Form For Dog Insurance-New India Assurance
The New India Assurance Company Limited
Head Office: 87, M G Road, Fort, Mumbai-400001
SCOPE OF SCHEME: Dogs are insured against death due to accident and/or diseases contacted during the period of insurance subject to usual terms, conditions and exclusions of policy.
A. Insured’s Name: ______________________________________________________
B. Insured’s Address: _____________________________________________________
C. Date of Proposal & Declaration: __________________________________________
D. Description of the dog/s:
(1) Total No. of dogs__________________________________________________
(2) No. of the dogs per unit: ___________________________________________
(3) Identification: ___________________________________________________
(4) Variety of type of dogs: ___________________________________________
(5) Date of purchase: ________________________________________________
(6) Source of purchase: ______________________________________________
(7) Age of dogs covered: _____________________________________________
E. SUM INSURED Rs. _____________________________________________
F. Location of the place where the dogs are housed /kenneled: __________________
G. Vaccination particulars: _______________________________________________
H. Any other information: _______________________________________________
I/WE hereby propose to insure the abovementioned dog/s owned by me/us with THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the Company’s policy.
I/WE warrant that the answers to the above queries are true and that all the dog/s are correctly described are sound, in good health and free from vice. I/WE declare that no information material to the insurance has been withheld and agree that this proposal shall be the basis of the contract between me/us and the Company.
Date: _______________ ____________________
Place: ______________ Signature of the proposer