Maharastra Labour Department Contact No.

Company Name: 
Toll free Number(s): 

Important Links

Helpline Number

Sr No. Name Contact No. Email
1 For children in distress 1098 (Toll Free)  
2 Child labour Helpline 022-26572929
3 Pratham Helpline 022-65134884, 9869467157

Officers Contacts

Sr.No. Department Name/Designation Room No. Contact No. Email
1 Labour Department Smt. Vinita Ved Singal, Principal Secretary 129 022-22027433 Extn. No. : 3629
Fax : 022-22025881
2 Office of Principal Secretary Shri. Shashank Sathe, Joint Secretary 158 022-22026330

Commissioner Contacts

Sr.No. Location Contact No. Fax No. Address
1 Mumbai 022-26573833, 022-26573733, 022-26573869,
022-26573872, 022-26573783, 022-26572937
022-26573892 Kamgar Bhavan, 4th floor, C-20, E Block, Opp.
Reserve Bank, BKC, Bandra (E), Mumbai-51
2 Mumbai Labour Commissioner's PA: 022-26573833, 022-26573869,
022-26573872, 022-26573733, 022-26573737, 022-26573783
Additional Commissioner's PA: 022-26573844
Kamgar Bhavan, 4th floor, C-20, E Block, Opp.
Reserve Bank, BKC, Bandra (E), Mumbai-51
3 Thane 022-25827457, 022-25827449,
022-25827460, 022-25827452
022-25823150 Thane Office Complex Building, 6th Floor,
Above Labour Court, Mulund Checknaka, Thane (W)
4 Tarapur 02525-270427 02525-278734 MIDC Colony, Near Sarovar Hotel Tarapur
Chitralay, Boisar, Palghar, District Thane - 401504
5 Kalyan 0251-2319328, 0251-2313453 0251-2205240 Kalyan Sai Vihar, Up to Gurudev Hotel,
1st Floor Kalyan (E)
6 Bhivandi 02522-254231 02522-220456 Dreamland Appt., 1st Floor, near S. T. Depo,
Bhivandi - 421305
7 Raigad 022-27452835, 022-27454750 022-27452835 -
8 Ratnagiri 02352-223109   42/44, Parsmni, K. C. Jainnagar, Maruti temple,
Ratnagiri - 415639
9 Sindhudurg 02362-228872   C-Block Shidudhug Nagri, Sindhudurg - 4132120
10 Nashik 0253-2351797, 0253-2351788 0253-2351797 Udog Bhavan, 4th Floor, Near I.T.I. Signal, Satpur,
11 Ahmednagar 0241-2451852 0241-2451727 Thatha Colony, Ashish Bangla, Loksatha Karyalaya
3rd Floor, Near Dr. Khalkar Hospital, Station Road,
Ahmednagar- 414001
12 Jalgaon 0257-2239716 Rajandry Bhavan, Vivekanand Nager, JilhaPeth,
Jalgaon - 425001
13 Dhule 0253-2351797, 0253-2351788 Agrval Bhavan, Dalvala Building, Dhule- 424001
14 Aurangabad 0240-2334626, 0240-2334603 0240-2334626 Malgipur station road, Aurangabad- 431001
15 Jalna 02482-230296 Devganga chambers, Sarojinidevi Road, Near C.T.M.K.
School, Jalna- 431203
16 Beed 02442-222653 02442-233455 Near Nagarparishak Office, Basheerganj, Bid - 431122
17 Parbhani 02452-242405 02452-242710 Darga Road, Azad chowk, Parbhani - 431001
18 Nanded 02462-234764 02462-235461 Somesh Colony, near Kalamandir, Nanded - 431601
19 Latur 02462-245174 02462-244930 Sononi Building, Tilak Nagar main Road, Lathur - 4103512
20 Osmanabad 02472-224327 02472-226219 Samtanagar, Gharad Building, 1st Floor, Osmanabad - 413501
21 Hingoli 02456-220408 D.R.T. 10, Phaltan, Hingoli - 431513
22 Nagpur 0712-2564223, 0712-2564559 0712-2564223 240, Bhosle Chamber, Civil Line, Nagpur - 440001
23 Bhandara 07184-252479 Brundavan, Takiyawal, Bhandara - 441904
24 Tumsar 07183-232127 Govardhan Nagar, Tumsar, Dist. Bhandara 441012
25 Chandrapur 07172-252028 New prashashakiya bhavan, Gnd Floor, Front of
Chandrapur Bus Stand, Chandrapur - 442401
26 Gondia 07182-232595 J. R. Complex, Shri Takies Road, Gondia - 441601
27 Wardha 07152-242502 Rashtra Basha Road, Rathi Layout, Wardha - 442001
28 Gadchiroli 07132-222412 Gilla Adhikari Complex, Gadchiroli - 442504
29 Pune 020-25541613, 020-25541619 020-25541619 Mumbai-Pune Road, Bangla no.5, Shivaji Nagar, Pune - 411005
30 Satara 02162-232919 02162-227331, 02162-239640 Gramodhar 168, Ravivar Peth, Povinaka, Satara - 415001
31 Sangli 0233-2672046 0233-2670150 Udoyg Bhavan, Vishram Bang, Sangli - 416413
32 Solapur 0217-2722102 0217-2728401 Sahtrarjun Mangal Karyala, 124, First Floor, Shidhesver
Peth, Solapur - 413001
33 Kolhapur 0231-2666590, 0231-2651714 0231-2654936 579, E-Vyapari Peth, Shahupuri, Kolhapur - 416001
34 Ichalkaranji 0230-2421391 0230-2431750 Front of S. T. Stand, Get No. 3, Ichalkaranji - 416115
35 Barshi 02184-224211 Shetkari Bhavan Building, Market Yard, Barshi - 413401
36 Akola 0724-2451289, 0724-2458560 0724-2459289 Old Income Tax Chowk, Garakshan Road, Front of
Vaibhav Hotel, Akola - 440001
37 Amaravathi 0721-2662115 0721-2552310 Front of Doorsanchar Vibhag, Court Road, Camp,
Amaravathi - 444602
38 Buldhana 07262-242663 New Prashaskiya building, Front of Buldana Bus
Stand, Buldana 443001
39 Yavatmal 07232-243447 Shivaji nagar, near Shivaji ground, Yavatmal - 445001

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हेल्प इंसाफ चाहिए

Sir मै आदित्य कुमार मौर्य उत्तर प्रदेश के बलिया जिले का निवासी हु मै यहाँ पुणे के रामनगर चिंचवड मे एक कंपनी जिसका नाम हैं - Hygiene PrIvate Limited पुणे
Gstin 27AAACH3916P1ZN
Block D iii plot n. 52 , 53,54/1 MIDC CHINCHAWAD PUNE मे काम कार रहा था और उसका ठेकेदार जो हैं इस कंपनी का कुछ हिसाब बाकी रह गया है और कंपनी मे उसका मैटर हैं कुछ लेकिन मेरा पैमेंट नही दे रहे हैं वो मैं बहुत परेसान हु क्योकि हमको मकान मालिक पैसा मांग रहे हैं और रासन वाले भी और मै ठेकेदार से 1 महीने से बोल रहा हूँ कि मेरा पैमेंट दो तो नही दे रहे हैं और बस बोलते हैं की 2 दिन बाद दुंगा ऐसा बोलते बोलते एक महीने बिता दिया. और पैमेंट नही दिया.maine पोलिस स्टेशन मे भी गया था लेकिन वहाँ से हमको पोलिस साहब ने हमको ये बोल कर भगा दिया की ये हम लोग का काम नही है

मेडीसन पीआर प्रतीनिधी गैरहजर राहिल्याने पुन्हा 21जुनला बोलविले

*सुप्रसिद्ध मेडीसन पीआर मिडीया एजन्सी बाबत जगदिश काशिकर यांचे मुख्यमंत्री एकनाथ शिंदे व इतरांना नोकरी वाचविण्याबाबत निवेदन व स्मरणपत्र*

*कामगार ऊप आयुकत यांनी 24 मे ला सुनावणी/चर्चे साठी बोलावले असताना एजन्सीचे प्रतीनिधी गैरहजर राहिल्याने पुन्हा 21जुनला बोलविले*

जगदीश का. काशिकर
मुक्त पत्रकार*, महाराष्ट्र. व्हाटसअप – ९७६८४२५xxx

मुंबई: मुंबईतील अंधेरी पूर्व येथील सुप्रसिद्ध मेडीसन पीआर मिडीया एजन्सी मध्ये बारा वर्षा पासुन नोकरीवर असलेले 53 वर्षीय जगदिश काशिकर यांना कंपनीत पुरेसे काम नसल्याचे कारण देऊन (कौटुंबिक व आर्थिक परिस्थीती समजून न घेता) त्यांना सक्तीने पंधरा मार्च पासून तीन महिन्याची मुदत देऊन सकतीने कंपनीतुन बाहेर जान्यास भाग पाडले होते याबाबत मुख्यमंत्री एकनाथ शिंदे व इतरांना आपली नोकरी वाचवण्या बाबत निवेदन व स्मरणपत्र श्री जगदिश काशिकर यांनी दिले होते.

काही वरिष्ठ अधिकारी यांच्या सांगण्या वरून ही कारवाई ईतर कोणत्याही कर्मचार्यांवर कारवाई न करता जाणुन बुजून ही कारवाई करण्यात येत होती व त्यांना त्यांच्या कुवतीनुसार पुरेसे काम देण्याचा प्रयत्न किंवा अन्य खात्यात त्यांना सामाविण्याचा प्रयत्न न करता कोन्ट्राऍक्ट वर असलेल्या कर्मचारी यांना प्राधान्य देऊन जगदीश काशिकर यांना कोन्ट्राएकट वर अर्धा पगारावर काम करण्यास भाग पाडत होते.

तरि या प्रकरणाबाबत जगदीश काशिकर न डगमगता व खचुन न जाता मेडिसन एजन्सीच्या निर्णयाबाबत सुप्रसिद्ध समाजसेवक, वोचडोग फाऊंडेशन चे ट्रस्टी व वकील यांना आपली समस्या सांगून व त्यांच्या सल्ला/मार्गदर्शन घेऊन मेडीसन पीआर एजन्सी ला जगदीश काशिकर यांच्याबाबत जो चुकिचा निर्णय घेतला आहे तो मागे घेऊन त्यांना चिंतामुक्त करावे याबाबत कायदेशिर सूचना पाठविली होती.

या कायदेशिर सुचनेचि दखल कामगार आयुक्त यांनी घेतली व या प्रकरणाबाबत योग्य त्या अधिकारी मार्फत चौकशीचा आदेश दिला होता.

या प्रकरणाबाबत महाराष्ट्रातील असंख्य असंघटित शिक्क्षित व ऊच्च शिक्क्षित कार्यालय कर्मचारी यांचे लक्ष लागले असुन जगदिश काशिकर यांना याेग्य न्याय भेटुन मेडीसन एजन्सीने त्यांच्याबाबत घेतलेला निर्णय रद्द होतो का हे दिसणार असुन कामगार आयुक्त खाजगी एजन्सी व कंपन्यावर कश्या प्रकारे आपला अंकुश ठेवणार आहेत हे दिसणार आहे.

सर्वसामान्य कामगार हा आर्थिक परिस्थीतीने गरिब असल्याने मालक वर्गा विरुद्ध वकिलांच्या भरमसाठ फि/दरांमुळे कामगार न्यायालयात आपलि लढाई लढु शकत नाही व त्यामुळे योग्य न्याय मिळत नाही व अश्या परिस्थितीत योग्य राजकीय पुढारी किंवा पक्षाची मदत मिळणे फार गरजेचे असते परंतु सर्वांना हे शकय होत नाही.

हे प्रकरण दिल्ली कामगार व रोजगार मंत्रालय कार्यालय यांच्यापर्यत पोहचले असुन लवकरात लवकर कार्यवाही करण्याचे आदेश महाराष्ट्र कामगार आयुकत यांना देण्यात आले होते.

जगदिश काशिकर यांना मेडीसन पीआर एजन्सीच्या ऊच्च अधिकारी यांच्याकडून कामगार न्यायालयात न जाण्याचा सल्ला दिला जात आहे व हे प्रकरण प्रसार माध्यमांकडे नेऊ नये असा सल्ला देऊन मेडीसन पीआर एजन्सीची बदनामी थांबविण्याचा सल्ला देऊन न ऐकल्यास मेडीसन पीआर एजन्सीची बदनामी केल्याबद्दल न्यायालयात बदनामीची केस/तक्रार करण्याची धमकीवजा ईशारा देण्यात आला होता तरी हे सर्व जगदिश काशिकर यांना का करावे लागत आहे हे समजून न घेता आडमुठ्या धोरणांचा वापर केला जात होता व दोन्हि बाजुनी योग्य पर्याय स्विकारला जात नव्हता.

आपली समस्या सोडविण्यासाठी श्री जगदीश काशिकर नामांकित राजकीय पक्षांच्या कामगार संघटनेची मदत घेण्याचाही विचार करत आहेत.

नोकरी वाचविण्याबाबत निवेदन व स्मरणपत्र*

सुप्रसिद्ध मेडीसन पीआर मिडीया एजन्सी बाबत जगदिश काशिकर यांचे मुख्यमंत्री एकनाथ शिंदे व इतरांना नोकरी वाचविण्याबाबत निवेदन व स्मरणपत्र*

*कामगार आयुकत यांच्या पर्यत आपली समस्या पोहचवण्यासाठी व न्यायासाठी सुप्रसिद्ध समाजसेवक, वकील व वोचडोग फाऊंडेशन चे ट्रस्टी श्री गोडफ्रे पिमेंटा यांची घेतली कायदेशिर मदत*

*दिल्ली कामगार व रोजगार मंत्रालय कार्यालयातुन या प्रकरणाबाबत लवकरात लवकर कार्यवाही करण्याचे आदेश महाराष्ट्र कामगार आयुकत यांना देण्यात आले आहेत*

जगदीश का. काशिकर
मुक्त पत्रकार*, महाराष्ट्र. व्हाटसअप – ९७६८४२५७५७

मुंबई: मुंबईतील अंधेरी पूर्व येथील सुप्रसिद्ध मेडीसन पीआर मिडीया एजन्सी मध्ये बारा वर्षा पासुन नोकरीवर असलेले 53 वर्षीय जगदिश काशिकर यांना कंपनीत पुरेसे काम नसल्याचे कारण देऊन (कौटुंबिक व आर्थिक परिस्थीती समजून न घेता) त्यांना सक्तीने पंधरा मार्च पासून तीन महिन्याची मुदत देऊन सकतीने कंपनीतुन बाहेर जान्यास भाग पाडले आहे याबाबत मुख्यमंत्री एकनाथ शिंदे व इतरांना आपली नोकरी वाचवण्या बाबत निवेदन व स्मरणपत्र दिले होते.

काही वरिष्ठ अधिकारी यांच्या सांगण्या वरून ही कारवाई ईतर कोणत्याही कर्मचार्यांवर कारवाई न करता जाणुन बुजून ही कारवाई करण्यात येत असुन त्यांना त्यांच्या कुवतीनुसार पुरेसे काम देण्याचा प्रयत्न किंवा अन्य खात्यात त्यांना सामाविण्याचा प्रयत्न न करता कोन्ट्राऍक्ट वर असलेल्या कर्मचारी यांना प्राधान्य देऊन जगदीश काशिकर यांना कोन्ट्राएकट वर अर्धा पगारावर काम करण्यास भाग पाडत आहेत.

तरि या प्रकरणाबाबत जगदीश काशिकर न डगमगता व खचुन न जाता मेडिसन एजन्सीच्या निर्णयाबाबत सुप्रसिद्ध समाजसेवक, वोचडोग फाऊंडेशन चे ट्रस्टी व वकील यांना आपली समस्या सांगून व त्यांच्या सल्ला/मार्गदर्शन घेऊन मेडीसन पीआर एजन्सी ला जगदीश काशिकर यांच्याबाबत जो चुकिचा निर्णय घेतला आहे तो मागे घेऊन त्यांना चिंतामुक्त करावे याबाबत कायदेशिर सूचना पाठविली होती.

या कायदेशिर सुचनेचि दखल कामगार आयुक्त यांनी घेतली असुन या प्रकरणाबाबत योग्य त्या अधिकारी मार्फत लवकरच चौकशी होणार असुन नंतर ते आपला अहवाल सादर करणार आहेत. तरी या प्रकरणाबाबत महाराष्ट्रातील असंख्य असंघटित शिक्क्षित व ऊच्च शिक्क्षित कार्यालय कर्मचारी यांचे लक्ष लागले असुन जगदिश काशिकर यांना याेग्य न्याय भेटुन मेडीसन एजन्सीने त्यांच्याबाबत घेतलेला निर्णय रद्द होतो का हे दिसणार असुन कामगार आयुक्त खाजगी एजन्सी व कंपन्यावर कश्या प्रकारे आपला अंकुश ठेवणार आहेत हे दिसणार आहे.

हे प्रकरण दिल्ली कामगार व रोजगार मंत्रालय कार्यालय यांच्यापर्यत आता पोहचले असुन लवकरात लवकर कार्यवाही करण्याचे आदेश महाराष्ट्र कामगार आयुकत यांना देण्यात आले आहेत.

आपली समस्या सोडविण्यासाठी श्री जगदीश काशिकर नामांकित राजकीय पक्षांच्या कामगार संघटनेची मदत घेण्याचाही विचार करत आहेत.

Full and final payment not settele

I am working with Unimoni Financial Services Ltd chiplum branch and giving resign on 21/09/2021.Till my full and final payment is holding by company.also not giving any compensation because company was closed.Now I am jobless and company hold my payment.
Please help and do the needful.

Full and final benefits still pending by employer.

Sir I was worked with icici bank since 2007 to 2009. Bank was terminated me wrongly and my full and final settlement still pending on employer. My emp. I'd with bank was 157659. Please do the needful.
Prasanna soni

Company not offering Salary.

Dear sir,
I was working with cellplan Technology Pvt Ltd,Kothrud Pune.From April they are not paying salary and in last month I have resigned to get new opportunities.But they are not replying to my any call as I need relieving letter and experience letter from organization.
kindly help

Sir I am currently working as

Sir I am currently working as a mee plc operator at vinati organics limited Chiplun Maharashtra by the contractual basis of sai power equipment Pvt limited and now the company supervisor r suresh is harrasing me mentally

Salary or bounce issue

Dear sir me mirah hospitality gourmet solutions pvt Ltd me job krta tha or me ab job chod chuka hu muje job chodke 1month se jayada time ho gaya he meri abhi tak salary or bounce dono baki he me hr me bohot bar call kiya hu fir bhi koi kuch right jawab nhi de rha he
Plz help me

Salary not received from last three months

I'm working with M3 spices and kitchen LLP pune from last 3 months but not received my single salary of last 3 months and whenever I ask the owner of the company Mr Sachin choudhari for salary he give me reasons so please help me with the solution to get my salary, now he told me to resign and sent me performance mail after that he is tell me that he will not give my salary.
Kindly help me.

Want Salary

I worked in Lakeland Chemicals India Ltd , Madap from May 2012 to Dec 2018 as Asst. Store Manager.
I resigned on 4th Dec 2018 and recieved my reliveing letter and expeirence letter but i didnt get my salary of Octmember and Novmember month .Its being 7 months now. please suggest me what am i do now.


i work in 2month in shoppers stop in footware department bt they can t give my 13 days payments now. so please suggest me what can i do now please

In Govt .service imposing social & economical boycotts by Admini

Respected Sir , I was suffering from imposing social & economical boycotts by Agricultural department. The administration of Joint director of Agriculture , konkan division , thane 4 is fully responsible for these in justification. I have submitted all evidence document to Hon
.CM of Maharashtra and also to Agri ministry of state . About these , Home department is doing enquiry by order of CM office under act of Atrocity . I request u that kindly provide ur attention for justice to me where as responsible officers r still not punished by Agri. Dept.please help me for Harrasment which was done by using lobby of officers . Thank you.


Respected sir,
I am Vrushali Shinde B.E.(E& TC) working in keetronics Pvt Ltd Kothrud as a Testing and QA engineer.
But sir, My boss Mrs Gandhi and Mrs Owner sister continueos giving extreme pressure and mental harrassment.
I request you pls focus on that matter otherwise I will suicide .
Pls help stop harrassment of all colleague.
Thanks sir
Yours faithfully,

Registration of shop act license.

Respected sir/madam,
I am Sachin Rathod from Pune, I have apply on aaple sarkar portal for shop act licence registerion for import export office at the time of documents upload ask me for IFC certificate but without shop act license how can I get IEC code, so please guide me how I will completed my registration without IEC certificate.
Thank you.

Safety issue

Dear sir/ madam,
sub contractor of Atharvaish constructions housekeeping services wants to bring in your notice.carrying work of project cleaning of flats along with my team at site: Runwal elegant, behind infinity mall,link road, Lokhandwala,Andheri West,Mumbai.
The above said work is very dangerous having saftey issue regards to window glass cleaning from outside the tall (33 floors)building without using any kind of saftey measures/ saftey gears/ guidelines.And also it has been known that the company Atharvaish constructions have no any kind of labour saftey licence.
And top of it there is no out put in terms of pay,because of this there is constantly change in untrained labours and having lot of payment related issues which leads to risk.
I am attaching some saftey related docs along with this mail.
Hope that you will look in to this matter for better resolution.

I'm not paying my salary Need your help

I have worked this company with full sincerity and hard work but the company is not paying my Payment Do you help me, I was told that every call will get 700 rupees
I'm visit Office Two times Payment related But Not No response has been received from I have sent an email several times but no Responses,
Have worked and then doing this And not giving me a single Rupees, Can you tell me what to do. Please Help Me.

Did u get any solution? I

Did u get any solution?
I have same issue in it company and not giving my pending salary. I have git released later but pending amount not paying. Plz let me know if u have got any solution.

Terminationeted by company

Respected sir I beg to say that AnilChauhan me company working staying area 9-10 and inthis this time launch Brack 30 minutes any day inthis me login time 7.50 hours too mark it half day and 4.28 hours too mark it absent . inthis issue me objections too me based on performance forcefully resigned and terminated me by company . please your check my working area enter time and me resolution .me team leader Rahul SBI process . inthis issue to Indian industrial act 1947 and 1946 forcefully resigned inleagal and me NCLT DONE complaints your issue worng prove me consunatali after time going to Agra HR department but not complaints and not given termination letter with resion .I gate many mail and contact with many people of company.but not provide to solution by com please help me contact number online complaints raise some technical issues please help me

A helpless person without Job

Hello Sir,

My name is Bharat Asudani, I worked from August 2016 to January 2018 in Symantec for Payroll Accounting team. I enjoyed this tenure and learnt so many things.

But because of few things I am dissatisfied and confused, that giving birth to children and taking care of family are crimes in Symantec.

We are family person, we have to manage both extremes with balance.

My supervisor was Mahesh Kumar and reporting manager was Beckey Zehner, both did not take care of these, even I worked with complete honesty. I faced extreme pressure and harassment

My fault was that I raised my voice against Over Time corruption by Mahesh Kumar and misguiding management about work issues. I did not know symantec supports this kind of corruption otherwise, I would have encouraged and saved my job, because few people really support Mahesh Kumar in his corrupt practice, I was only fool, went against him and risked my job and family. While doing this, I was sure that Symantec will protect my job but hopless.

What an irony that Symantec pays employee over time and other variables to pay off their long term debts such as home loans and car loans, otherwise I would have owned home and car.

Today I am jobless and utilzing my small saving to feed my family because I was not involved in corrupt practice with my supervisor and team people. I am the only earning member to my family these days.

I was held responsible for non performance due to this.

Today I am helpless without support and job in this set up.

Kindly advise me what should I do? Shall I leave my wife and a small daughter dying.

If you really want to stop this, please take necessary steps against this corrupt practice, otherwise this would be proved that in this set up corrupt practice is only solution to save job or run family.

Thank you,

Bharat Asudani

Original certificate and salary hold by company

Dear Concern member,

i was working for one of the IT Company and before probation period completion i was resign.

Company trying to force me to complete 2 months notice period without as a confirm employee.

They hold my salary and Original certificate also and if i am following up they will not give proper response.

Kindly assist in me for resolve this issue.

Please tell me the procedure

Please tell me the procedure if a school has held the original certificates of a teacher and also not accepting the resignation. Please reply.

Force over time duties

Sir I am working in Larsen and Toubro LTD.Midc,Ahmednagar, Maharastra.
In Larsen and Toubro company force to do over times.they didn't listen anything.plz do something about that.

Non Payment of FnF dues since ten months.

I am Nayan Bagawde, I was working as a Design Head at Shirsa Labs Private Limited at 302 Swaroop Center,
Om Nagar, JB Nagar, Chakala, Andheri East, Mumbai-400 059 from June 2017 to May 2018. This organisation is run by Mandar Desai (Co-founder & CFO) & Sukhada Tendulkar (Co-founder & CEO). My last working day was 31st May 2018. I had served 1 month notice period as per company policy & had a smooth exit from the company. As per company policy, my full & final have to happen within 3 months. Now it's 10 months & company had just paid me 10% of my salary. Also, they had not paid the TDS which they had cut from my salary. I got an intimation letter from the income tax department. I am doing follow up by Mandar (Co-founder & CFO) is been only giving dates & not paying me. Kindly help me into this matter.

Payment and offer letter didn't provide co

Sir ji I joined every time masale I appointed for all over Nashik district as a sales officer onrole they harras me a lot for sales and they didn't provide me offer letter I left a job because of their sales harrasment I told them my salary they told we will give you still they didn't provide my salary rs 8700/- they have blocked my no blocked my what's app no
Help me thanks


I am working with Hyundai merchant marine since 04th September 2015 and we have 2months notice period but due to bank opportunity I have given short notice request and also ready to pay whatever will be my dues and as per HR Policy it has stated as below separation point.
Voluntary Separation Policy:
a. If any staff member intends to separate from the organization, he/she must inform
his/her HOD by submitting a formal written resignation letter. HOD should submit
staff member’s resignation letter along with last working date to HR.
b. During Probation period Staff or The Company can terminate the employment
contract by serving minimum 30 days’ notice period.
c. After confirmation, Staff or The Company can terminate the employment
contract by serving required notice period days as per the designation. However
company reserves the right, to relieve resigned employee any time before completing
notice period.
d. Notice period varies across different designations, for Executive/Sr. Executive 60
days and 90 days for Specialist/Part Leader and above.
e. No leaves will be granted during notice period. Any leaves taken during notice
period will lead to Loss of pay for leaves availed.
f. In case any staff member leaves organization without serving stipulated notice
period, HMMI has full rights to adjust/recover notice period pay from staff’s
balance payment.
g. Any kind of employment documents will not be provided to staff leaving without
serving stipulated notice period.
h. Full and Final settlement will be done within 30 days from last working day.
i. Only Earned Leaves are encashed at the rate of basic salary at the time of
retirement/separation of the employee.
j. Once employee resigns and serving the notice period is not eligible for any kind of
additional benefit apart from his/her CTC.
Now they are saying me that they won't be giving me reliving letter and need to serve full notice period.

Kindly advise on the same.

Many thanks
Gajendra kunwar

Full and final settlement

Dear Sir.
I was working with chem spec chemicals from June 2014 to may 2018 as D.P.Manager.I resigned the company in may 2018 with as per company rule.But till date i have not been received my final dues.
I followed with the company management,but there is no response.
Pl advice

PF transfer not done by Bandra PF office

PF office received cheque for PF transfer almost 2 months ago still money is not appearing in PF passbook. Tried calling help line number but nobody receives call on working hours during Monday to Friday! Tried register grievance but couldn't do the same I don't know the reason! Feeling help less!

Can send all required detail as i have acknowledgement copy of receipt , scanned pf form no 13.


Bhavin Talati


Dear concern Member,
I would like to knwo procedure to follow for non payment of FNF dues by compony from last 18months.

Harassment - on payment of FNF dues by compony

With reference to the above subject matter, I , Ms. Shaheen Khan joined your company dated 22/07/2016 as Sr. Executive. I was working with you for a period of Two & Half years . During this tenure , I have been sincere, punctual and hardworking. I have given the best of my talent and dedication to fulfill the companies needs.
However, for better prospectus we all need to move ahead in life and fulfill our family needs as well . I also did the same, on 15/12/2018. I  resigned from my services. My resignation was accepted by you and as desired by you I also served an extra notice period of 19 days against the normal notice period which is 30 days. Kindly note I was on notice period from 15/12/2018 to 02/02/2019.
Thereafter , I was relieved by you and my last working date was 02 February 2019. All formalities related to my exit from your company was done from your end and there was nothing pending .
I have been in constant touch on email & phone calls with Ms. Arpita Acharya for my full &final settlement & salary for the month of January 2019. But unfortunately till date I have not received my salary nor my full and final settlement.
I would like to draw your attention that I am coming from a small family and it is very difficult for me to survive without a salary. I hereby request you kindly settle my dues and issue relieving letter at the earliest possible.