and verification code is coming in my phone. My gmail id is not logged in any phone on mobile number and on gmail. Because of this I am facing problem in receiving OTP Because of this I am having trouble recovering my gmail id
Please try to remove the 2 verification code. Please help me out for my Verification code that shoud received on my mobile numbe(882xxxx376) only not on gmail Please sir help me.
Sir I want to get this recovery email id done MY
Not open my gmail id
Mera gmail id nhin khul paraha hain me
Not work my Gmail
Not work my Gmail
Gmail recover
Sir there is a problem in recovering my gmail id Because I reset my phone. Due to this reason gmail id is not able to login in my phone Due to this I am facing problem in login to my gmail id because I have forgotten my password and verification code is coming in my phone. My gmail id is not logged in any phone on mobile number and on gmail. Because of this I am facing problem in receiving OTP Because of this I am having trouble recovering my gmail id
Please try to remove the 2 verification code. Please help me out for my Verification code that shoud received on my mobile number(7083****84) only not on gmail Please sir help me.
Sir I want to get this recovery email id done MY
Sir there is a problem in
Sir there is a problem in recovering my gmail id Because I reset my phone. Due to this reason gmail id is not able to login in my phone Due to this I am facing problem in login to my gmail id because I have forgotten my password and verification code is coming in recover mail. My recover gmail id is forgotten and not logged in any phone on mobile number and on gmail. Because of this I am facing problem in receiving OTP Because of this I am having trouble recovering my gmail id
Please try to remove the 2 verification code. Please help me out for my Verification code that shoud received on my recover gmail(kc**** [at] gmail [dot] com) only not on gmail Please sir help me.
Sir there is a problem in
Sir there is a problem in recovering my gmail id Because I reset my phone. Due to this reason gmail id is not able to login in my phone Due to this I am facing problem in login to my gmail id because I have forgotten my password and verification code is coming in my phone. My gmail id is not logged in any phone on mobile number and on gmail. Because of this I am facing problem in receiving OTP Because of this I am having trouble recovering my gmail id
Please try to remove the 2 verification code. Please help me out for my Verification code that shoud received on my mobile number(7083****84) only not on gmail Please sir help me.
Sir I want to get this recovery email id done MY contact gmail prathmeshkadam1265 [at] gmail [dot] com
Facing problems in gmail recovery
Sir there is a problem in recovering my gmail id Because I reset my phone. Due to this reason gmail id is not able to login in my phone Due to this I am facing problem in login to my gmail id because I have forgotten my password and verification code is coming in my phone. My gmail id is not logged in any phone on mobile number and on gmail. Because of this I am facing problem in receiving OTP Because of this I am having trouble recovering my gmail id
Please try to remove the 2 verification code. Please help me out for my Verification code that shoud received on my mobile number(98195***16) only not on gmail Please sir help me.
Sir I want to get this recovery email id done MY contact gmail amulrathod12 [at] gmail [dot] com
I can't acess to my mail address
Sir I had been using (aswinsb9 [at] gmail [dot] com)this account for many days this is I had tried to recover it by using forgotten password but the problem is due to 2 step verification google team is asking for OTP which has been sent to my gmail account but the problem is I don't have any device which is connected with my mail id