Delhi Chief Electoral Officer Contact No.

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 1950 (For Helpline, Mon-Sun, 9am-9pm)
  • 1800 11 1400 (For Contact Support)
All India Number(s): 
  • 011-2392 8100 (Control Room No.)


Officers Contacts

Chief Electoral Officers

S.No. Officer's Name Designation Office No. Email
1 Sh. P. Krishnamurthy Chief Electoral Officer 011-23977130
Fax: 011-23969611
2 Sh. Rajesh Kumar Special CEO
(Vigilance Nodal Officer)
011-23981513, 011-23970498
3 Dr. Pranjal J. Hazarika Additional CEO (I)
4 Sh. D. Karthikeyan Additional CEO (II)
5 Sh. Kaanchan Azad OSD
6 Sh. Dewan Chand Dy. Controller of Accounts
7 Ms. Poonam Deputy CEO
(NGRS Nodal Officer)
8 Sh. Sanjeev Chadha System Analyst
9 Sh. Ramesh Purohit System Analyst
10 Ms. Vijay Shree Gulati Assistant Director
(Plg. / Stat. / Accessible Election)
Fax: 011-23963604
11 Sh. Satendra Kumar Assistant CEO
(Administration / Vigilance / Control Room
/ R & I / Pr. Branch of the CEO, Delhi)
12 Sh. T. Misao Assistant CEO
(Procurement & Issue / Right To Information /
Record Officer / Conduct of Election)
011-23832333, 011-23946413,
13 Sh. Subodh Rawat Assistant CEO
(Voter Education (SVEEP, Election
Education Centre-cum-Museum) / Media /
Legal / PAQ / Training)
14 Sh. Lalit Mittal Assistant CEO
Electoral Roll, EVM / Nodal Officer (EVM)
15 Sh. Mathew Kurian Senior Accounts Officer 011-23982711
16 Sh. Yogesh Kapoor DDO/AAO
17 Sh. Sanjeev Sharma Program Manager

District Election Officers

Sr.No. Distt. Name Deo Name Phone No. Email Fax No. Address
1 North-West Ms. Ankita Anand, Ias 011-25953785 Dcnw@Nic.In 011-25952530 Office Of The Dc (N/W), Kanjhawala, Delhi
2 North-East Sh..Arun Mishra Ias 011-22122732 Dcne@Nic.In 011-22129686 Dsidc Complex, Nand Nagri, Delhi
3 South Mekala Chaitanya Prasad, Ias 011-29535025 Dcsouth@Nic.In 011-29535795 Office Of The Deputy Commissioner,Bdo
Office, Mb Road, Saket, New Delhi
4 Central Sh. G.Sudhakar , Ias 011-23282903 Dccentral@Nic.In 011-23284933 Old Employment Exchange Building, Central
District14, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002
5 South-West Sh. Lakshay Singhal,(Ias) 011-25069484 Dcsw@Nic.In 011-25069133 Old Terminal Tax Bldg. Kapashera, Delhi-110037
6 East Sh. Anil Banka 011-22421656 Dceast1@Gmail.Com 011-22455519 I & F Deptt., Complex A-Block, Lm Bandh,
Shastri Nagar, Delhi
7 West Dr. Kinny Singh, Ias 011-25107118 Dcwest@Nic.In 011-25107118 Plot No.3 Shivaji Place, Near West Gate Mall,
Raja Garden New Delhi-110027
8 North Sh. Yash Chaudhary Ias 011-27203048 Dcnorth@Nic.In 011-23963393 Office Of The District Magistrate (North) Near
Shardhanand College, G.T Karnal Road,Alipur,Delhi-110
9 New Delhi Sh. Santosh Kumar Rai 011-23386982 Dcnd@Nic.In 011-23381080 12/1, Jam Nagar House, Shahjahan Road, Delhi
10 Shahdara Ms. Rishita Gupta, Ias 011-22126305 Dcshahdara2014@Gmail.Com 011-22126636 O/O The Deo/Dc(Shahadra)Dsiidc
Complex,Nand Nagri,Delhi.
11 South-East Ms. Isha Khosla, Ias 011-26476402 Dcse.Rev.Delhi@Nic.In 011-26476403 O/O The Deo/Dm(South-East)Old Gargi College
Building,Lajpat Nagar-Iv,New Delhi-110024.

SDMs (Election) of Districts

Sr.No Distt. Name Officer Name Phone No. Mobile No. Email Fax No. Address
1 North-West Rajeev Kumar Sinha 011-25953420 9810880942 Sdm.Enw3@Gmail.Com 011-25953419 O/O Dc(North-West),Kanjhawala
2 North-East Sh.B L Meena 011-20824914 9968414870 Sdmelectionne@Gmail.Com 011-22132054 Dc Office, Nand Nagri, Delhi
3 South Ms. Anita Rana 011-20860811 9873606785 Sdmesouthdelhi@Gmail.Com 011-20860811 Dc Office, Mb Road, Saket, New Delhi
4 Central Manju Singh Kalshain 011-23540151 9599955590 Sdmelection.Central@Yahoo.In   Old Employment Exchange Building, Central
District, 14, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002
5 South-West Alka Chaudhary 011-25065683 9990850175 Sdm_Sw@Yahoo.Com 011-25063013 Dc Office (District South West), Old Terminal
Tax Bldg., Kapashera, Delhi-110037
6 East Ms. Madhu Bhatia 011-21210843 9899047047 Sdmelectioneast@Gmail.Com   Block-C L.M Bandh Shastri Nagar
7 West Sh. Dheeraj Sharma 011-25107440 9868871068 Esdm.West-Dl@Gov.In   Plot No.3 Shivaji Place, Near West Gate Mall,
Raja Garden New Delhi-110027
8 North Tapan Kumar Jha 011-27202573 9560026886 Sdm-Enorth@Delhi.Gov.In 011-27202573 Office Of The District Magistrate (North) Near
Shardhanand College, G.T Karnal Road,Alipur,Delhi-110
9 New Delhi Anupma Chakravorty 011-23386410 7048960337 Sdmelectionnd09@Gmail.Com 011-23073031 12/3, Jam Nagar House, Shahjahan Road
10 Shahdara Virender Singh 011-22127585 9818425426 Esdmshahdara.Delhi@Gov.In 011-22127585 O/O The Deo/Dc(Shahadra)Dsiidc Complex,Nand Nagri,Delhi
11 South-East Sh.Pankaj Sood 011-26476407 9868411675 Sdm-Electionse@Eci.Gov.In 011-26476403 O/O The Deo/Dc(South-East)Old Gargi College
Building,Lajpat Nagar-Iv,New Delhi-110024.

Electoral Registration Officers

S. No. Name Distt. Name Name Designation Office No. Mobile No. Email Address
1 Nerela North Rakesh Das Sdm (Narela) 011-27844214 9893476059 Eronerela.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Mpcc, Vill. Naya Bans, Delhi
2 Burari Central Sh. Meena Tyagi Sdm (Civil Line) 011-23954835 9818001789 Eroburari.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Ludlow-Castle Sports Complex, Shamnath
3 Timarpur Central Sh. L.K. Gautam Ero Asstt. Commissioner
F& S East Delhi
011-22373112 9811241594 Erotimarpur.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Office Of The Assistant Commissioner
Food & Supply Department , Dayanand
Vihar, Delhi
4 Adarsh Nagar North Ajay Sinandi Ac(North) Fns 011-23653467 8860057532,
Eroadarshnagar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O Asstt. Commissioner, 2324 Local
Shopping Complex, Gulabi Bagh
5 Badli North Gagandeep Singh Sdm Model Town 011-23918044
Fax: 011-23963393
9818482354 Erobadli.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Near Ndpl Office, Azadpur Flyover,
Azadpur, New Delhi-33
6 Rithala North-West Sh. Ashok Kumar Asstt. Comm. F&S (North West) 011-23370072
Fax: 011-23378127
9354691664 Erorithala.Dl.@Eci.Gov.In O/O Assistant Commissioner North
West, F & S Deptt. Csc Mkt. Cc Blk,
Shalimarbagh, New Delhi
7 Bawana North Nilesh Nishikant Gurav Adm (North) Fax: 011-27751889 9953916491 Erobawana.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Adm (North),Deo/Dm Office Complex,
Alipur Delhi-110036
8 Mundka North-West Sh. Naveen Toppo Admn. Officer (Education )
North West
Fax: 011-25954446
8447889777 Eromundka.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O Dde(Nw) Bl Block, Shalimar
Bagh, Delhi-88
9 Kirari North-West Sh. Balraj Singh Bdo, Nw 011-25952184
Fax: 011-25952530
9315648684 Erokirari.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Room No. 37, O/O Deo/Dm Office,
Kanjhawla, Delhi
10 Sultanpur Majra North-West Sh. M Bharani Sdm Saraswati Vihar 011-27393000 8300011196 Erosultanpurmajra.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Office Of D.C. (West), Rampura
11 Nangloi Jat West Sh. Arvind Jain Sdm (Punjabi Bagh) 011-25947588 8377969169 Eronangloijat.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Sdm Office Nangloi Road Delhi
12 Mangol Puri North-West Sh. Alok Kumar Sdm Kanjhawala 011-25951140 9162860848 Eromangolpuri.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Dc/Dm Office Kanjhawala
13 Rohini North Pawan Kumar Vato Trade & Tax 011-27293330 9871730275 Erorohini.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Trade & Taxes Deptt. Vyapar
Bhawan, New Delhi
14 Shalimar Bagh North-West Sh. Sudhakar Adm (North-West) 011-25953785 9958602884 Eroshalimarbagh.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O Deo/Dm Office, Kanjhawla, Delhi
15 Shakur Basti North Navneet Mann Sdm, Alipur 011-27203773 9971660256 Eroshakurbasti.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O Deputy Commissioner (North),
Alipur Delhi-110036
16 Tri Nagar North-West Sh. Manish Chandra Verma Sdm (Rohini) 011-25953528 9999696774 Erotrinagar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O Deo/Dm Office, Kanjhawla, Delh
17 Wazirpur North Hari Singh Meena Sreo 011-2730587   Erowazirpur.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Deputy Secretary 5 Delhi Finance Commission
Ist Floor C Block Vikas Bhawan 2 Civil Line Delhi
18 Model Town North Naveen Gosain Asstt. Comm. T&T Dept. 011-23311980 9810388372 Eromodeltown.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Trade & Taxes Deptt. Vyapar Bhawan,
New Delhi
19 Sadar Bazar Central Sh. Alok Kumar Sdm Kotwali 011-23284931 9162860848 Erosadarbazar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O Dm(Central), Old Employment Exchange
Building,14, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002
20 Chandni Chowk Central Sh.Ram Avtar Meena Vato T&T Ward No. 82 011-23352310 8506062900 Erochandnichowk.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O The Commissioner (T&T) , Ward No. 82
Vyapar Bhawan, Ito Delhi
21 Matia Mahal Central Sh. Atul Pandey Adm Central 011-23284932
Fax: 011-23282075
7503890431 Eromatiamahal.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O Dm(Central), Old Employment Exchange
Building,14, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002
22 Ballimaran Central Sh. Pawan Kumar Vato T&T Ward No. 14   9899972520 Eroballimaran.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Vyapar Bhawan, Indraprashta Marg, Ip Estate,
Delhi, 110002
23 Karol Bagh Central Sh. Shakti Bangar Sdm (Karol Bagh) 011-23559400 9654922354 Erokarolbagh.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Flatted Factories Complex, Jhandewalan,
Pahar Ganj, New Delhi-110055
24 Patel Nagar New Delhi Ms. Manju Handa Assistant Commissioner
Trade & Taxes
011-23352387 9818608792 Eropn24@Gmail.Com Ito New Delhi-110001
25 Moti Nagar West Sh. Hom Karan Sreo (West) 9015753972 9015753972 Eromotinagar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Employment Exchange Pusa New Delhi,
Near Iti, Iari Complex, Library Ave, Pusa,
New Delhi, Delhi 110
26 Madipur West Sh. Rajesh Rana Vato (W-56) 9810601086 9810601086 Eromadipur.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O Trade & Taxes Ip State New Delhi
27 Rajouri Garden West Sh. Asheesh Kumar Sdm (Rajouri Garden) 011-27395675 7599770777 Erorajourigarden.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Office Of Dm West Room 2Nd Floor
Shivaji Place Raja Garden New Delhi-110027
28 Hari Nagar West Sh. Vinay Kumar Jindal Adm (West) 011-25107117 9815265750 Eroharinagar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Office Of Dm West Room 3Rd Floor
Shivaji Place Raja Garden New Delhi-110027
29 Tilak Nagar West Sh. Aditya Sangotra Sdm (Patel Nagar) 011-27391613 9103322332 Erotilaknagar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Office Of Dm West Room 2Nd Floor
Shivaji Place Raja Garden New Delhi-110027
30 Janakpuri West Ms. Sarita Sabharwal Vato Ward-60 011-25514048 9899882244 Erojanakpuri.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O Trade & Taxes Ip State New Delhi
31 Vikaspuri South-West Sh. Rajesh Kumar A. D .E.(West B) 011-28544372 9212006628 Erovikashpuri.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Vikaspuri Road, G Block, Vikaspuri,
New Delhi, Delhi 110018
32 Uttam Nagar South-West Sh.Balram Meena A. D .M 011-25069485 9560504176 Erouttamnagar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Old Terminal Tax Building Distt.-Sw,
Kapashera, Delhi
33 Dwarka South-West Shalesh Kumar Sdm (Dwarka) 011-20892286 9958147071 Erodwarka.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Old Terminal Tax Building Distt.-Sw,
Kapashera, Delhi
34 Matiala South-West Namgyal Angmo Sdm (Kapashera) 011-25069185 9818386296 Eromatiala.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Old Terminal Tax Building Distt.-Sw,
Kapashera, Delhi
35 Najafgarh South-West Mamta Yadav Sdm (Najafgarh) 011-25017834
Fax: 011-25063013
9811000058 Eronajafgarh.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Sdm Office Complex, Najafgarh, New
Delhi - 110043
36 Bijwasan South-West Sh.Mohd Asiml (Link Officer) Sdm (Vasant Vihar) 011-24678057 9811647743 Erobijwasan.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Sdm/Ero,Ac-36 Bijwasan 6Th Floor
Ndmc Building Palika Bhawan Near,
Hyatt Hotel New Delhi.
37 Palam South-West Sh.Mohd Asim Sero (South West) 011-25848321
Fax: 011-25071085
9811647743 Eropalam.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Government Of National Capital Territory
Of Delhi Employment Exchange Bldg. Kirby
Place, Delhi Cantt
38 Delhi Cantt New Delhi Sh. Prateek Raj Yadav Sdm (Delhi Cantt.) 011-25016330
Fax: 011-25063013
8900916004 Erodelhicantt.Dl@Eci.Gov.In 12/1 Jam Nagar House
39 Rajinder Nagar New Delhi Sh. Rakesh Sharma Bdo (South West) 011-25016330
Fax: 011-25063013
9891848855 Erorajindernagar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Bdo South West
40 New Delhi New Delhi Sh. O P Pandey Sdm (Chankyapuri) 011-23386844
Fax: 011-23384621
9654009701 Eronewdelhi.Dl@Eci.Gov.In 12/1 Jam Nagar House
41 Jangpura South-East Sh. Sanjay Jha Sdm (Sarita Vihar) 011-26476405
Fax: 011-26641772
9899144666 Erojangpura.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O The Deo/Dm(South-East) Old Gargi
College Building, Lajpat Nagar-Iv,
New Delhi-110024
42 Kasturba Nagar South-East Mahima Madan Ero/Sdm (Mehrauli) 011-26641772 9610449318 Erokasturbanagar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Old Tehsil Building, Mehrauli, New Delhi,
Delhi 110030
43 Malviya Nagar South Sh.Radhey Shyam Meena Sdm Saket 011-29535190
Fax: 011-29535797
9119111191 Eromalviyanagar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O The Sdm (Saket), Mb Road, Saket,
New Delhi
44 R K Puram New Delhi Sushila Panchal Asstt. Comm.
(F&S, New Delhi)
011-23370072 8506017237 Erorkpuram.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Asst. Commissioner (F&S), New Delhi,
M-Blk, Vikas Bhawan, Ito, New Delhi-110002
45 Mehrauli South Dr. Mukesh Kumar Sdm Hauz Khaz 011-29536904 9571811939 Eromehrauli.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O The Dm (South), Mb Road, Saket, New Delhi
46 Chhatarpur South Sh.Anil Kumar Vato(Ward-100) 9899169010 9899169010 Erochhatarpur.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O Trade & Taxes, Ito
47 Deoli South Sh. Gaurav Saini Sdm (Defence Colony) 9899501912 9899501912 Erodeoli.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Office Of The Deputy Commissioner (Se),
Old Gargi Collage Building, Lajpat Nagar, Nd
48 Ambedkar Nagar South Sh. Ankit Kr Aggarwal Adm South 9818322208 9818322208 Eroambedkarnagar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O The Dm (South), Mb Road, Saket,
New Delhi
49 Sangam Vihar South-East Sh. Ajay Yadav Ero/Bdo (South) 011-29536566 9540023020 Erosangamvihar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O D.C. (South), M.B. Road, Saket,
New Delhi
50 Greater Kailash New Delhi Sh. Nishant Bodh Adm(District New Delhi) 011-23071144
Fax: 011-23384621
9599896607 Erogreaterkailash.Dl@Eci.Gov.In 12/1 Shahjahan Road, Jamnagar House,
Near Upsc, New Delhi-110011
51 Kalkaji South-East Sh.Shailendra Kumar Singh Adm (Se) 011-26476405 9910578043 Erokalkaji.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O The Deo/Dm(South-East) Old Gargi
College Building, Lajpat Nagar-Iv, New
52 Tughlakabad South-East Sh. Jagat Bhushan Kapil Sdm (Kalkaji) 011-29956500
Fax: 011-29957388
9811099544 Erotughalakabad.Dl@Eci.Gov.In 37, Tuglakabad Industrial Area, M.B. Road
53 Badarpur South-East Sh. Hari Narayan Meena Ero/Admn Officer
(Education) South
Fax: 011-24336560
8130498592 Erobadarpur.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Ade (South) Ero Ac-53 (Badarpur) O/O
Dy. Dir. Of Edu. (South) Dir. Of Edu.,
Sec 3 R.K.Puram
54 Okhla South-East Sunita Asstt. Comm. (Ward No. 201 Gst) 011-23352310
Fax: 011-23352390
9582199683 Erookhla.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Department Of Trade & Taxes, Ward No.
201, , I.P Estate, Ito, New Delhi
55 Trilokpuri East Sh. Rajendar Kumar Sdm (Preet Vihar) 011-21210849 8586890490 Erotrilokpuri.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O The D.C. East L.M. Bandh,
Shastri Nagar, Delhi
56 Kondli East Sh. Sandip Dutta Sdm (Mayur Vihar) 011-21210856 9810977884 Erokondli.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O The D.C. East L.M. Bandh,
Shastri Nagar, Delhi
57 Patparganj East Punit Kumar Patel Adm (East) 011-21210846 9497703331 Eropatparganj.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O The D.C. East L.M. Bandh,
Shastri Nagar, Delhi
58 Laxmi Nagar East Mohd. Rehan Raza Adm (Shahdara) 011-22057772 8826961131 Erolaxminagar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Dsidc Complex, Nand Nagri, Delhi
59 Vishwas Nagar Shahdara Sh. Kamlesh Kumar Sdm (Vivek Vihar) 011-22127675 7752810874 Erovishwasnagar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Dsidc Complex, Nand Nagri, Delhi
60 Krishna Nagar East Sh.Ankur Meshram Dy. Comm. (Industries) 011-22157026 8446967004 Erokrishnanagar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In 419, Udyog Sadan, Patparganj Industrial
Estate, Delhi-92
61 Gandhi Nagar East Sh. Vivek Kumar Naresh, Sdm (Gandhi Nagar) 011-21210847 9810781814 Erogandhinagar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In O/O Dc East. L.M. Band Shastri Nagar, Delhi
62 Shahdara Shahdara Sh. Chandra Shekhar Dy Commissioner
Industries Admn
011-22164581 9899666448 Eroshahdara.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Udyoq Sadan, Plot No.- 419, Fie,
Patpar Ganj Industrial Area, Delhi-110092
63 Seema Puri Shahdara Sh. Mohan Kumar Sdm Seemapuri 011-22132202 9717445149 Eroseemapuri.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Dc Office Complex, Nand Nagri
64 Rohtas Nagar Shahdara Sh.Jitender Kumarsingh Bdo, East 011-22801050 9811991006 Erorohtashnagar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Dc Office Complex, Nand Nagri
65 Seelampur North-East Sh. Sharat Kumar Sdm (Seelampur) 011-22827367 9871542427 Eroseelampur.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Sdm Office Complex, Seelampur, Delhi-53
66 Ghonda North-East Sh. Kishore Kumar Datta Sdm (Yamuna Vihar) 011-22574468 9433459409 Eroghonda.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Dc Office Complex, Nand Nagri, Delhi-93
67 Babarpur Shahdara Sh. Kshitish Mishra Sdm (Shahdara) 011-22132201 8744009834 Erobabarpur.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Dc Office Complex, Nand Nagri, Delhi-93
68 Gokalpur North-East Sh. V.K Jain Sreo   9811218628 Erogokalpur.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Employment Exchange
69 Mustafabad North-East Sh.Sanjay Sondhi Sdm (Karawal Nagar) 011-22827367 7389254004 Eromustafabad.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Dc Office Complex, Nand Nagri, Delhi-93
70 Karawal Nagar North-East Sh. Subhankar Ghosh Adm (Ne) 011-22115490 9818459801 Erokarawalnagar.Dl@Eci.Gov.In Dc Office Complex, Nand Nagri, Delhi-93

Voter Centres Contacts

Sno. Ac Name Distt. Name Aero Name Phone/Fax No. Mobile No. Email Address
1 Nerela North Sh Sanjay Sharma 011-27204027 9582360637 Ac01Narela@Gmail.Com Bdo Office Complex, Alipur, Delhi- 110036
2 Burari Central Shaurya Vir Singh 011-27612011 9582131413 Aero2.Delhi@Nic.In Delhi Jal Board Office, Near Transport
Authority , Sant Nagar, Burari, Delhi
3 Timarpur Central Anita Devi 011-23810680 9718613803 Vrec3@Yahoo.In Old Super Bazar Building, Delhi Admn.
Flats, Timarpur, Delhi-110054.
4 Adarsh Nagar North Harvender Singh 011-27672403 9871634151 Vrec04@Gmail.Com Fso Office Circle-62, Ground Floor, Night
Shelter, Sarai Peepal Thala, Delhi - 110033
5 Badli North Prembala 011-27294117 9599233151 Vrec05Badli@Gmail.Com Near Shiv Chowk , Badli Village , Block-A,
Sector -19, Rohini, Delhi-110042
6 Rithala North-West Sh. Rishi Kumar Kalonia 011-27822109 9968488499 Aeroac06@Gmail.Com Multipurpose Community Centre, Prehlad
Pur Banger, Delhi - 110042
7 Bawana North Sh. Pankaj 011-27751889 9891995509 Ac07Northbawana@Gmail.Com Pwd Inquiry Office , Opposite Ndpl, Main
Bawana Chowk, Bawana , Delhi-110039
8 Mundka North-West Sh. Manjeet Hooda 011-25954446 8076922434 Vrec8Mundka@Gmail.Com Community Centre, Kanjhawala Chowk,
Kaajhawala, Delhi - 110081
9 Kirari North-West Sh. Suchet Singh 011-25186054 9717504438 Aeroac9Kirari@Gmail.Com Multi Purpose Community Center (Mpcc),
Village Mubarak Pur Dabas, Near Bus
Terminal, Delhi 110086
10 Sultanpur Majra North-West Sh. Vijay Kumar 011-25961666 7015459486 Vrec10Sultanpuridelhi@Gmail.Com Shivaji Sports Complex, Jj & Slum,
C-Block, Sultan Puri, New Dtc Terminal,
Delhi - 110086
11 Nangloi Jat West Sh. Anand Dabas 011-25945435 9873707052 Ac11Nangloijat@Gmail.Com Patwar Ghar, Najafgarh Road, Delhi -110041
12 Mangol Puri North-West Smt. Pankaj Kumari Sapra 011-27915928 8766253025 Aeroac12Mangolpuri@Gmail.Com Community Hall, A-Block, Kalamandir
Cinema Road Mangolpuri, Delhi - 110083
13 Rohini North Sh. Naveen Kumar Tawar 011-27293330 9911197584 Ac13Rohini@Gmail.Com Admn. Block, Old Fire Station Building,
Badli, Industrial Area, Near Sector-18 Rohini Delhi - 110042
14 Shalimar Bagh North-West Sh. Suresh Kumar 011-27481264 8527269078 Ac14Aero1@Gmail.Com Recreation Centre, U&V Block,
Shalimar Bagh, Delhi - 110088
15 Shakur Basti North Sh. Prashant Tawar 011-27026693 8527124769 Vrec15@Gmail.Com Voter Center, Sant Nagar Road, Rani Bagh, Delhi
16 Tri Nagar North-West Sh. Ashutosh 011-27154858 9953167730 Vrec16@Yahoo.In Voter Center, Mcd Community Centre,
K-Block, Shakur Pur, Delhi
17 Wazirpur North Sh. Rajeev Kumar Arora 011-27305087 9773555422 Ac17Wazirpur@Gmail.Com Community Centre Labour Welfare Centre,
Nimri Colony, Delhi - 110052
18 Model Town North Sh. Ravi Kumar 011-27129855 9868772299 Vrec18@Yahoo.In Arya Bhatt Polytechnic, Near Shakti Nagar
Telephone Exchange, G.T.Karnal Road, Delhi - 110033
19 Sadar Bazar Central Dinesh Kumar Rana 011-23642326 8800447878 Erosb19@Gmail.Com 7, Kalidas Marg, Gulabi Bagh, Delhi- 110007
20 Chandni Chowk Central Shri Narayan Meena 011-23933221 9891093596 Erocc20New@Gmail.Com Sarai Phoos, Dda Colony, Tis Hazari, Delhi - 110006
21 Matia Mahal Central Daljit Singh 011-23219332 9811619495 Eromm21@Gmail.Com Office Of The Ero/Aero, Assembly Constituency -
21 (Matia Mahal) Mcd Pry. School Building, Gali Shan
22 Ballimaran Central Sh. Dharm Pal Yadav 011-23933216 9717184274 Ero22Bm@Gmail.Com Ac-22, Ballimaran, Voter Centre, Near Bses Office,
Slum & Jj Centre, Lahori Gate, Delhi -110006
23 Karol Bagh Central Hemant Kumar Tiwari 011-23514001 9643509623 Erokb23New@Gmail.Com Tibbia College, Ajmal Khan Road, Karol
Bagh, New Delhi - 110005
24 Patel Nagar New-Delhi Shiv Kumar Sharma 011-25700018 9013073700 Eropn24@Gmail.Com Block-B, Community Centre, New Ranjeet
Nagar, New Delhi - 110008
25 Moti Nagar West Arti Chaudhry 011-25107488 9716604289 Eromn25@Gmail.Com Room No.14 &15, F Block, Labour
Office, Karam Pura, Delhi - 110015
26 Madipur West Sh. Ashok Kumar 011-25218441 9911708555 Aeroac26@Gmail.Com Community Centre, Old Slum Quarters,
Madipur, New Delhi - 110063
27 Rajouri Garden West Bhagwan Sahay Meena 011-25984849 9868316939 Aero27Rajourigarden@Gmail.Com Basti Vikas Kendra, Baba Ramdev Road, No.29,
Hmp Colony, Raghubir Nagar, New Delhi - 110027
28 Hari Nagar West Ms. Rekha Chopra 011-25491833 7290020461 Ac28Harinagar@Gmail.Com Flat No.14A, Da - Block, Hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064
29 Tilak Nagar West Narender Kumar 011-25990441 9468351417 Aero29Ac@Gmail.Com Multipurpose Community Centre, Block-12,
Tilak Nagar, New Delhi - 110018
30 Janakpuri West Ms. Saroj Sharma 011-25514048 8178989101 Ac30Janakpuri1@Gmail.Com &Ldquo; Truss &Rdquo;, Mcd Works Store,
C-2B, Janak Puri , New Delhi - 110058
31 Vikaspuri South-West Kiran Bala Gupta 011-25615831 9560369387 31Aero@Gmail.Com Vikaspuri, Block -Kg-1, Vikas Puri , Delhi - 11
32 Uttam Nagar South-West Anil Juneja 011-25643033 9717901840 Aeroac32Sw@Yahoo.Com Mpcc Development Department Building
Bindapur Uttam Nagar-59
33 Dwarka South-West Surinder Mohan Chawla 011-28523115 8447878228 Aeroac33Sw@Yahoo.Com Community Centre/Chaupal, H-Block, Harijan
Basti, Sagarpur, New Delhi - 110046
34 Matiala South-West Rakesh Kumar 011-25332350 9871405033 Aeroac34Sw@Yahoo.Com Mcd Barat Ghar/Community Centre, Kakrola
Housing Complex, Old Palam Road, New Delhi - 110078
35 Najafgarh South-West Shubh Lata 011-25325645 9968242475 Aeroac35Sw@Yahoo.Com Office Of The Aeroac-35 Najafgarh Sdm Office
Complex Najafgarh ,New Delhi-110043
36 Bijwasan South-West Bharat Singh 011-25314951 9873682604 Aeroac36Sw@Gmail.Com Main Hall, Animal Husbandry Hospital, Bijwasan,
New Delhi - 110077
37 Palam South-West Vikas Chander Bhatt 011-25071085 9873953527 Aeroac37Sw@Yahoo.Com Community Center, J.J. Colony, Mahavir
Vihar, Sector-1, Dwarka.
38 Delhi Cantt New-Delhi Devender Shokeen 011-25687687 9810984077 Aerodelhicantt38@Gmail.Com,
Ground Floor, Employment Exchange Building,
Kirbi Place, New Delhi - 110010
39 Rajinder Nagar New-Delhi Sh. Ramesh Kumar 011-25843192 9212279615 Ac39Rajindernagar@Gmail.Com Opposite Iti Hostel Mess, Near Food &
Supply Office, Pusa, New Delhi - 110012
40 New Delhi New-Delhi Anil Kumar 011-23381531 9911269555 Aero40Newdelhi@Gmail.Com, 13/2, Jam Nagar House, Near Upsc, New
Delhi - 110011
41 Jangpura South-East Vikranth Mahalwal 011-29821555 9910000701 Acjangpura1@Gmail.Com Jal Vihar Fso Office Complex Lajpat Nagar Ii,
New Delhi - 110024
42 Kasturba Nagar South-East Alpha E Toppo 011-29841555 9871365051 Aeroac42@Yahoo.Com Block-C, Opp. F-15 Block, Lajpat Nagar Iii,
New Delhi - 110024
43 Malviya Nagar South Sh.Jagdev Singh 011-26180870 9968414374 Malviyanagaraero@Yahoo.In Humaupur Barat Ghar, Opp. Chota Gurudwara
Safderjung Enclave,Krishna Nagar,
44 R K Puram New-Delhi Smt Saraswati 011-26162657 8700473943 Aero_Ac44@Yahoo.In Mcd Community Centre, Near Market, Sector-3,
R.K.Puram, New Delhi - 110022
45 Mehrauli South Ms Sangeeta Rani 011-26642800 9718847979 Mehrauliac@Yahoo.Com Vocational Training Center, Near Qutub Minar
Bus Stand, Mehrauli, New Delhi - 110030
46 Chhatarpur South Sh.Rajesh Gandhi 011-26805726 7982837008 Chhatarpurac@Yahoo.In Old Desu Building, Near Dena Bank, Chhatarpur,
New Delhi-110074
47 Deoli South Sh.Ram.Phool Meena 011-29562531 8750688894 Vrec47Deoli@Gmail.Com Old Police Chowki, Sector -4, Pushp Vihar
New Delhi-110017
48 Ambedkar Nagar South Sh. Sunil Kumar 011-29963913 8860430089 Vrec_48@Yahoo.Com Community Centre, Rps Colony, Khanpur,
Opp.Dtc Bus Depot, New Delhi - 110062
49 Sangam Vihar South-East Pawan Tokas 011-29963914 9910206702 Sangamviharvrec49@Gmail.Com 37, Institutional Area , Tuglakabad , New
Delhi 110062 (Sdm Office Kalkaji)
50 Greater Kailash New-Delhi Sh. Ram Prasad Meena 011-29253613 8502038017 Aero50Gk@Gmail.Com Jal Board Work Centre, Chiragh Delhi, New Delhi- 110017
51 Kalkaji South-East Anju Gupta 011-26434740 9891448359 Vreckalkaji@Gmail.Com Dr. Hedgewarkar Old Aged Centre, B Block,
Near Deshbandhu College, Kalkaji, New Delhi- 110019
52 Tughlakabad South-East Rajesh Bhardwaj 011-29966076 9717883027 Tughlakabadac52@Gmail.Com 37, Institutional Area , Tuglakabad, New
Delhi 110062 (Sdm Office Kalkaji) Basement
53 Badarpur South-East Satender Singh 011-26668372 9873456550 Ac53Badarpur3@Gmail.Com Multi Purpose Community Centre, Meethapur
Village, New Delhi - 110044
54 Okhla South-East Bhagwan Singh 011-26951555 9968300784 Okhlavrec1@Gmail.Com Office Fo The Assistant Warden, Animal
Husbandry & Fisheries Department, Okhla,
New Delhi - 110025
55 Trilokpuri East Sh. Babu Lal 011-21203426 9999979628 Aeroac55@Yahoo.Com Bal Vikas Kendra J. J. Slum Building, Block-2,
Trilokpuri, Delhi - 110091
56 Kondli East Sh. N K Meena 011-21200803 9899116028 Aeroac56@Yahoo.In Multipurpose Community Centre Kalyan Puri, Delhi - 110091
57 Patparganj East Ms. Anita Chawla 011-20824415 9310372659 Aeroac57@Yahoo.In G-1 & G-2 Block-6 &7 Govt. Flat Kalyanvas Delhi-110091
58 Laxmi Nagar East Sh. Kashmir Singh 011-21210841 9968548470 Aeroac58@Yahoo.Com District Magistrate Office Complex, B-Block,
L.M. Bund, Shastri Nagara, Delhi-110031
59 Vishwas Nagar Shahdara Vijay Kumar Gupta 011-20822359 9818658150 Aeroac59@Yahoo.Com Utcs Building, Vishwas Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi - 110032
60 Krishna Nagar East Ms. Sunita Raj 011-22059226 8920859186 Aeroac60@Yahoo.Com Community Center, Rani Gardan
61 Gandhi Nagar East Sh. Satender Kumar 011-22008814 9999669193 Aeroac61@Gmail.Com Community Centre, Mini Stadium Rajeev Gandhi
Park, Rajgarh Colony, Delhi - 110031
62 Shahdara Shahdara Dinesh 011-22140145 9711788231 Aeroac62@Gmail.Com Near Community Centre, Jhilmil Colony, Delhi - 110095
63 Seema Puri Shahdara R K Dang 011-22132077 9811478920 Aeroac63@Gmail.Com Dc Office Complex, Nand Nagri, Delhi - 110093
64 Rohtas Nagar Shahdara Prem Singh Bisht 011-22802871 9810368129 Aeroac64@Gmail.Com Community Centre, Near Lig Flat, Ashok Nagar, Delhi
65 Seelampur North-East Vimal Kumar 011-22829462 9871180314 Aero65.Delhi@Nic.In O/O The Sdm Office Complex, G T Road, Seelampur
66 Ghonda North-East Raj Kumar 011-22565261 9015452073 Aero66.Delhi@Nic.In Voter Centre 66 Community Centre, X- Block,
Brahampuri, Delhi - 110053
67 Babarpur Shahdara Subhash Chand 011-22320201 9312161066 Ac67Babarpur1@Gmail.Com Balbir Nagar Loni Road Opposite Arawachin
Public School Shahdara , Delhi - 110032
68 Gokalpur North-East Virender Pal Singh 011-22592850 9810858130 Aero68.Delhi@Nic.In Voter Centre 68 A-3, Community Centre, Nand
Nagri, Delhi - 110093
69 Mustafabad North-East Suresh Chand 011-22932580 9868282971 Aero69.Delhi@Nic.In Voter Centre 69 Panchyat Ghar Village Sadatpur,
Karawal Nagar Road, Delhi Delhi - 110094
70 Karawal Nagar North-East Ved Prakash 011-22968550 9311643096 Aero70.Delhi@Nic.In Village Biharipur, Near Pushpanjali School Opposite
Delhi Police Training School, Delhi - 110094

Additional AEROs (FSO) 

S. No. Ac Name Distt. Name Officer Name Phone/Fax No. Mobile No. Email Address
1 Nerela North Sh. Ramesh Lal 011-27282376 9811488870   Ua-100,Vijay Nagar, Narela,
2 Burari Central Vinod 011-27614000 9899725774 Circle2Burari@Gmail.Com Fso Circle-02(Burari), Kaushik Enclave, Burari
3 Timarpur Central Virender Kumar Nagar 011-23810700 9818571414 Fsotimarpur03@Gmail.Com Circle-3, Timar Pur, 807, Govt Flats, Timarpur, Delhi
4 Adarsh Nagar North Sh.Manoj Kumar 011-27671823     Office Of The Food & Suupplies
Officer, Circle-4 Sarai Pipal Thala, Delhi
5 Badli North Smt. Asha Rani 011-27634784     Food & Supply Office -5,Villagebhalaswa, Near Mitha Kuan.
6 Rithala North-West Sh. Pawan Kumar     Ero6.Delhi@Nic.In  
7 Bawana North Sh. Surender 011-27752544     Mange Ram Market, Main Road,Opp. Aditi Collage,Bawana
8 Mundka North-West Sh. Anil Ghildiyal     Ero8.Delhi@Nic.In  
9 Kirari North-West Sh. Sadanand Sah     Bdonorthwest@Gmail.Com  
10 Sultanpur Majra North-West Md. Rehan Raza     Sdmsaraswativihar1@Gmail.Com  
11 Nangloi Jat West Sh. Mahabir Singh 011-25942400 9968231294 Ac11Nangloijat@Gmail.Com C-85/1 & 85/2, Laxmi Park, 50 Foota Road, Nangloi
12 Mangol Puri North-West Sh. Sanjeev Mankotia     Sdmkanjhawala@Gmail.Com  
13 Rohini North Sh. Jaljeet 011-278600023     F & S Deptt. Sector-9, Rajapur Village, Rohini
14 Shalimar Bagh North-West Ms. Asha Chaudhary Malhotra     Nwadm@Nic.In  
15 Shakur Basti North Sh. K C James 011-27355054 9013779734   Food & Supplies Deptt, Circle-18, Sarai Peepal
Thala, Adarsh Nagar, Delhi
16 Tri Nagar North-West Sh. Nagender Shekhar Pati Tripathi     Ero16.Delhi@Nic.In  
17 Wazirpur North Sh. Dinesh Kumar Meena 011-27301178 9873230467  

Food & Supplies Deptt, Circle-18, Sarai Peepal

Thala, Adarsh Nagar, Delhi

18 Model Town North Vinay Kumar Gupta 011-27671539 9868854161   Food & Supplies Deptt, Circle-18, Sarai Peepal
Thala, Adarsh Nagar, Delhi
19 Sadar Bazar Central Shielender Kumar 011-23651623 8459958877 Fsosadarbazar@Gmail.Com Circle 19, Sadar Bazar, Food Supply Office,
Gulabi Bagh, Delhi-110007
20 Chandni Chowk Central Anand Singh       Circle 20, Chandni Chowk
21 Matia Mahal Central Sh. Madan Lal   9013081797 Fsocircle-21Office@Gmail.Com Circle 21, Matia Mahal
22 Ballimaran Central Tilak Raj Kalra 011-23767761 9811445416 Fso22Ballimaran@Gmail.Com Circle 22, Ballimaran
23 Karol Bagh Central Prabhati Lal Meena   9818701099   Food & Supply Office Circle-23 Karol Bagh Delhi
24 Patel Nagar New Delhi Surender Kumar 011-25702115 8800134782 Fsocircle2424@Gmail.Comil.Com Fso Office, Block-B, Jj & Slum Community
Centre, New Delhi, Ranjit Nagar
25 Moti Nagar West Sh. Satyaveer Singh 011-25891266 7838311292 Eromn25@Gmail.Com A-45, Ph-Ii, Naraina, Delhi
26 Madipur West Sh. Deepak Bhardwarj 011-25219933 9911501572 Aeroac26@Gmail.Com Pkt-2, Dda, Market Near Commercial Center
Paschim Puri
27 Rajouri Garden West Sh. P. L. Meena 011-25982256 9818701099 Ac27Rajourigarden@Gmail.Com J-40, Vishnu Garden New Delhi
28 Hari Nagar West Sh. Sudheer Shokeen 011-28123182 9910423049 Ac28Harinagar@Gmail.Com 14B Lig Flats Hari Nagar New Delhi
29 Tilak Nagar West Sh. Ashok Kumar 011-25990839 8826640889 Aero29Ac@Gmail.Com Community Center Jj Slum Colony Opp.
Block-12 Tilak Nagar
30 Janakpuri West Ms. Saroj Kumari Shah 011-25615464 9868151178 Ac30Janakpuri1@Gmail.Com C-153, Community Center Janak Puri New Delhi
31 Vikaspuri South-West Prem Prakash 011-25504703 9560717946 Fso.C.31@Gmail.Com M-1, Lsc, Opp. Kerala School, Vikas Puri.
32 Uttam Nagar South-West Khaiber Singh 011-25535447 9818863345 Fso.C.32@Gmail.Com Circle-32, M Block Dda Market, Vikas Puri, Delhi-110018
33 Dwarka South-West Sushma Bhasin 011-25039676 8920088713 Fsoc33@Gmail.Com Fso, C -33, Dwarka , Rz-F33/A,Pradhan
Chowk,Sadhnagar, Palam Colony,New Delhi-110045
34 Matiala South-West Arun Kumar 011-25015399 9868570357 Fsoc34@Gmail.Com Office Of Asstt. Commissioner ,District
South-West ,Ford
35 Najafgarh South-West Dinesh Kumar Meena 011-25016316 9873230467 Fsonajafgarh35@Gmail.Com Food And Supply Office C- 35 Najafgarh,
Rz - 2 New Roshanpura New Delhi 110043
36 Bijwasan South-West Sarita Bajaj 011-28063479 9818588197 Deepaktanwar45@Gmail.Com Rz-197/D, Rajnagar-Ii, Palam Colony, Near Railway
Crossing, Bijwasan
37 Palam South-West Vinod Kumar 011-25050640 9911166633 Fso37Palam@Gmail.Com Rz-F-786, Phase-Ii, Sadh Nagar, Palam Delhi
38 Delhi Cantt New Delhi Shampi Bali 011-25683980 9911558440 Fsodelhicantt38@Gmail.Com Employment Exchange Building Kirbi Place
Delhi Cantt, Delhi 110010
39 Rajinder Nagar New Delhi Sh Jitender 011-25683980 9911558440 Fsorajendernagar@Gmail.Com Employment Exchange Building Kirbi Place
Delhi Cantt, Delhi 110010
40 New Delhi New Delhi Sh Man Mohan Sharma 011-24105627 9871959898 Manmohan23366@Gmail.Com 633, Laxmi Bai Nagar, New Delhi-110023
41 Jangpura South-East Sh. P R Kaushik 011-29814411   Prkaushik2011@Gmail.Com Stitiching And Trining Centre, Lajpat
Nagar, New Delhi
42 Kasturba Nagar South-East Ms. Sonalika Jiwani 011-26384264   Sdmmehrauli.Delhi@Nic.In Dsidc Shed, Okhla Indusl. Area Ph-Ii, New Delhi
43 Malviya Nagar South Sh. Narain Singh   9810934689   Circle 43, Qutub Institutional Area
44 R K Puram New Delhi Sh. Rakesh Sharma 011-29813861   Aroac44@Gmail.Com Circle-44, 633, Laxmi Bai Nagar, New Delhi
45 Mehrauli South Sh. Devender Kumar Arora   9871422436 Fsocircle45@Gmail.Com Circle 45, Qutub Institutional Area
46 Chhatarpur South Sh. Raman P V   9971249596   Circle 46,22-23, Udyog Sadan, Qutub Institutional
Area, New Delhi
47 Deoli South Sh. Ashwani Dhawan   9818680625 Dhawan.Ashwani@Ymail.Com Circle 47, Asian Market,Pushp Vihar Sector-Iii, New Delhi
48 Ambedkar Nagar South M S Dahiya 011-29953809 9654543932   Circle 48, Asian Market Ambedkar Nagar
49 Sangam Vihar South-East Sh. Arvind Jain 011-29963998   Bdosouth.Delhi@Nic.In Circle 49, 37, 1St Floor, Tughlakabad Institutional
Area, New Delhi
50 Greater Kailash New Delhi Sh. Dharmendra Kumar 011-29253475   Newdelhiadm@Gmail.Com Clrcle 50, Trasnport Authrity Building
Sheikh Sarai, New Delhi
51 Kalkaji South-East Sh. Suresh Chand Meena 011-26025499   Admsoutheast@Gmail.Com O/O The Deo/Dm(South-East) Old Gargi College
Building, Lajpat Nagar-Iv, New Delhi-110024
52 Tughlakabad South-East Sh. Babu Lal Meena 011-26813269   Eroac52Kalkaji@Gmail.Com Circle 52, A-59, Okhla Industrial Area,Phase I, New Delhi
53 Badarpur South-East Sh.Hari Narayan Meena 011-26668533   Ero53.Delhi@Nic.In Circle53, Meethapur Chowk, Badarpur
54 Okhla South-East Sh. Kuldeep Singh 011-26384264   Singhkuldeep4519@Gmail.Com Dsidc Shed, Okhla Indusl. Area Ph-Ii, New Delhi
55 Trilokpuri East Sh. Manoj Kumar 011-22774383 9999678282   Dda, Lsc Acharya Niketan, Mayur Vihar Phase-I.
56 Kondli East Sh. Rajiv Kumar Tyagi 011-22774412   Sdm.Reg.Delhi@Nic.In Circle 56 Patparganj Kalyanvaas Delhi
57 Patparganj East Sh. Arun Gupta 011-22731358   Eastadm1@Gmail.Com Circle 57 Patparganj Kalyanvaas Delhi
58 Laxmi Nagar East Sh. Vivek Agarwal 011-22446409   Ac58Aro@Gmail.Com Circle No.58, Dda Market, Bank Enclave,
Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-92
59 Vishwas Nagar Shahdara Ramesh Kumar Sharma 011-22370567
Fax: 011-22304285
  Aeroac59@Gmail.Com Utcs Building, Vishwas Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi - 110032
60 Krishna Nagar East Ms Ranjeet Kaur   8860394909    
61 Gandhi Nagar East Sh. Rajeev Kumar 011-22002860   Sdmgndelhi@Gmail.Com Shanti Mohalla , Mabzi Market , Gandhi
62 Shahdara Shahdara Shri Virendera Kumar Sharma 011-22304285   Fsoshahdara62@Gmail.Com 497/2 Circle 62 Shahdara Near Babu School Bhola
Nath Nagar Shahdara Delhi-110032
63 Seema Puri Shahdara Arun Kumar Narang 011-22132077   Aeroac63@Gmail.Com Dc Office Complex Nand Nagri Delhi-110093
64 Rohtas Nagar Shahdara Sh. Raman Kumar 011-22139859   Aeroac64@Gmail.Com Community Centre, Near
Lig Flat, Ashok Nagar, Delhi
65 Seelampur North-East Sh.Satish Kumar Batla 011-22178789 9868632460 Ac65Seelampur@Gmail.Com Dda Shopping Complex, Shastri Park, Seelampur, Delhi 53
66 Ghonda North-East Sh. B.Tyagrajan 011-22563513 9318484511 Sdmyamunavihar@Gmail.Com Aditya Complex, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi-53
67 Babarpur Shahdara Sh.S K Nagaria 011-22587623   Babarpur67@Gmail.Com Balbir Nagar Loni Road Opposite Arawachin
Public School Shahdara , Delhi - 110032
68 Gokalpur North-East Sh.Pawan Saini 011-22111678 9811736033 Ac68Aero@Gmail.Com Dc Office Complex, Nand Nagri, Delhi-95
69 Mustafabad North-East Sh.Rajender 011-22917696 9911101031 Ero69Mustafabad@Gmail.Com Aditya Complex, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi-53
70 Karawal Nagar North-East Sh.H R Khan 011-22916660 9871604127 Neadm@Nic.In Aditya Complex, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi-53

Appellate Authorities Contacts

S.No. Designation Telephone No. Jurisdiction Office Address
1 Addl. Chief Electoral Officer 011-23970498
Fax: 011-23963604
Matter relating to CEO Hqrs. O/o CEO, Delhi, Old St. Stephen's
College Building, Kashmere Gate, Delhi-110006
2 District Election Officer, Distt.,New Delhi 011-23386982 Matters relating to District New Delhi O/o DC New Delhi, 12/3, Jam Nagar
House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-11.
3 District Election Officer, Distt.,South Delhi 011-29535025 Matters relating to District South O/o DC South, BDO Office Complex,
M.B. Road, Saket, New Delhi
4 District Election Officer, Distt., SouthWest Delhi 011-25065633 Matters relating to District South West O/o DC South West, Old Terminal Tax
Building, Kapashera, New Delhi
5 District Election Officer, Distt.,East Delhi 011-22421656 Matters relating to District East O/o DC East, I&FC Complex, L.M. Bandh,
Shastri Nagar, Delhi-31
6 District Election Officer, Distt.,Central Delhi 011-23282903 Matters relating to District Central O/o DC Central, Old Employment Exchange
Bldg., 14, Darya Ganj, New Delhi
7 District Election Officer, Distt.,North Delhi 011-23943048 Matters relating to District North O/o DC North, 1, Kripa Narain Marg, Delhi-54
8 District Election Officer, Distt.,West Delhi 011-27396629 Matters relating to District West O/o DC West, Old Middle School Building,
Rampura, Delhi-35
9 District Election Officer, Distt., North-West Delhi 011-25953785 Matters relating to District North-West O/o DC North-West, Village Kanjhawala,
10 District Election Officer, Distt.,North-East Delhi 011-22122732 Matters relating to District North-East O/o DC North-East, DSIDC Complex, Nand
Nagri, Delhi-93.
11 District Election Officer, Distt.,Shahdara Delhi 011-22126305 Matters relating to District Shahdara O/o DC Shasdara, DSIIDC Complex, Nand
Nagri, Delhi-110093
12 District Election Officer, Distt.,South-East Delhi 011-26476402 Matters relating to District South-East O/o DC South East, Old Grgi College Building,
Lajpat Nagr- IV New Delhi-110024

Public Information Officers Contacts

SNo. HQ/District Designation Telephone No. Jurisdiction Office Address
1 CEO, Delhi (HQ) Election Officer (RTI) 011-23965176 In r/o matters relating to the office of CEO,
Delhi and the applications seeking information
pertaining to Delhi as a whole or broader policy
matters or relating to Election Law & Processes etc.
O/o CEO, Delhi, Old St. Stephen's College
Building, Kashmere Gate, Delhi-110006
2 New Delhi SDM (Election} 011-23386410 Matters relating to District New Delhi   O/o DC New Delhi, 12/3, Jam Nagar House,
Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-11.
3 South SDM (Election) 011-29534740 Matters relating to District South O/o DC South, BDO Office Complex, M.B.
Road, Saket, New Delhi
4 South-West SDM (Election) 011-25069483 Matters relating to District South West   O/o DC South West, Old Terminal Tax
Building,  Kapashera, New Delhi
5 East SDM (Election) 011-22041737 Matters relating to District East O/o DC East, I&FC Complex, L.M. Bandh,
Shastri Nagar, Delhi-31
6 Central SDM (Election) 011-23284933 Matters relating to District Central O/o DC Central, Old Employment Exchange
Bldg., 14, Darya Ganj, New Delhi
7 North SDM (Election) 011-27203048 Matters relating to District North Office of the District Magistrate (North) Near
Shardhanand College, G.T Karnal Road,Alipur,Delhi-110036
8 West SDM (Election) 011-27394928 Matters relating to District West O/o DC West, Old Middle School Building,
Rampura, Delhi-35
9 North-West SDM (Election) 011-25953420 Matters relating to District North-West O/o DC North-West, Village Kanjhawala, Delhi-81
10 North-East SDM (Election) 011-22129686 Matters relating to District North-East O/o DC North-East, DSIDC Complex, Nand
Nagri, Delhi-93.
11 Shahdara SDM (Election) 011-22126305,
011-22126636 (Fax)
Matters relating to District Shahdara O/o The DEO/DC(Shahadra)DSIIDC Complex,
Nand Nagri,Delhi.
12 South-East SDM (Election) 011-26476402,
011-26476403 (Fax)
Matters relating to District South-East O/o The DEO/DC(South-East) Old Gargi College
Building, Lajpat Nagar-IV,New Delhi-110024.
13 Narela Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-27844214 In respect of matters relating to Electoral
Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o SDM (Narela), MPCC Building, Village-
Naya Bans, Delhi-82
14 Burari Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23954835 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o SDM (Civil Lines), Room No.27-28, Old
Civil Supply Bldg., Tis Hazari Courts Complex, Delhi-54
15 Timarpur Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23967494 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o Deputy Labour Commissioner (Admn.), 5,
Sham Nath Marg, Delhi-54
16 Adarsh Nagar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23653467 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o Asstt. Commissioner (F&S), Distt. North,
23/26 Shopping Complex, Gulabi Bagh, Delhi-07
17 05 - Badli Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23918044 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o SDM (Model Town), 1, Kripa Narain
Marg, Delhi-54
18 Rithala Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-27497648 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o Asstt. Commissioner (F&S), North-West
Distt. CSC CC Block Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-88
19 Bawana (SC) Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-25953786 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
ADM(North-West), DM/DC (North-West)
Office Complex Kanjhawala, Delhi
20 Mundka Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-27497985 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o DDE (NW-B), BL-Block, Shalimar
Bagh, Delhi-88
21 Kirari Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23352310, 011-23352311,
Extn. 3067
In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
VATO Ward-67, VIIth Floor, Vyapar Bhawan,
I.P. Estate, New Delhi
22 Sulatan Pur Majra ( SC) Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-27393000 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
SDM (Saraswati Vihar), O/o DC (West),
Old Middle School Bldg, Rampura, Delhi.
23 Nangloi Jat Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-25947588 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o SDM (Punjabi Bagh) Main Rohtak
Road, Nangloi Road,Delhi-41
24 Mangol Puri (SC) Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-25951140 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned
SDM (Kanjhawala), O/o DM/DC (North-West)
Office Complex Kanjhawala, Delhi-81
25 Rohini Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-25953785 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
BDO (NW), Room No.37, O/o DM/DC(North-West)
Office Complex Kanjhawala, Delhi-81
26 Shalimar Bagh Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23968716 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
ADM (North), O/o DM/DC (North), 1, Kripa
Narain Marg, Delhi-54
27 Shakur Basti Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-25953785 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
SDM (Rohini) O/o DM/DC (North-West) Office
Complex Kanjhawala, Delhi-81
28 Tri Nagar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23284931 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
SDM (Kotwali), Old Employment Exchange Bldg.,
14, Darya Ganj, New Delhi
29 Wazirpur Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-27667862, 011-26981067 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
SREO (North), Distt. Employment Exchange, Delhi
University Campus Chhatra Marg, Delhi.
30 Model Town Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23352310, 011-23352311,
Extn. 3070
In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
VATO (Ward-70), Vyapar Bhawan, I.P. Estate, New Delhi.
31 Sadar Bazar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23352310, 011-23352311,
011-23352313 Extn. 3032
In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
VATO (Ward-32), Vyapar Bhawan, I.P. Estate, New Delhi.
32 Chandni Chowk Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23352310, 011-23352311
011-23352313 Extn. 3016
In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
VATO (Ward-16), Vyapar Bhawan, I.P. Estate, New Delhi.
33 Matia Mahal Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-25841970 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o SREO (West), Employment Exchange Bldg.,
Pusa Campus, New Delhi
34 Ballimaran Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23352310, 011-23352311
011-23352313 Extn. 3014
In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
VATO (Ward-14), Vyapar Bhawan, I.P. Estate,
New Delhi.
35 Karol Bagh (SC) Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23559400 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o SDM(Karol Bagh), GNCTD, Flatted Factory
Complex, Jhandewalan, Pahar Ganj, N Delhi-55
36 Patel Nagar (SC) Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23352310, 011-23352311,
011-23352313 Extn. 3052
In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
VATO Ward-52, Vyapar Bhawan, I.P. Estate, New Delhi
37 Moti Nagar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23282075, 011-23284932 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned
ADM (Central), O/o District Magistrate (Central),
14, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-02.
38 Madipur (SC) Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-27844214 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.

O/o SDM (Alipur), MPCC Building, Village-

Naya Bans, Delhi-82

39 Rajouri Garden Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-27395615 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.

SDM (Rajouri Garden), Office of DM (West),

Rampura Delhi- 35

40 Hari Nagar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-27394541 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
ADM (West), Office of DM (West),
Rampura, Delhi-35
41 Tilak Nagar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-27391613 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
SDM (Patel Nagar), Office of DM
(West), Rampura, Delhi- 35
42 Janakpuri Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23352310, 011-23352311,
011-23352313 Extn. 3030
In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
VATO (Ward-60), Vyapar Bhawan,
I.P. Estate, New Delhi.
43 Vikaspuri Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-25615831 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.

ADE(West-B) O/o Dy. Director of Education, Distt.

West-B Vikas Puri, New Delhi.

44 Uttam Nagar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-25069485, 011-25066416 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
ADM (South-West) O/o DM/DC (South-West), Old
| Terminal Tax Building, Kapashera, New Delhi -110037
45 Dwarka Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-25065622, 011-25060411 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
SDM (Dwarka), O/o DM/DC (South-West), Old
Terminal Tax Bldg., Kapashera, New Delhi.
46 Matiala Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-25069185 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned
SDM (Kapashera) O/o DM/DC (South-West),
Old Terminal Tax Building, Kapashera, New Delhi-37
47 Najafgarh Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-25325215, 011-25325036 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
SDM (Najafgarh) Office Complex, Near Tuda
Mandi, Tehsil Najafgarh, New Delhi- 110043.
48 Bijwasan Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-25065622 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
SDM (Vasant Vihar) O/o DM/DC (South-West)
Old Terminal Tax Bldg., Kapashera, New Delhi
49 Palam Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-25692330, 011-25694468 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o SREO (South-West) Distt. Employment
Exchange, Kirbi Place, Delhi Cantt. New Delhi.
50 Delhi Cantt Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23382990 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
SDM (Delhi Cantt), 12/1, Jam Nagar House,
Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-11.
51 Rajendra Nagar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-25016330 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o BDO (South-West), BDO Office Complex,
New Roshan Pura, Najafgarh, New Delhi-43
52 New Delhi Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23386844 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o SDM, Chanakya Puri, 12/1 Jam Nagar House,
New Delhi-11
53 Jangpura Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-29821555 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o SDM (Sarita Vihar), Plot No.37, Qutub Institutional
Area, M.B. Road, New Delhi.
54 Kasturba Nagar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-29536904 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o SDM (Mehrauli), Old Tehsil Building,
Mehrauli , New Delhi.
55 Malviya Nagar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-29535190 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned
O/o SDM (Saket), Old Traffic CourtComplex,
M.B.Road, Saket, New Delhi
56 R.K.Puram Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23370072 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o Asstt. Commissioner (F&S), New Delhi
Distt. M-Block, Vikas Bhawan, I.P. Estate, New Delhi.
57 Mehrauli Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-29536904 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
SDM (Hauz Khas) O/o D.C. (South) M.B.Road,
Saket, New Delhi
58 Chhatarpur Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23352310, 011-23352311,
011-23352313 Extn. 3100
In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
VATO (Ward-100), Vyapar Bhawan, I.P.
Estate, New Delhi
59 Deoli (SC) Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-29531082 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
SDM (Defence Colony) O/o D.C. (South),
M.B.Road, Saket, New Delhi
60 Ambedkar Nagar (SC) Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-29536774 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
ADM (South) O/o D.C. (South), M.B.Road,
Saket, New Delhi
61 Sangam Vihar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-29536566 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
BDO (South), O/o D.C. (South), M.B.
Road, Saket, New Delhi
62 Greater Kailash Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23071144 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o ADM (New Delhi) 12/1,  Jam Nagar
House, New Delhi-11
63 Kalkaji Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-29535031 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
ADM (South-East), O/o D.C. (South-East),
M.B. Road, Saket, New Delhi
64 Tughlakabad Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-29956500 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned
Office of SDM (Kalkaji) 37-Tuglakabad
Institutional Area, M.B. Road, New Delhi
65 Badarpur Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-24332010 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o ADE (Education), Distt. South, C-Block,
Defence Colony, New Delhi.
66 Okhla Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-23352310, 011-23352311
011- 23352313 Extn. 3092
In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
VATO (Ward-92), Vyapar, Bhawan, I.P. Estate,
New Delhi
67 Trilokpuri (SC) Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-22590370 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
SDM (Preet Vihar), O/o DC/DM (East), L.M.
Bund, Shastri Nagar, Delhi-31
68 Kondli (SC) Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-22774412, 011-45531759 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
SDM (Mayur Vihar), O/o DC/DM (East), L.M.
Bund, Shastri Nagar, Delhi-31
69 Patparganj Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-22731358 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
ADM (East), O/o DC/DM (East), L.M. Bund,
Shastri Nagar, Delhi-31
70 Laxmi Nagar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-22446409, 011-22013258 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
ADM (Shahdara), O/o DC/DM (East), L.M.
Bund, Shastri Nagar, Delhi-31
71 Vishwas Nagar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-22309064 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
SDM (Vivek Vihar), O/o DC/DM (East), L.M.
Bund, Shastri Nagar, Delhi-31
72 Krishna Nagar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-22156997 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o Dy. Commissioner of Industries (CT), 419,
F.I.E. Patparganj Industrial Area, Delhi-92
73 Gandhi Nagar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-22058348 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned
SDM (Gandhi Nagar), O/o DC/DM (East), L.M.
Bund, Shastri Nagar, Delhi-31
74 Shahdara Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-22157029 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o Dy. Commissioner of Industries (Admn),
419, F.I.E. Patparganj Industrial Area, Delhi-92
75 Seemapuri (SC) Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-22132202 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o SDM (Seemapuri), DC Office Complex,
District- North-East, Nand Nagri, Delhi-93
76 Rohtash Nagar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-22122733 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o BDO (North East), DC Office Complex,
District- North-East, Nand Nagri, Delhi-93.
77 Seelam Pur Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-22827367 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
SDM (Seelampur) Office Complex, G.T.Road
Seelampur, Delhi-53.
78 Ghonda Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-22574468 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o SDM(Yamuna Vihar) DC Office Complex,
District- North-East Nand Nagri, Delhi-93.
79 Babarpur Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-22132201 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o SDM (Shahdara), DC Office Complex,
District- North-East Nand Nagri, Delhi-93.
80 Gokalpur (SC) Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-22386022, 011-22389393 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o SREO (East/North East), District Employment
Exchange, Karkardooma, Delhi-32
81 Mustafabad Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-22574469 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o SDM (Karawal Nagar), DC Office Complex ,
District North-East, Nand Nagri, Delhi-93
82 Karawal Nagar Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) 011-22115490 In respect of matters relating to
Electoral Rolls and BLOs of AC concerned.
O/o ADM(North-East), DC Office Complex ,
District North-East Nand Nagri, Delhi-93

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