Kolkata GPO Contact No.

India Post Toll free Number(s):
- 1800 266 6868 (Customer Support, 9am-6pm Mon-Sat)
- 1800 11 2011 (For International Mails)
- 1800 425 2440 (For ATM/ Debit Card, Mobile/ Internet/ SMS Banking related grievances)
All India Number(s):
- 033-2225 3800 (For Contact)
- 033-2212 3151 (For Support)
Official Website - cpmg_wb@indiapost.gov.in (For General Query)
Important Links
Important Contact
Timing: 10 am to 6 pm (Except Sundays & Gazetted Holidays)
Sr.No. | Office Name | Contact No. | E-mail ID | Address |
1 | Speed Post Customer Care Centre (Speed Post Mails related) |
033-25506010 033-25506011 |
nshkolkataairport@indiapost.gov.in spccckolkata28@gmail.com adpgcowb@gmail.com cpmg_wb@indiapost.gov.in |
Dum Dum Post Office Building, 1st Floor, Kolkata-700028 |
2 | Customer Care Centre, Kolkata RMS (Registered Mails related) |
033-22105519 033-22623508 |
crckolkatarms@gmail.com adpgcowb@gmail.com cpmg_wb@indiapost.gov.in |
CRC Complaint Branch, Kolkata RMS, Kolkata-700001 CCC, Kolkata RMS, Kolkata-700001 |
3 | International Mails related grievances | 033-22623936 033-22438580 |
imqmwb@gmail.com foreignpostkolkata.wb@indiapost.gov.in adpgcowb@gmail.com cpmg_wb@indiapost.gov.in |
Foreign Post Office, Kolkata, Kolkata-700001 |
4 | COD articles related grievances | 033-22120040 | codmonitoring.wb@gmail.com adpgcowb@gmail.com cpmg_wb@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o the CPMG, WB Circle, Yogayog Bhawan, Ground Floor, Kolkata-700012 |
5 | Postal Life Insurance (PLI) related grievances |
1800 345 5655 033-22120710 033-22120524 |
wbpli@indiapost.gov.in ddmpliwb@gmail.com ddmlikol@rediffmail.com cpmg_wb@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o the CPMG, WB Circle, Yogayog Bhawan, 1st Floor, Kolkata-700012 |
6 | Savings Bank related grievances | 033-22120064 033-22120006 |
adsbdop@rediffmail.com adsbdop@gmail.com cpmg_wb@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o the CPMG, WB Circle, Yogayog Bhawan, 5th Floor, Kolkata-700012 |
7 | For all kinds of Public Grievance purposes |
033-22120700 033-22120612 033-22120500 |
adpgcowb@gmail.com cpmg_wb@indiapost.gov.in |
O/o the CPMG, WB Circle, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata-700012 |
Directory of Officers, West Bengal Circle
SNo. | Name | Designation | Office | |
1 | Mr Vidhan Chandra Roy | Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle |
033-22253800, 033-22123151 Fax-033-22120811 |
cpmg_wb@indiapost.gov.in |
2 | Mr Anil Kumar | Postmaster General (Mails & BD) | 033-22259909 Fax-033-22121286 |
pmg_mmwb@indiapost.gov.in |
3 | Mr Gaurav Singla | Director of Postal Services(HQ) | 033-22120139 Fax-033-22120122 |
dpshqkolkata@indiapost.gov.in |
4 | Mr R K Singh | General Manager (Postal Accounts & Finance) |
033-22121656 Fax-033-22120526 |
gmfinancekolkata@indiapost.gov.in |
5 | Mr Akhilesh Kumar Pandey | Postmaster General, North Bengal Region |
033-2436550, 033-2436530 Fax-033-2525041 |
pmg_nbengal@indiapost.gov.in |
6 | Mr Gaurav Singla | Director of Postal Services, North Bengal Region |
0353-2436700 Fax-033-2436543 |
dpsnbengal@gmail.com |
7 | Mr Akhilesh Kumar Pandey | Postmaster General, Sikkim Region | 03592-202610 | pmg_sikkim@indiapost.gov.in |
8 | Mr Anil Kumar Singh | Post Master General, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Region |
03192-230485 | pmg.andaman.nicobar@gmail.com |
9 | Ms S S Kujur | Post Master General, South Bengal Region |
033-22253929, 033-22120951 Fax-033-22120951 |
pmg_sbengal@indiapost.gov.in |
10 | Ms Bipasha Singla | Director of Postal Services, South Bengal Region |
033-22120144 Fax-033-22120431 |
dopsouthbengal@indiapost.gov.in |
11 | Mr Sanjiv Ranjan | Postmaster General, Kolkata Region | 033-22121880, 033-22253646 Fax-033-22120077 |
pmg_kolkata@indiapost.gov.in |
12 | Ms Bipasha Singla | Director of Postal Services, Kolkata Region |
033-22120231, 033-22120888 Fax-033-22120888 |
dpskolkata_rgn@rediffmail.com |
13 | Ms Bipasha Singla | Director of Postal Services, Kolkata GPO, Kolkata-700001 |
033-22105150 Fax-033-22105611 |
directorkolkatagpo@gmail.com |
14 | Director of Accounts, Kolkata - 700012 |
033-22121393 Fax-033-22120443 |
dapkolkata@indiapost.gov.in | |
15 | Senior Architect, Kolkata-700012 |
033-22120676, 033-22120280 Fax-033-22120676 |
sapostskol@gmail.com | |
16 | Mr Sanjay Kumar | SE (Civil) | 033-22120858 Fax-033-22120860 |
sepcckol@gmail.com |
Regional Offices
SNo. | Name | Designation | Contact No . | Address |
1 | Shri S. Sarkar | Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, East Kolkata Division, Kolkata - 700 014 |
033-22849003 033-22849608 ek014@rediffmail.com |
Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, East Kolkata Division, 11/1, Dr. Suresh Sarkar Road, Kolkata , 700 014 |
2 | Shri G.K.Jana | Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, North Kolkata Division, Kolkata - 700 037 |
033-25567251 nk700037@gmail.com |
Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, North Kolkata Division, 5A, Indra Biswas Road, Belgachia, Kolkata , 700 037 |
3 | Shri M. Kumar | Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, South Kolkata Division, Kolkata - 700 029 |
033-24663008 033-24197707 sk029@rediffmail.com |
Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, South Kolkata Division, Kolkata , 700 029 |
4 | Shri S.C. Biswas | Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Central Kolkata Division, Kolkata - 700 007 |
033-22735218 sspoc@gmail.com |
Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Central Kolkata Division, 18, Bal Mukunda Makkar Road, Barabazar Head Post Office Building, 8th Floor, Kolkata , 700 007 |
5 | Shri R.N. Ram | Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, North Presidency Division, Kolkata - 700 120 |
033-25926088 ssposnorthpresi@rediffmail.com |
Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, North Presidency Division, Kolkata ,700 120 |
6 | Shri A. Sarkar | Superintendent of Post Offices, South Presidency Division, Kolkata - 700 144 |
033-24338409 spossouthpresi@rediffmail.com |
Office of the South Presidency Division, Baruipur, Kolkata , 700 144 |
7 | Shri P. Das | Superintendent of Post Offices, Nadia North Division, Krishnanagar - 741 101 |
03472-252288 sposnadianorth@rediffmail.com |
Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Nadia North Division, P.O. Krishnanagar, Dist. Nadia, 741 101 |
8 | Shri S.G. Giri | Superintendent of Post Offices, Nadia South Division, Kalyani - 741 235 |
033-25820006 sposnadiasouth@rediffmail.com |
Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Nadia South Division, Kalyani , 741 235 |
9 | Smt. S. Mukherjee | Superintendent of Post Offices, Barasat Division, Kolkata - 700 124 |
033-25523577 sposbarasat@rediffmail.com |
Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Barasat Division, Barasat, Kolkata, 700 124 |
10 | Shri J.K. Bhattachaya | Superintendent of Post Offices, Murshidabad Division, Berhampore (WB) - 742 101 |
03482-250008 sposmurshidabad@rediffmail.com |
Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Murshidabad Division, Barrack Square (North), Cantonment Road, P.O. Berhampre(W.B), Dist. Murshidabad , 742101 |
11 | Shri P.K. Mitra | Superintendent of Post Offices, Birbhum Division, Suri 731 101 |
03462-255260 sposbirbhum@rediffmail.com |
Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Birbhum Division, P.O. Suri, Birbhum , 731 101 |
12 | Shri D.N. Prasad | Chief Postmaster, Barabazar Head Post Offices, 700 007 |
033- 22693221 chpmbarabazarho@rediffmail.com |
Barabazar Head Post Office, Kolkata , 700 007 |
13 | Shri J. Chaudhuri | Senior Postmaster, Alipore Head Post Office, 700 027 |
033-24791644 srpmaliporeho@rediffmail.com |
Office of the Senior Postmaster, Alipore Head Post Office, Kolkata , 700 027 |
14 | Shri S. Bera | Dy. Director PO (Admn), Kolkata GPO, Kolkata - 700 001 |
033-22438849 ddpo1adminkolkatagpo@gmail.com |
Office of the Director, Kolkata General Post Office, Kolkata , 700 001 |
15 | Shri M. Mukherjee | Dy.DirectorPO(Savings), Kolkata GPO, Kolkata - 700 001 |
033-22105094 ddpo2sbkolgpo@gmail.com |
Office of the Director, Kolkata General Post Office, Kolkata , 700 001 |
16 | Vacant | Dy.DirectorP(Delivery), Kolkata GPO, Kolkata - 700 001 |
033-22105537 ddpo3deliverykolgpo@gmail.com |
Office of the Director, Kolkata General Post Office, Kolkata, 700 001 |
17 | Shri P. B. Acharaya | Dy.DirectorPO (BD&Mkt), Kolkata GPO, Kolkata - 700 001 |
033-22105652 ddpo4bdmktgpkolgpo@gmail.com |
Office of the Director, Kolkata General Post Office, Kolkata , 700 001 |
18 | Smt. J. Bhattacharjee | Dy.DirectorPO (Accounts), Kolkata GPO, Kolkata - 700 001 |
033-22434483 ddpo5acctskolgpo@gmail.com |
Office of the Director, Kolkata General Post Office, Kolkata , 700 001 |
19 | Shri B. Saha | Dy.DirectorPO (Treasury), Kolkata GPO, Kolkata - 700 001 |
033-22105651 ddpo6treasurykolgpo@gmail.com |
Office of the Director, Kolkata General Post Office, Kolkata , 700 001 |
20 | Shri D. K. Saha | Deputy Director of Accounts(Postal), Office of the General Manager (PA&F), West Bengal Postal Circle,Kolkata - 700 012 |
033-22121053 deb.sengupta@rediffmail.com |
Office of the General Manager (Postal Accounts & Finance), West Bengal Postal Circle, Kolkata , 700 012 |
21 | Shri J.K.Raut | ADPS-I, O/O the PMG, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 |
033-22120023 adpskr1@gmail.com |
Office of the Postmaster General, Kolkata Region, Kolkata , 700012 |
22 | Shri M.K. Das | ADPS-II, O/O the PMG, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 |
033-22121079 adpskr2@gmail.com |
Office of the Postmaster General, Kolkata Region, Kolkata , 700 012 |
23 | Shri Debasis Chatterjee | ADPS-III, O/O the PMG, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 |
033-22120905 adpskr3@gmail.com |
Office of the Postmaster General, Kolkata Region, Kolkata, 700 012 |
24 | Shri J. Majumder | ADPS-IV, O/O the PMG, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 |
033-22120845 adpskr4@gmail.com |
Office of the Postmaster General, Kolkata Region, Kolkata , 700 012 |
25 | Shri T. K. Dutta | Sr. Accounts Officer/ICO SB, O/O the PMG, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 |
033-22120059 sraosbengal@gmail.com |
Office of the Postmaster General, Kolkata Region, Kolkata, 700 012 |
26 | Shri B. Achariya | ADPS-III, O/o the PMG, South Bengal Region, Kolkata - 700 012 |
033-22120209 dopsouthbengal@gmail.com |
Office of the Postmaster General, South Bengal Region, Kolkata , 700 012 |
27 | Shri Siddhartha Bhattacharjee | Assistant Director of Postal Services (PG) |
033-22120500 adps_pg@rediffmail.com |
5th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata -700012 |
28 | Shri S.K.Bera | ADPS(Staff, Est &PN), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 |
033-22120120 adpsstaffwb@gmail.com |
5th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata , 700 012 |
29 | Shri K.K. Rana | ADPS(Rectt), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 |
033-22120063 adrecttcowb450@gmail.com |
5th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata , 700 012 |
30 | Shri S. Majumder | AD(Bldg), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 |
033-22120880 adcobldg@gmail.com |
5th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the |
31 | Shri N. Mitra | ADPS(FS), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 |
033-22120219 adsbdop@rediffmail.com |
5th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata , 700 012 |
32 | Shri A. Pramanik | ADPS(P&SR&PO), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 |
033-22120178 adpwbc@gmail.com |
5th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata , 700 012 |
33 | Shri N. Mandal | ADPS(Mails), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 |
033-22121913 wb.circle@gmail.com |
7th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata, 700 012 |
34 | Shri N.C.Das | ADPS(Inv&Court), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 |
033-22120192 adpsinvco@gmail.com |
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata , 700 012 |
35 | Shri N. Saha | DDM(PLI), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 |
033-22120710 ddmlikol@rediffmail.com |
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Yogayog Bhawan (1st Floor), Kolkata , 700 012 |
36 | Shri J.Barua | ADPS(A/cs, Technical & Welfare), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 |
033-22120003 adawbcircle@gmail.com |
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, 6th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata , 700 012 |
37 | Shri S. Mallick | Vigilance Officer, O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 |
033-22120286 vowbcircle@gmail.com |
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, 7th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata , 700 012 |
38 | Shri A. Kewat | AD(OL), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 |
033-22120099 adolwbc@gmail.com |
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata , 700 012 |
39 | Shri D. Bose | ADPS(TO), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 |
033-22120691 adtowb@gmail.com |
6th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata , 700 012 |
40 | Shri S. Gharai | ADPS(BD), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 |
033-22120242 bdcwbc@gmail.com |
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata, 700 012 |
41 | Shri R.N. Konar | Accounts Officer (Budget), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 |
033-22120130 aobgt@rediffmail.com |
6th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata , 700 012 |
42 | Shri P. Bhowmick | Superintendent, PSD, Kolkata | 033-25579060 sppsdkolkata@yahoo.co.in |
Office of the Superintendent, Postal Stores Depot, Kolkata. , 700 002 |
43 | Shri C. Chattopadhyay | Superintendent, CSD, Kolkata | 033-22696134 spcsdkolkata@yahoo.in |
Office of the Superintendent, Circle Stamp Depot, 15, Bal Mukund Makar Road, Kolkata , 700 007 |
44 | Smt. O. Radha | Senior Architect, Department of Posts, Yogayog Bhawan, 3rd Floor, Kolkata - 700 012 |
011-2096072 Madhavinajgaonkar@gmail.com |
Senior Architect(P), Delhi (holding Additional Charge), Department of Posts, 4th floor, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110 001 |
45 | Shri S. Majumder | Executive Engineer(Civil), Postal Civil Circle, Yogayog Bhawan, 4th Floor, Kolkata - 700 012 |
011-22121280 eepcckolkata@gmail.com |
Office of the Superintending Engineer, Yogayog Bhawan, 36,C.R.Avenue, Kolkata, 700 012 |
46 | Shri K. B. Roy | Executive Engineer, Postal Civil Division No. 1, 3rd Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata - 700 012 |
033-22121441 eepcd1kol@gmail.com |
Office of the Executive Engineer(C), Postal Civil Division No. 1, 3rd Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata , 700 012 |
47 | Shri S. K. Bose | Executive Engineer, Postal Civil Division No. 2, 2nd Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata - 700 012 |
033-22121189 skb2477@gmail.com |
Office of the Executive Engineer (C), Postal Civil Division No. II, Yogayog Bhawan, 2nd Floor, P-36, C.R.Avenue, Kolkata , 700 012 |
48 | Shri B. R. Toppo | Executive Engineer(Elect), Postal Electric Division, 13th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata - 700 012 |
033-22120646 eeepedkolkata@gmail.com |
Office of the Executive Engineer (Electrical), Postal Electrical Division, 13th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata , 700 012 |
49 | Shri S.B. John Varaprasad Luke | Senior Manager, Mail Motor Services, Kolkata 700 015 |
033- 22510780 mailmotorkol@gmail.com |
Office of the Senior Manager, Mail Motor Services, Kolkata. , 700 015 |
50 | Shri D. Dasgupta | Superintendent, R.M.S H Division, Kolkata 700 004 |
033-25558133 ssrmhdn@gmail.com |
Office of the Superintendent, RMS H Division, 196, A-G, Arobinda Sarani, Kolkata, 700 004 |
51 | Shri S. Bala | Senior Superintendent, Kolkata RMS Division, Kolkata 700 001 |
033-22484666 ssrmkol@gmail.com |
Office of the Senior Superintendent, Kolkata RMS Division, 25, R.N.Mukherjee Road, Kolkata , 700 001 |
52 | Shri Punnet Bijarania | Senior Superintendent, Kolkata Air Port Sorting Division, Kolkata 700 028 |
033-25795151 ssrmkolapstg@gmail.com |
Office of the Senior Superintendent, Kolkata Airport Sorting Division, 150, Rishi Bankim Chandra Road, Dum Dum P.O. Building, Kolkata , 700 028 |
53 | Shri A.Ghosh | Superintendent, Foreign Post, Kolkata - 700 001 |
033-22481504 calfgn@gmail.com |
Office of the Superintendent, Foreign Post, Kolkata 700001. |
Directory of Officers and Employees
Sr.No. | Name/Designation | Office | E-mail ID |
1 | Neetu Director of Postal Services (HQ) |
033-22120139 Fax- 033-22120122 |
dpshqkolkata@indiapost.gov.in |
2 | Sikha Mathur Kumar General Manager (Postal Accounts & Finance) |
033-22121656 Fax- 033-22120526 |
gmfinancekolkata@indiapost.gov.in |
3 | Post Master General, Kolkata City Region |
033-22121880 033-22253646 Fax- 033-22120077 |
pmg_kolkata@indiapost.gov.in |
4 | Ms. Bipasha Singla Director of Postal Services, Kolkata Region |
033-22120231 033-22120888 Fax- 033-22120888 |
dpskolkata_rgn@rediffmail.com |
5 | Director of Postal Services, Kolkata GPO, Kolkata-1 |
033-22105150 Fax- 033-22105611 |
directorkolkatagpo@gmail.com |
6 | Director of Accounts, Kolkata - 700012 |
033-22121393 Fax- 033-22120443 |
dapkolkata@indiapost.gov.in |
7 | Senior Architect, Kolkata-12 |
033-22120676 033-22120280 Fax- 033-22120676 |
sapostskol@gmail.com |
Grievance Redressal
Level 1
- You can register your complaints through, Register a Complaint Form.
- If the complaint is not settled by calling the customer care number, the complainant may approach the Chief Postmaster General of the respective Circle at the following address :
Circle Public Grievances Nodal officers Contacts
Name of Circle | Name of AD(PG)/ APMG(PG) |
Landline No. | Email id |
West Bengal Circle | Shri Siddhartha Bhattacharjee | 033-22120500 | pg.wb@indiapost.gov.in |
Level 2
If the complainant is dissatisfied with the action taken, OR If complainants fail to get internal redress, you can contact the Directorate of Public Grievances (DPG) for redressal of grievance.
O/o The Chief Postmaster General
Yogayog Bhawan
P-36 Chittaranjan Avenue
Kolkata - 700012
West Bengal, India
Fax- 033 2212 0811
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