Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana 011- 2338 1092

All India Number(s): 
  • 011-2338 2012 (10am - 6pm, Mon-Fri)
  • 011-2338 1092 (Direct Helpline)


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Insurance Company Directory

Insurance Company Name Short Name Toll Free Number Headquater Email Insurance Company Code Headquater Address
AGRICULTURE INSURANCE COMPANY AIC 1800116515 1001 Office Block-1, 5th Floor, Plate-B & C, East Kidwai Nagar, Ring Road, New Delhi-110023
BAJAJ ALLIANZ GENERAL INSURANCE CO. LTD BAJAJ ALLIANZ 18002095959 1004 Bajaj Allianz House, Airport Road, Yerawada, Pune 411 006
BHARTI AXA GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY LTD. BHARTI AXA GIC 18001032292 1019 7th floor, Merchantile House, K.G.Marg, New Delhi - 110 001.
CHOLAMANDALAM MS GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED CHOLA MS 18002005544 1002 2nd Floor, "Dare House", No.2, NSC Bose Road,Chennai - 600001, India. Phone: 044-3044 5400
FUTURE GENERALI INDIA INSURANCE CO. LTD. FUTURE GENERALLI 18002664141 1005 Indiabulls Finance Centre, 6th Floor, Tower 3, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400013
HDFC ERGO GENERAL INSURANCE CO. LTD. HDFC ERGO 18002660700 1006 D-301, 3rd Floor, Eastern Business District (Magnet Mall), LBS Marg, Bhandup (West). MUMBAI - 400078 State : Maharastra , City : MUMBAI, Pin Code : 400078
ICICI LOMBARD GENERAL INSURANCE CO. LTD ICICI LOMBARD 18002669725 1009 ICICI Lombard House414, P.Balu Marg,Off Veer Sawarkar Marg,near Siddhivinayak Temple, Prabhadevi,Mumbai-400025
IFFCO TOKIO GENERAL INSURANCE CO. LTD. IFFCO TOKIO 1800 103 5499 1007 IFFCO Tower ,Plot No. 3 , Sector 29 , Gurgaon -122001,Haryana(India)
NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED NATIONAL INSURANCE 18002007710 1016 National Insurance Co. Ltd.3 , Middleton Street , Kolkata -700071,West Bengal
NEW INDIA ASSURANCE COMPANY NEW INDIA ASSURANCE 18002091415 1014 87, MG Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400001
ORIENTAL INSURANCE ORIENTAL INSURANCE 1800118485 1015 The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd.Crop Cell, Head Office, New Delhi
RELIANCE GENERAL INSURANCE CO. LTD RELIANCE GIC 180030024088 1003 Reliance Centre , South Wing , 4th floor,Off Western Express Highway, Santacruz (East), Mumbai - 400055
ROYAL SUNDARAM GENERAL INSURANCE CO. LIMITED ROYAL SUNDARAM GIC 18604250000 1018 Vishranthi Melaram Towers, No. 2/319, Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR), Karapakkam, Chennai - 600097
SBI GENERAL INSURANCE SBI GIC 18001232310 1012 101,201,301, Natraj. Junction of Western express highway & Andheri - Kurla road. Andheri East Mumbai - 400069
18001033009 1017 E-8, Epip, Riico Industrial area, sitapura Jaipur (Rajasthan) 302022
TATA AIG GENERAL INSURANCE CO. LTD TATA AIG 18002093536 1010 Peninsula Business Park, Tower-A, 15th Floor, Ganpat Rao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra-400013,India.
UNITED INDIA INSURANCE CO UNITED INDIA 180042533333 1013 Customer care department, no.24, whites road, Chennai-600014
UNIVERSAL SOMPO GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY UNIVERSAL SOMPO 18002005142 1008 Unit No 401, 4th Floor, Sangam Complex,127, Andheri – Kurla Road, Andheri (E),Mumbai-400059.

For more information about PMFBY


Not recieving receipt no or application no after submission of f

I have applied for PMFBY from haryana .After complete submission of details and fees it did not receive transition no or receipt no and payment is reduce from account .
After registration i did not get registration no .Please help me to access my form In portal.
By which I have to apply for claim .
Warm regards
Narender Singh

विमा पॉलिसी का अनुदान नही मिला

नमस्कार, मै दस्केबर्डी ता 40 गाव जि जळगांव
का रहणे वाला हू मैने सन 2019-20 के खरीप
हंगाम मे idbi branch chalisgaon मे
Pm fasal bima अंतर्गत अर्ज किया था,उस
प्रकारे से अभि तक मुझे फसल बिमा का कोई
भी अनुदान अभी तक प्राप्त नही हुआ है ,
Pls सहाय्य प्रदान करे

schme not available for Maharashtra State

Hi Team,

For online application schme not available for Maharashtra State.

Please check.

Crop insurance kharif nahi mila

Company koi response nahi de rahi kharif 2018 ka beema nahi mila

अकाउंट नंबर मधे

अकाउंट नंबर चुकला आहे सर काय करावे लागेल पैसे मिळतील का

Regarding crop insurance premium and claim

I am Ganesh Kokate from Anjangaon Surji tahsil of amravati district in maharashtra. I had drawn crop insurance of Soybean 2ha and cotton 1 ha.
I had paid premium by cash to customer service centre.
My both crop have affected due to storm and heavy rain at time of harvesting.hence I am going to ask about my insurance claim no one give satisfactory answer.
I had call thousand time to your company tollfree no their employee gives contact no of other but these no are either wrong or not responding.
Then told me what did I do?

माझे सोयाबीनचे पूर्ण नुसकान झाले आहे

मी सुरेश जगन्नाथ सातव पळशी वैद्य ता. जळगाव जामोद जिल्हा. बुलडाणा महाराष्ट्र येथील रहिवासी असून माझे सोयाबीन व कपासी यांचे पूर्णपणे आठ दिवस पाण्याने नुस कान झाले आहे तरी माझ्या एसएमएस चा विचार करावा.


Pawan Ojha tal. suratgarh Rajasthan
humre kcc account me band of baroda me pmfby me bhima huaa jiska abi tak claim nhi mila insurance company koi response nhi de rahi h

Black gram not lnsurence

Not lnsurence pradhan mantri fasal bima yogana


hamra kcc account se PMFBY ka insurance ka pass cut huaa lakin claim ka passa abi tak nhi aaya account me insurance k customer care no.baand miltye h ya busy rahtye h

No insurance money

Sir mera naam aditya singh hai mera ghr bishrampur palamu jharkhand hai maine 2018 me fasal bima kraya tha uske baad sukhad ho gya lekin calim avi tk ni mila or na hi koi jankari mil rhi hai or is saal v sukhad ki isthiti h

बीमा क्लेम देने बाबत

सर मैं , main Subhash Kumar Putra Shri Mahaveer Prasad Jila shriganganagar Tahsil sadulsahae Gaon Lalgarh Jattan Krishi Bhumi 11 llg main main 2018 19 mein mung Aur gwar Ka insurence karaya tha Wapas Puri train kharab Hogi uska claim Abhi Tak prapt Nahin Hua Hai kripya Karke Mein Jacqueline jaane ka kasht Kare

विमा मंजूर असून पैसे न मिळाल्याबाबत

मी अर्जुन दगडू पळसे रा.त शेटफळ ता-पंढरपूर जि सोलापूर मी रब्बी सन २०१८-१९ मध्ये डाळिंब या पिकाचा विमा csc मधून भरला होता.सदर विमा मंजूर असून मला अद्यापही विमा रक्कम मिळालेली नाही.

insurence not claimed

I am shekhar from Karnataka mera insurance not claimed hoga subhi two time apply kardiya.

Crop insurance claiming issue

Dear Sir & Madam
My name is Machhander Singh s/o Sh. Amar Singh From VPO- Arainpura, Teh.- Gharaunda, Distt.- Karnal (Haryana).I am a Kcc holder of ICICI bank. I had deducted many from kcc to the bank in pradhanmantri fasal bima yojana. Our crop was destroyed by rainfall.I have been submitted all documents related to that crop loss still now I didn't got any claim. I am waiting for two years but I did not got any insurance money. But the insurance fees has been deducted from my account continuously. My application no. is 15490 & 9992.

Insurance not claimed self Karnataka

Self application Karnataka state application not accept

Problem for crop details

मी कांशीराम जाधव मी माझा फॉर्म ऑनलाईन भरत होतो सर्व माहिती भरली पण crop details मध्ये सर्वे न आणि दिनांक याचा कोलोम open होत नाही

Insurance Refund money

Sir Requeste fasal bima yojana scream in Land dedials plz call me

Crop insurance

Crop detail or date select nahi ho raha hai

My name is Manohar from Jalna

My name is Manohar from Jalna Maharashtra .I belong to Ghotan village which is situated in Ghotan.I am a KCC holder of ICICI BANK .I had deducted money from KCC to the bank in Pardanmantri fasal Bima yojna.Our crop was destroyed by rainfall.But no claim of insurance we got.
Application no

Crop insurance claiming issue

Respected sir/madam
I have loan in axis bank pb road branch davanagere, without any intimation 2times my crop insurance amount has been deducted from my account my land is in bhagyanagar camp raichur district near sirwar taluk.from that past 3 years there is no water in that side so no proper income in my land I have been submitted all documents related to that crop loss still now I didn't got any claim ,but bank executive is coming to home n asking intrest I paid 3 to 4 times intrest now I m unable to pay because of 3yrs croploss so please claim the insurance as soon as possible

No insurance claim

I am rajendra nagar from bundi district Rajasthan am belong from village kankariya teh.nainwa district bundi Rajasthan
Mene karif ki fasal me udad ki buhai ki think but bima me siyaben lukha hua hai sir mere ko koi bima claim nahi mil Raha hai
Please muje iske bare me jankari dijiye

No insurance money

My name maheswar Sahoo from odisha, angul, pallahara, injidi, rohila. I am a kcc holder of bank of baroda. I had deducted many from kcc to the bank in pradhanmantri fasal bima yojana. Our crop was destroyed by rainfall. I am waiting two years but no insurance money

फसल खराबे की शिकायत बाबत

मै डूंगरराम पिता श्री केसुराम जाट निवासी हरीपुरा भैरूसागर तहसील औसियां जोधपुर राजस्थान ।मैने राजस्थान मरुधरा ग्रामीण बैक पं की ढाणी से केसीसी लोन के तहत प्रधानमंत्री फसल बीमा योजना में बीमा करवाया।जिसका प्रिमियम 3300₹,भरा।अब दिनांक 17अप्रेल को आंधी तुफान और ओला से मेरी फसल जीरा गेंहु और प्याज नष्ट हो गया।तो मेंने फसल बीमा कंपनी के टोल फ्री नंबर और हेल्प लाइन पर शिकायत दर्ज करवाने की कोशिश की मगर संपर्क नही हो पाया।तब ईस परेशानी में कंपनी के टोल फ्री नंबर पर संपर्क नही होना बडी बात है।तो क्या ओचित्य रह जाता है ।बीमा के पैसे बैको द्वारा बिना बतलाये ही काट लिया जाता है और जब क्लेम करने की बारी आती है तब नंबर बंद मिलते है।ईस प्रकार की लूट चल रही है।ईन बीमा कंपनियो की।और बार बार ठगासा रह जाता है किसान।

No insurance had claimed

My name is Krishan from sirsa Haryana.I belong to chaharwala village which is situated in sirsa.I am a KCC holder of SBI .I had deducted money from KCC to the bank in Pardanmantri fasal Bima yojna.Our crop was destroyed by rainfall.But no claim of insurance we got.

No insurance had claimed

My name is Krishan from sirsa Haryana.I belong to chaharwala village which is situated in sirsa.I am a KCC holder of SBI .I had deducted money from KCC to the bank in Pardanmantri fasal Bima yojna.Our crop was destroyed by rainfall.But no claim of insurance we got.