Registration for Demat Services through Alternate Channels
Registration for Demat Services through Alternate Channels
State Bank of India
DP Centralised Processing Cell,
CMC House, C-18, Bandra-Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051.
State Bank of India
Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
BO/Client ID
Mobile No.
Sole/First Holder
Second Holder
Third Holder
DP Centralised Processing Cell, CMC House, C-18,
Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051.
• Help Desk: 1800 22 0488 (Toll free for MTNL/BSNL users) / Ph.: 022-26592123
• Fax : 022-26592127 • Email :
Dear Sir,
I/We wish to register for internet banking channel of SBI i.e. for demat services in respect of demat account mentioned above.
Existing State Bank of India Internet Banking Customer User Id, if any
First Applicant’s State Bank of India Savings / Current Account Number, if any
I/We wish to receive transaction statements by e-mail. Please use the e-mail id specified below for all correspondence
by e-mail in respect of the demat account mentioned above.
Sole/First holder e-mail @
Second holder e-mail @
Third holder e-mail @
I/We wish to receive mobile alerts. Please use the mobile number specified below for mobile alerts in respect of the demat
account mentioned above.
Sole/First holder Mobile No. +91-
1. I affirm, confirm and undertake that I have read and understood the Terms and
Conditions for usage of the Internet Banking service of State Bank of India, as
displayed on the website, and that I agree on my own behalf, and
as the mandate holder on behalf of the joint account holders, to abide by such Terms
and Conditions.We, the joint applicants hereby confirm that we have instructed and
authorised the first applicant to view/access the information on the said account for
and on behalf of all of the undersigned and under our specific instructions as stated
in this letter. We hereby state that should we wish to revoke the above authorisation,
we shall duly issue a letter of revocation to State Bank of India in this regard. We
hereby agree that until ten days after State Bank of India receives such letter revoking
the above mandate, the authorisation as aforestated shall hold good.
2. I/We confirm & declare that I/we have the option of receiving statements either in
physical form or via e-mail.
(a) I/we declare that in the event of I/we opting for the “physical” statement, I/we
shall get the transaction statement, subject to at least one transaction during
the previous month, otherwise, statement of holdings will be sent on a quarterly
(b) In the event of I / we opting to receive statement “via e-mail”, I/we shall receive
such statements by 1st week of next month. I/We also agree that this will be
subject to at least one transaction during the previous calendar month, otherwise
statement of holdings via e-mail will be sent by the Bank on a quarterly basis.
We further agree & undertake that at the end of financial year, I/we shall get a
physical transaction-cum-holding statement for the entire year by 25th of April.
We note and confirm that
(i) the e-mail statement will be authenticated by a digital signature obtained
from a Certifying Authority under the Information Technology Act, 2000 ,
(ii) the statements will be sent via standard email and will therefore be only as
secure as standard e-mail transmission through the Internet,
(iii) the e-mail transmission is not encrypted and therefore it is not necessarily
protected from unauthorized access.
3. I/we am/are agreeable to pay the charges for the services rendered by SBI in the
relative clause of the Demat Agreement executed by me at the time of opening the
Demat Account. I/we authorize and instruct SBI to debit the Bank Account notified/to
be notified by me for the charges. I/we agree and undertake to ensure that adequate
balances, arrangements or drawing power are always maintained in the notified
Bank Account. It is being further confirmed hereby that the securities held in my/our
Demat Account are subject to lien and/or right of set off in favour of SBI towards the
claim for charges or monies payable by me/us to SBI in consequence or as a result
of the Demat Agreement executed by me/us while opening the Demat Account.
4. I/We declare that all the particulars and information given in the application are
true, correct, complete and upto date in all respects and I/We have not withheld any
information. I/We agree and confirm that I/we have read the terms and conditions
of the account facility, and the terms and conditions pertaining to usage of channels
for access of the said account facility as put up on bank’s website and am/are aware
of and will adhere to all the terms/conditions of opening/ maintaining of the said
account and usage of the channels with / by the bank as may be in force from time
to time. I/We agree and are / am aware that SBI shall provide the aforesaid facilities
/ alternate channels at its sole and absolute discretion. I/We further declare that I/
We have read and are/ am aware of and will adhere to the rules of the Depository in
relation to maintenance and operation of the account. I/We understand that certain
particulars given by me/us are required by the operational guidelines governing
banking companies.
First / Sole holder Second holder Third holder
Authorised Bank official Signature:
I have verified the proof of identity of the person(s) submitting the request and I am satisfied that the person(s) who has/have signed in my presence is/are the account holder(s).