Union Bank of India Customer Care No. 1800 208 2244

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 1800 208 2244 (For Contact Support, 24*7)
  • 1800 425 1515 (For Query, 24*7)
  • 1800 425 3555 (For Support, 24*7)
  • 1800 2222 43 (For Reporting Fraud/ Disputed Transactions)
  • 1800 425 2407 (For Premium Account)
  • 1930 (For National Cyber Crime)
  • 1800 223 222 (Alternate No. For Credit Card Query)
  • 1800 103 7188 (For Door Step Banking)
  • 1800 121 3721 (Alternate No. For Door Step Banking)
All India Number(s): 
  • 96666 06060 (For Whatsapp Support)
  • 92230 08486 (SMS/Missed Call Service )
  • 080-2530 0175 (For Credit Card Query)
  • 080-6181 7110 (For Charged Number For NRI)
International Numbers: 
+918484848458 (For NRI Customer Support)
+918061817110 (Dedicated No. For NRI )

IVRS Menu: 1800 208 2244

First Select Your Preferred Language

  • Press 1: For Debit Card Hotlisting And Block Account
    • Press 1: For Debit Card Hotlisting
    • Press 2: For Block Your Account
    • Press 0: To Repeat The Menu
  • Press 2: For Other Queries
    • Press 1: For Card Related Queries
    • Press 2: For Unblocking Customer ID Of Internet Banking And Mobile Banking
    • Press 3: For Account Related Queries
    • Press 4: For Sales And PIN Generation
    • Press 5: To Stop Check Payment
    • Press 6: For Request Call Apply Loan
    • Press 7: For Other Banking Services
    • Press 8: For Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna
    • Press 0: For Date Claim Related Query
    • Press 9: For Speak To Customer Care Executive
  • Press 0: To Repeat The Menu


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Important Links

Internet Banking

SMS Banking

Send sms to 9223008486

S.No. Request Keyword And Example
Atm Debit Cards 
1 To Block ATM Debit Card UBLOCK<space>Last four digit of debit card Number
Banking Information
2 Balance Enquiry Primary account balance : UBAL 
Other account balance : UBAL<space>Account number
3 Mini Statement Primary account statement : UMNS 
Other account statement : UMNS<space>Account number
4 Cheque status If cheque is from Primary account: UCSR<space>cheque number 
If cheque is of other account: 
UCSR <space> cheque number<space>Account number
5 Door Step Banking UDSB
6 Know the nearest branch UBRANCH<space>PinCode<space>Location/city
7 Know the nearest ATM UATM<space>PinCode<space>Location/city
Aadhaar ID seeding 
8 Aadhaar number seeding UID<space>AccountNumber<space>Aadhaar Number
Balance on Missed Call Service
9 Missed Call Service Customers can get their primary account balance by giving
Missed call to 9223008586.


Send SMS to 9223173921 using the following Keywords.

S.No. Transaction Keyword
1 Register for IMPS MMID
2 Beneficiary IMPS <ADDIMPS><MPIN>
<Beneficiary MMID>
<Beneficiary Mobile No.>
<Beneficiary Nick Name>
3 Payment <RIMPS><MPIN>
<Beneficiary NickName> <Amount>
4 Deregister for IMPS MMIDCANCEL
5 IMPS IMPS <Beneficiary Mobile No>
<Beneficiary MMID>

Grievance Redressal

Level 1

  • If You have any query/complaint, then firstly you have to contact to the customer support center at the details given below:
    Contact No.: 18002082244, 1800222243, 18002082244, 18004251515
    Email: customercare@unionbankofindia.com
  • You can also lodge your complaint online through Grievances Online Portal.

Level 2

Level 4

NEFT/ RTGS Customer Facilitation Centres

Other Helpline Numbers

Sr. No. Service Contact Address
1 Help Line Number For Women In Distress 7827170170 -
2 Centralised Pension Processing Cell (CPPC) 011-42268378 Email- cppc@unionbankofindia.bank
S-24, 2ND Floor, Shri Aurobindo Marg, Block A, Green Park EXTN, New Delhi -110016

Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana

Form Center

Central Office Address

Union Bank Bhavan, 239,
Vidhan Bhavan Marg,
Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021,
Contact No.: 022-22892000
Dedicated Number For NRI : +918025302510

Social Sites


Passbook printing not doing UBI tilaknagar, ChemburW branch

Union Bank of India....(Complaint made on 10-Oct-23/Tue)-Ticket no. 3449526

Dear Sir/Mam,
Sub:- Passbook Printing
Pl note,
I am a Senior Citizen, Saving account holder of UBI, Tilaknagar branch, Chembur-W since 22-Dec-2017 and this branch not helping with us.

In the last week, UBI Tilaknagar branch is not ready to print the passbook as there are more UPI transitions.

Enquired with concerned person....said ““As there are UPI transitions, branch will not print the passbook”, he directed me to branch manager.

Branch manager also told same. So I asked, any circular or directives from RBI or your head office but reply was negative.

There is no circular or no directive from RBI/head office then on what basis branch is acting?????
Does it means, Branch can do anything as per their wish????????
Pl sort out this matter……

Paisa refund

Ticket me kata that bapas nahi aaya sir pls refund

Email updates

Dear sir,
I am a gov. employer in paramilitary and posted in chandigarh. I must Internet banking but my home account branch Ghazipur - Gahmar in UP.so please help lnternet banking.

Request for Account Activation and change of adress

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am trying to call on chennai main branch from last 15 days regarding my Account activation and Adress change..
But whosoever took the call 2 times ( i tried to call atlest 20 times)is asking me to mail whatever my issue ia and they will reply back in 20 mins...

I also talk to your support team and they said i need to call and mail to chennai main branch.. they are unable to help... Currently i am out of india and trying to call chennai main branch so many times but someone hardly pick the call

I write down the mail on given mail id... also i am sending reminders to please respond on my mail... but no one is replying...

I request you to kindly look into my issue.. and m not able to use my account at all....


Dispatch of debit card at registered address

I am having saving acnt with union bank with acnt no 540702XXXXXX602.kindly dispatch my new debit card at my registered address as I am unable to visit at home branch.

My existing card is blocked and I am facing the issue.

Namrata Pandey

Regarding Digi Purse wallet recharge

Hi Sir/Madam,

I added 1000 rupees to my DigiPuse wallet (4607 XXXX XXXX 2848) on 31th January 2018, which is still not reflecting in my wallet. I sent more than 10 mails to digipursecare@unionbankofindia.com and digipursecare1@unionbankofindia.com , but didn't get a single reply from your side. Even i called customer care many time and every time they asked me send mail to them. Are you people are really looking into my issue ?.

Please work on my concern as soon as possible as let me know if need any more details.

Registered Mail Id: binodchaurasia1@gmail.com
Name: Binod Kumar


Debit card

Sir we can not shoping with emi in flipcart? What i am doing

clearing chaque


sorry to say but i forget my receipt in bank with chaque in chaque box and not taking receipt so can my chaque is cleare or not
please kindly give answer becouse i am waiting

clearing chaque


sorry to say but i forget my receipt in bank with chaque in chaque box and not taking receipt so can my chaque is cleare or not
please kindly give answer becouse i am waiting

clearing chaque


sorry to say but i forget my receipt in bank with chaque in chaque box and not taking receipt so can my chaque is cleare or not
please kindly give answer becouse i am waiting

to check our account

we have to see our today banking

Account balance

My account details please send to my mobile no

internet banking password

respected sir i forget my user id password in internet banking. can you help me. how can i reuse my id sir.

complaint regarding union bank clerk and agriculture officer

dear sir,
i am pramod dabhade , i want to open saving account in union bank , in manchar branch tal- ambegaon dist-pune but there is one clerk always misbehaving with customer and agri officer is also supporting with him.

Less Receipt through ATM

On 20/10/2012, at around 7 p.m., I used ATM of Union Bank of India (CTS No. 432, Kothrud), Near Karve Statue, Karve Road, Pune. I instructed the ATM to issue Rs. 9000/- However, I could get only Rs. 8500/-. One Rs. 500/- note remained inside ATM machine since the machine was faulty. I could see the note. But I could not get it. However, the transaction showed withdrawl of Rs.9000/- instead of Rs. 8500/- vide Record no. 1233.
I lodged a complaint at my bank (i.e. ICICI ) vide SR No. 243272346 dt 22/10/2012 as per laid down procedures. However, on 29/10/2012, I got SMS from ICICI bank that, “Disputed transaction of Rs. 500/- is successful as per re-presentment of the acquiring bank. We regret our inability to reverse the amount.“
Then I approached Union Bank of India, Paud Road, Kothrud branch. However, Bank express inability to solve the matter. They told me that the subject ATM centre is outsourced. They also agreed that physical verification of Account balance of the ATM centre could not have been done before forwarding the message by Union Bank to ICICI Bank and it is practice of checking computer records.
In view of the above, it is requested to look into the matter and help me in crediting my account by Rs. 500/-

Manisha Vinay Puranik

atm card probleem

plzzzzzzzzzzzz i request in my atm card is not work for them

P.O recruitment

Hi Sir,

This is Krishna Mohan, I have selected in IBPS written exam which was held in sep2011. My weighted score is 154.

This mail is intended to send you that all the other banks (PNB, BOI, CANARA bank, etc) have announced cutoff marks before fee payment but union bank of India has announced cutoff marks after fee payment. Initially no threshold of marks was defined by bank but now candidates have been shortlisted with considerably high cut-offs which i feel unjustified as at it is a last minute decision by the bank. Then what about the people who have paid money and not shortlisted for the interview. Please do fair justification because the money which we pay for the bank is earned by poor people working hard day and night, and if banks only does this type of cheating then people will Loose faith on the bank. Please do fair justification for the people who have paid money and who didn’t get call for interview. please refund back our amount.

my account number:5180521552
bank name: citi bank

Hoping for the best…
Awaiting for your reply….

i have applied for u r po

i have applied for u r po recruitment.u have mationed that the reprint of online application can be downloaded upto 30.1.2012 but the link for reprint is not opening.plz take quick and necessary action in this regard.candidates r very much tensed and confused as the printout of application form is required at the time of personal interview.waiting for u r quick response and necessary action.

online banking issues

i m adding beneficiary to my account and if i am searching bank by "bank name and branch starts with" then it does not find my beneficiary bank and if i add the ifsc code and manually find the branch then it shows the correct branch but not the bank name its ok but if i add that as beneficiary then it adds canara bank instead of central bank of India
now customer care
i have called customer care so many times they first asks for web browser (i.e. internet explorer ) ok that is fine but if i say yes then they asks for latest java version on my machine so can any body tell me that what is the relation of installing java on my machine 3 times she/he told me to wait for 1 minute and the call automatically(or manually) disconnected now what should i do for adding a beneficiary i have waited 7-8 days and now when the issue get resolved don't know
what should i do

complain keshod branch maneger.languge not good

not good service unionbank keshod branch

cheque book request

Dear Sir
Am having an joint account with your bank ,its a chennai branch.Now at present am staying in hyderabad and i require an cheque book,can i apply for the same from hyderabad itself or i need to visit my mother branch in chennai.kindly suggest me.if suppose i can apply through courier to mother branch how much time it takes to get a new cheque book

dabit card

How to get all ATM Massage get my mobile

My a/c no is 107324 Branch

My a/c no is 107324
Branch Rampur (UP)
VISA ATM Card no. 4213683874008723

While paying bill via UBI ATM card, it says use 5 digit password while I was given 4 digits password.

Message goes to my father

Dear sir,
I would like to know how do I stop my father from getting mobile message after I withdraw cash from my account?? i have an account in Union bank of India my father stays in United Arab Emirates.
and also I want to know that if my friend from United Arab Emirates sends money to me will the mobile message go to my father??
how do I stop my father from getting the mobile message .

Education loan

Dear Sir I am Dharmendra Sharma from Ashok Nagar(MP) Ashok Nagar branch manager is not sanctioning my education loan. He has verified all my property documents but still not ready to give me loan.