Subscriber Declaration for Swavalamban Yojana
National Pension System
Subscriber Declaration for Swavalamban Yojana
(To be used by Subscribers of NPS –All Citizens of India)
I ____________________ (Name of the subscriber as in PRAN card) would like to opt for / opt out of Swavalamban Scheme. A photocopy of my PRAN card is attached. My NPS related details are provided below:
Permanent Retirement Account Number:
(As allotted by CRA)
Declaration & Authorization (Not required for subscribers opting out of Swavalamban)
I have read the Swavalamban guidelines and I meet the prescribed eligibility criteria for assistance under the scheme. I also undertake to adhere to the prescribed contribution limit of minimum Rs. 1000/- and maximum of Rs. 12000/-, failing which the Central Government contribution credited to my account may be forfeited along with such interest rates as may be prescribed.
I ______________________________________________________________,
the applicant, do hereby declare that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge & belief.
Impression of Subscriber
To be filled by POP‐SP
Signature of Authorized Signatory
Name : ___________________________________ Place : __________________
Désignation : ________________________________ Date : __________________
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