Hyderabad GPO Contact No. 040 2346 3519

India Post Toll free Number(s):
- 1800 266 6868 (Customer Support, 9am-6pm Mon-Sat)
All India Number(s):
- 040-2346 3519 (For Contact Support)
Official Website Important Links
Regional Offices
Sr.No. | Name | Designation | Contact Details | Address, email & Telephone No |
1 | Shri G. Neelakantam | Executive Engineer (C) | 040-29563659 eepcdhyd@gmail.com |
O/o Executive Engineer (C), Postal Civil Division, Postal Staff Quarters No. C-III/1&2, Meghdoot Nagar, Beerappagadda, Uppal, Hyderabad - 500039 |
2 | Sri Hamilpur Sharath Kumar | SPOs | 040-23463717 secundrabadho@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The Sr. Postmaster, Secunderabad, 500003 |
3 | Sri. J.Srinivas | Assistant Director-I (S&V) | 040-23463550 adstaffro@gmail.com |
O/o The Postmaster General, Hyderabad Region, 500001 |
4 | Sri. Ch. Ramakrishna | Assistant Director-II (B & T) | 040-23463549 ad2hrhyd@gmail.com |
O/o The Postmaster General, Hyderabad Region, 500001 |
5 | Sri. K B R Prasad | Supdt. of Post Offices | 08732-231647 doadilabad.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
D.No:11-143 (11-122), 2nd floor in the Sy.No:11/C, Dasnapur, Adilabad-504001 |
6 | Sri. B. Nanda | Superintendent of Post Offices | 0870-2455872 dohanamkonda.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The SPOs, Hanamkonda Division, Hanamkonda-506001, 506001 |
7 | Sri. Y.Venkateswarlu | Superintendent of Post Offices | 8782240090 dokarimnagar.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The SPOs, Karimnagar Division-505001 |
8 | Sri. B. Ravi Kumar | Superintendent of Post Offices | 08742-224658 dokhammam.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The Supdt. Of Post Offices, Khammam Division, Khammam-507003 |
9 | Sri. CH Srinivasa Rao | Superintendent of Post Offices | 08542242372 domahbubnagar.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
O/oThe Superintendent of Post Offices, Mahabubnagar Division 509001 |
10 | Sri. S.Venkata Sai | Superintendent of Post Offices | 08682-244267 donalgonda.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The SPOs Nalgonda Division, Nalgonda-508001 |
11 | Sri. K B R Prasad | Senior Superintendent of Post Offices |
08462-221301 donizamabad.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The Sr Supdt of Post Offices, Nizamabad Division, Nizamabad-503003 |
12 | Sri. J. Pandari | Supdt. of Post Offices | 08728-222193 dopeddapalli.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The Supdt. of Post Offices, Peddapalli-505172 |
13 | Sri. U. Yellamandaiah | Supdt of Post Offices, Suryapet Division |
08684-220018 dosuryapet.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The SPOs, Suryapet Division, Opp: Govt Junior College, Suryapet-508213 |
14 | Sri. V.Venkateswarlu | Supdt. of Post Offices | 08545-232122 dowanaparthy.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The Supdt. Of Post Offices, Wanaparthy Division, 1st Floor, Wanaparthy Head Post Office Building, Wanaparthy 509103 |
15 | Sri. G.Umamaheshwar | Superintendent of Post offices | 0870-2449218 dowarangal.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The SPOs, Warangal Division, Warangal-506002 |
16 | Sri. M. Santosh Kumar Narahari | Superintendent, RMS ‘Z’ Division | 040-23463560 040-23463561 srm.zdn@gmail.com |
O/o The SRM RMS ‘Z’ Division, 2nd floor, Abids GPO, Hyderabad -500001 |
17 | Sri. Y. Pydiraju |
AAO | 040-23463548 aoico.hyderabad@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The Postmaster General, Hyderabad Region, 500001 |
18 | Sri. G.V.Ramana | Senior Accounts Officer | 040-23463565 dap_hyd@yahoo.com |
O/o The Director of Accounts (Postal), Telangana Circle, Dak Sadan, Abids, Hyderabad, 500001 |
19 | Sri. PV Ramana Reddy | Assistant Director-I | 040-23463638 ad1hq.tl@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The PMG HQ Region Headquarter Region Hyderabad-500001 |
20 | Sri. K . Narendra Babu | Assistant Director-II | 040-23463623 ad2hq.tl@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The PMG HQ Region Headquarter Region Hyderabad-500001 |
21 | Sri. Zaheer Pasha | AAO | 040-23463641 aaohqr@gmail.com |
O/o The PMG HQ Region Headquarter Region Hyderabad-500001 |
22 | Sri D. Siddartha | SP | 08452-221349 domedak.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The Supdt. Of Post Offices, Medak Division, Medak, 502110 |
23 | Sri AVR Vijaya Kumar | SP | 08455-276504 dosangareddy.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The Supdt of Post Offices, Madhava Nagar, Sangareddy-502001 |
24 | Sri TAV Sarma | SSP | 040-23463800 dohyderabadsoutheast.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The Sr. Supdt. of POs, Hyderabad South East Division, Hyderabad-500002 |
25 | Sri P.V. Ramana Reddy | SSP | 040-23463533 dohyderabadcity.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
The Sr supdt of post offices, Hyderabad City Division, abids, Hyderabad-500001 |
26 | Sri K. Janardhan Reddy | SP | 040-23463898 psdhyderabad.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
The Superintedent,Postal Stores Deport Padmaranagar Hyderabad-500025 |
27 | Sri Y. Naresh | SSRM | 040-23463882 rmsdohyderabadstg.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The SSRM Hyderabad Sorting Division Hyderabad-500001 |
28 | Sri K. Santosh Netha | SSP | 040-23463700 dosecunderabad.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The Sr supdt of post offices, Secunderabad Division, Gandhi Nagar, Hyderabad-500080 |
29 | Sri A. Subrhamanyam | CPM | 040-23463513 hyderabadgpo@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The Chief postmaster, Hyderabad GPO, Abids, Hyderabad-500001 |
30 | Sri. G.S.RAMTEKE | MANAGER | 040-23463935 mmshyderabad.ap@indiapost.gov.in |
Mail Motor Service, Koti, Hyderabad-500 001 |
31 | Smt G. Hymavathi | APMG (Staff & Vig) | 040-23463633 staff.tlgco@gmail.com, aspvigts@gmail.com |
O/o The Chief PMG, Telangana Circle, Abids, Hyderabad, 500001 |
32 | Sri.N.S.S Rama Krishna | Assistant Director-I | 040-23463647 bdcellts1@gmail.com |
O/o The Chief PMG, Telangana Circle, Abids, Hyderabad, 500001 |
33 | Sri. M Manmadha Rao | Assistant Director-II | 040-23463639 adrectt.tlg@gmail.com |
O/o The Chief PMG, Telangana Circle, Abids, Hyderabad, 500001 |
34 | Sri. K. Jayaraju | Assistant Director-III | 040-23463620 aspestcohyd@gmail.com, sstechnicalco@gmail.com |
O/o The Chief PMG, Telangana Circle, Abids, Hyderabad, 500001 |
35 | G. Neelakantam | AD [Bldgs], | 040-23463634 bldgsco.tlg@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o The Chief PMG, Telangana Circle, Abids, Hyderabad, 500001 |
36 | Sri. Rajanikant | AAO [Accounts], | 040-23463608 aaocotelangana@gmail.com |
O/o The Chief PMG, Telangana Circle, Abids, Hyderabad, 500001 |
37 | Sri. Shaik Shabbeer | AD(Technology) | pmu.tscircle@gmail.com | O/o The Chief PMG, Telangana Circle, Abids, Hyderabad, 500001, |
Central Assistant Public Information Officers (CAPIOs)
SNo. | Name | Designation | Telephone | Address | |
1 | Ch. Narasimha Reddy | Sub Post Master | 040-23463840 | hyderabadpublicschoolso@indiapost.gov.in | Hyderabad Public School SO-500013 |
2 | P. Prameela | Sub Post Master | 040-23463853 | osmannagarhydso@indiapost.gov.in | Osmannagar SO Hyderabad-500036 |
3 | K. Raghuveer | Sub Post Master | 040-23463877 | vidyanagarhydso@indiapost.gov.in | Vidyanagar SO Hyderabad-500044 |
4 | V. Laxmareddy | Sub Post Master | 040-23463963 | saidabadhyderabadso@indiapost.gov.in | Saidabad SO Hyderabad-500059 |
5 | K. Hariprasad | Sub Post Master | 040-23463836 | highcourthydso@indiapost.gov.in | HighCourt SO Hyderabad-500066 |
6 | Chand Sultana | Sub Post Master | 040-23463830 | crpcamphyderabadso@indiapost.gov.in | CrpCamp SO Hyderabad-500005 |
7 | Ch. Madhavi | Assistant Superintendent of Post Offices |
040-23463813 | madhavi.ch@indiapost.gov.in | Hyderabad Central Sub Division, Begumbazar SO-500012 |
8 | V. Hanumanthu | Assistant Superintendent of Post Offices |
040-24344839 | hanumanthu.vankanavath@indiapost.gov.in | Hyderabad South Sub Division, Kanchanbagh SO-500058 |
9 | Ch. Madhavi | Assistant Superintendent of Post Offices (Holding additional Charge of Inspector Post(East Sub Division) |
040-23463813 | madhavi.ch@indiapost.gov.in | Hyderabad Central Sub Division, Begumbazar SO-500012 |
10 | G. Narmada | Assistant Superintendent of Posts ( R ) | 040-23463802, 040-23463805, 040-23463807 |
dohyderabadsoutheast.ap@indiapost.gov.in | O/o the SSPOs, Hyderabad South East Division, Hyderabad-500002. |
11 | K . Venkata Rami Reddy | Chief Postmaster | 040-23463513 | cpmhyderabadgpo@indiapost.gov.in | Hyderabad GPO-500001 |
12 | S. Nagarani | Subpostmaster | 040-23428326 | anandnagarhydso@indiapost.gov.in | Anandnagarhyderabad SO |
13 | Pushpeshwari | SPM | 040-23463765 | halhyderabadso@indiapost.gov.in | Hal S.O-500042 |
14 | D.R. Narsimha Rao | ASP, Business Development | 040-24733556 | bdcellrohyd@gmail.com nregspmghyd@gmail.com nregs.hyderabad@indiapost.gov.in bd.hyderabad@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o Postmaster General, Hyderabad Region, Hyderabad- 500 001 |
15 | S. Manmadha Rao | ASP, MNOP | 040-23463514 | mnoppmghyd@gmai.com, mailshydro@gmail.com, cbsrohyd@gmail.com, projectarrow.hydro@gmail.com, mnop.hyderabad@indiapost.gov.in, cbs.hyderabad@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o Postmaster General, Hyderabad Region, Hyderabad- 500 001 |
16 | K. Sreekanth | ASP, Legal Cell | 040-23463557 | legal.hyderabad@indiapost.gov.in | O/o Postmaster General, Hyderabad Region, Hyderabad- 500 001 |
17 | P. Raghu Ram | ASP, Technology | 040-23463553 | tgy.hyderabad@indiapost.gov.in | O/o Postmaster General, Hyderabad Region, Hyderabad- 500 001 |
18 | B. Ravi Kishore | ASP, Establishment | 040-23463558 | estrohyd@gmail.com, estb.byderabad@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o Postmaster General, Hyderabad Region, Hyderabad- 500 001 |
19 | Ms. R. Vasudha | Sr.AO (IFA) | 040-23463547 | aoifaapnr@gmail.com, aoifa.hyderabad@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o Postmaster General, Hyderabad Region, Hyderabad- 500 001 |
20 | C. V. Ramana Rao | Assistant Engineer © | 040-23463911 | aepcsdhyderabad@gmail.com | Postal Civil Sub Division, Gandhinagar P.O. Building, Hyderabad - 500 080. |
21 | G. Ravinder | Post Master | 040-23463822 | hyderabadjubileeho@indiapost.gov.in | Hyderabad Jubilee HO-500002 |
Directory of Officers and Employees
Sr.No. | Name | Designation | Contact No. | E-mail ID | Office |
1 | T M Sreelatha | Postmaster General HQ Region | 040-23463638 | pmg_hqregionhyderabad@indiapost.gov.in | O/o PMG,HQ Region, Hyderabad -500001 |
2 | U Sai Pallavi | Director of Postal Accounts | 040-23463565 | sai.pallavi@gov.in | O/o Director of Postal Accounts, Hyderabad- 500001 |
3 | Dr. P.V.S. Reddy | Postmaster General, Hyd Region | 040-23463546 Fax- 040-23463555 |
pmg_hyderabad@indiapost.gov.in | O/o PMG, Hyderabad Region, Hyderabad-500001 |
4 | - | Director of Postal Services, Hyderabad Region |
040-23463545 | dpshydrg@indiapost.gov.in | O/o PMG, Hyderabad Region, Hyderabad - 500001 |
Appellate Authorities
Sr.No. | Name | Telephone | Address | |
1 | Sri.K.A. Devaraj | 040-23463630 | dpshq.tlg@indiapost.gov.in | O/o The Chief Postmaster General,Telangana Circle, Dak Sadan, Abids, Hyderabad 500001 |
2 | Sri.K.A. Devaraj | 040-23463630 | dpshq.ap@indiapost.gov.in | O/o The Postmaster General, Hyderabad Headquarters Region, IV th Floor, Dak Sadan, Abids, Hyderabad 500001 |
3 | Sri.K.A. Devaraj | 040-23463545 | dpshydrg@indiapost.gov.in | O/o Postmaster General , Hyderabad Region, Dak Sadan, Abids, Hyderabad 500001 |
4 | Smt. U.Sai Pallavi | 040-23463565 | daphyderabad@indiapost.gov.in | O/o The Director of Accounts (Postal), 7th Floor, Dak Sadan, Abids, Hyderabad 500001 |
List of Offices with 24x7 booking facility
Sr.No. | Name of State | Contact No. | Working Hours | Address |
1 | Hyderabad | 040-23463519 | 08.00 hrs - 14.00hrs 14.00 hrs - 20.00hrs 20.00 hrs - 08.00 hrs (NPO) |
Hyderabad GPO, Hyderabad-500001 |
2 | Hyderabad | 040-23463922 040-23463929 |
08:00hrs-14:00hrs 14:00hrs- 20:00hrs 20:00 hrs - 08:00 hrs (Attached to Hyderabad 3A/3B) |
NSH Hyderabad, Begumpet, Hyderabad 500016 |
Grievance Redressal
Level 1
- You can register your complaints through, Register a Complaint Form.
- If the complaint is not settled by calling the customer care number, the complainant may approach the Chief Postmaster General of the respective Circle at the following address :
Circle Public Grievances Nodal officers Contacts
Name of Circle | Name of AD(PG)/ APMG(PG) |
Landline No. | Email id |
Telangana Circle | K. Janardhan Reddy | 040-23463639 040-23463636 |
cpmg_tlg@indiapost.gov.in |
Level 2
If the complainant is dissatisfied with the action taken, OR If complainants fail to get internal redress, you can contact the Directorate of Public Grievances (DPG) for redressal of grievance.
Abids Road, Troop Bazaar, Koti,
Hyderabad, Telangana 500001
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