Transmission Form
Name of Participant
Address of Participant
I/We, the undersigned, being the
Executor(s) of the Will Legal heir(s)
Administrator(s) of the Estate Joint holder(s)
Successor(s) to the Estate Nominee
Survivors of HUF
of Mr./Mrs./Ms. ____________________________, the deceased, of which *nomination/
probate/letter of administration/succession certificate was duly granted to me/us on the
___________ day of _______of _________________ hereby request you to register me/us as
the beneficial owner(s) in respect of the securities standing in the name of the said deceased under
Client Id ________DP Id ___________, the details of which are as follows:
ISIN Name of Company No. of securities
I/We give hereunder the details of my/our account with a Participant to which the security balances
are requested to be transmitted:
Name Client Id DP Id
I/We hereby submit the following documents to support my claim for the said securities.
Death certificate Indemnity
Succession certificate Affidavit
Probate of the Will Letter of surety
Letter of Administration No objection certificate(s)
Court Decree Deed of Partition
Sr. No. Name Signature
1. This request form should be signed by the surviving joint holder(s)/legal heir(s)/legal
representative(s)/nominee/all surviving members of the HUF, as the case may be.
2. *Strike off whichever is not applicable.
Indemnity to be executed on Non-judicial Stamp paper of appropriate value
(to be given by claimant(s) where no nomination has been made)
Dear Sirs,
Sub : Transmission of securities standing in the name of Late Mr./Mrs. ________________.
I/We hereby inform you that Mr./Mrs._________________ the deceased, was holding a Client
account no.________ with ___________ a Depository Participant having DP id ____________.
The said deceased was holding the following securities :
ISIN Name of Company No. of securities
The said deceased died intestate without leaving a Will on the __________ day of _____ _____.
We further inform you that he/she left behind him/her as his/her only surviving heirs and next
of kin, the following persons according to the Law of Intestate Succession applicable to him/her
by which he/she was governed at the time of his/her death.
We have, therefore, approached you with a request to transfer the aforesaid securities in the name
of the undersigned Mr./Mrs./Ms.______________ on my/our behalf without insisting of production
of a succession certificate or an order of the court of competent jurisdiction and you have
kindly agreed to do so on my/our executing an indemnity as is herein contained and on relying on
the information herein given by us believing the same to be true.
In consideration therefore of your having at our request agreed to transfer securities to the name
of the undersigned _______________________I/we hereby jointly and severely agree and undertake
to indemnify and keep indemnified, saved, defended, harmless you and your successors
and assigns for all time hereafter against all losses, costs, claims, actions, demands, risks, charges,
expenses, damages etc., whatsoever which you may suffer and/or incur by reason of your, at my/
our request, transferring the said securities as herein above mentioned, to the undersigned
____________ without insisting on production of a succession certificate or an order of the
court of competent jurisdiction.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE said ___________________________________ [name(s) of
applicant(s) ] have here unto set their respective hands and seals this ___________________ day
of ___________ of ____.
Signed, sealed and delivered by the said applicant(s)
Signature(s) of applicant(s)
Deed of Indemnity provided by each of the surviving members of the HUF indemnifying
NSDL from and against all losses, liability, costs and expenses, including legal fees
(Rs. 200 stamp paper)
(In case of transmission of securities held by Karta of HUF)
THIS DEED OF INDEMNITY is made at ________ this _______ day of ________ 200_:
Sr. No. Name of Applicant Age Gender Address
(Collectively, "Surviving Members")
_______________________________ (Name of Participant), and having its registered address
at ________________________________and acting as a duly registered Participant under the
provisions of The Depositories Act, 1996, Regulations and Bye Laws made thereunder (hereinafter
referred to as "Participant", which expression shall, unless it be repugnant or contrary to the
context thereof, mean and include its successors and permitted assigns)
National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL), and having its registered address at 4th Floor,
Trade World, "A" Wing, Kamala Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai
400 013 and acting as a duly registered Depository under the provisions of The Depositories Act,
1996, Regulations and Bye Laws made thereunder (hereinafter referred to as "NSDL", which
expression shall, unless it be repugnant or contrary to the context thereof, mean and include its
successors and permitted assigns)
A. The Surviving Members are members of Hindu Undivided Family ("HUF"), which holds a
beneficial owner account in the name of _________________, the Deceased Karta, with
the Participant bearing Client Id _______________ ("the said beneficial owner account"),
with Participant having DP Id _______________;
B. __________________("the Deceased Karta") was named as the account holder in the
said beneficial owner account.
C. The Deceased Karta passed away on ______________.
D. ____________________ is the new Karta of our HUF and shall hold the securities lying to
the credit of the said Demat Account.
E. The surviving members have requested the Participant to transmit the securities held in the
said beneficial owner account held in the name of the Deceased Karta to the beneficial owner
account opened in the name of the new Karta and bearing Client Id __________ held with
_________ (Name of Participant) DP Id ______________and to effect the change in
beneficial ownership.
(to be given by claimant(s) where no nomination has been made)
I the undersigned certify that the above facts are true to the best of my knowledge and bind
myself as surety to make good all claims, charges, costs, damages, demands, expenses and losses
which the Participant/NSDL, its successors and assigns may sustain, incur or be liable for in
consequence of complying with the request contained above of the applicant(s) herein and the
Participant/ NSDL and its successors, assigns will be entitled to claim and realise all claims, charges,
costs, damages, demands, expenses and losses from me or from my properties, as the case may be.
Signature of Surety
Name :
Date :
Place :
(Signature of Magistrate/Notary)
Full Name and :
Address of
Regd. No.
Use space below to affix:
Notarial/Court Fee Stamp Official Seal of Magistrate/Notary
Note: This indemnity is to be executed in the presence Magistrate/Public notary
of a first class or stipendiary /Judicial.
F. The surviving members have requested the Participant to effect the foregoing change by
transmitting the securities held in the said beneficial owner account held by the Deceased
Karta to the beneficial owner account held in the name of the new Karta, who has been
solemnly affirmed on oath to be the newly elected Karta, without insisting on production of
a succession certificate or an order of the court of competent jurisdiction, which we undertake
to file with the Participant no sooner than the same is available to us, and which we shall
pursue in right earnest.
THIS DEED WITNESSTH that in consideration of ______________ the Participant agreeing
to process the aforesaid request for change of account holder by transmitting the securities held in
the said beneficial owner account held in the name of the Deceased Karta to the beneficial owner
account held in the name of the new Karta (Client Id _________; DP Id ___________), that we
hereby jointly and severally indemnify ______________ the Participant and NSDL and agree to
keep indemnified and hold the Participant and NSDL saved, harmless and defended for all time
hereafter from and against all losses, claims, legal proceedings, actions, demands, risks, charges,
taxes, duties, damages, costs, expenses, including attorney and legal fees and penalties whatsoever
which may be initiated against the Participant or NSDL by reason of the Participant having agreed
at our request to change the name of the account holder of the said beneficial owner account from
the Deceased Karta to the new Karta as aforesaid without insisting on production of a succession
certificate or an order of the court of competent jurisdiction. If called upon by the Participant or
NSDL to do so, we shall join any proceedings that may be initiated against the Participant and or
NSDL and we shall defend at our cost any such proceedings. Further, we shall initiate such
proceedings as may be considered necessary by the Participant and or NSDL, if called upon by the
Participant and or NSDL to do so, in order to protect the Participant's and or NSDL’s interests
and to further and perfect the indemnity granted hereby in favour of NSDL.
Dated this ___ day of ______________200__
Signed and delivered by the Surviving Members:
Name of Surviving Member(s) Signature(s)
Before me
Notary Public
This affidavit is to be executed on Non-judicial Stamp paper of appropriate value.
(to be given by legal heir(s) when nomination has not been made)
I _____________________________________________________son/daughter/spouse of
________________________________ residing at _____________________________
________ do hereby solemnly affirm on oath and state as under :-
1. That Mr./Mrs._________________ the deceased, was holding a Client account no.________
with ___________ a Depository Participant having DP Id ____________. The said deceased
was holding the following securities :
ISIN Name of Company No. of securities
2. That the deceased had died intestate on __________ at ____________.
3. That the following are the only legal heir(s) of late Mr./Mrs. _______________________.
Name Address Age Relationship with
the deceased
4. That out of aforesaid legal heirs Master/Kum.___________________ aged _____years is
a minor and he/she is being represented by his/her father/mother and natural guardian
Mr./Mrs. __________________________________.
5. That all the legal heirs of my deceased __________________ have applied to
_________________ (DP name) to register the aforesaid securities in my/our individual/
joint beneficial owner account and have executed a Letter of Indemnity in favour of the
Participant/NSDL holding the Participant/NSDL indemnified against any loss, cost, expenses
or damages which may be caused to them in consequence of any claim which may be made by
or on behalf of any person claiming any interest in the said shares.
(to be given by legal heir(s) when nomination has not been made)
I hereby solemnly affirm and say that what is stated herein above are true to my knowledge and
nothing has been concealed therein and that I am competent to contract and entitled to rights and
benefits of the above securities.
Solemnly affirmed at ________ on the ________ day of _______ of _____.
Signed in the presence of
Full Name and :
Address of
Notary (Signature of Magistrate/Notary)
Pin :
Regd. No
Use space below to affix:
Notorial/Court Fee Stamps Official Seal of Magistrate/Notary
Notes: 1. This affidavit is to be executed in the presence of a first class or stipendiary
Magistrate/Public notary /Judicial.
2. This affidavit should be signed by each deponent separately.
This affidavit is to be executed on Non-judicial Stamp paper of appropriate value.
(to be given by Nominee. In case of Minor Nominee the Guardian shall execute the same)
I _____________________________________________________son/daughter/spouse of
_____________________________ residing at ____________________________________
do hereby solemnly affirm on oath and state as under :-
1. That Mr./Mrs._________________ the deceased, was holding a Client account no.________
with ___________ a Depository Participant having DP Id ____________. The said deceased
was holding the following securities :
ISIN Name of Company No. of securities
2. That the deceased made a valid Nomination in favour of :-
3. That the aforesaid nominee Master/Kum.___________________ aged _____years is a minor
and he/she is being represented by his/her father/mother and natural guardian Mr./Mrs.
4. That the nominee / has applied to _________________ (DP name) to register the aforesaid
securities in my individual beneficial owner account having Client Id. ________________
and DP Id. ________________.
(to be given by Nominee. In case of Minor Nominee the Guardian shall execute the same)
I hereby solemnly affirm and say that what is stated herein above are true to my knowledge and
nothing has been concealed therein and that I am competent to contract and entitled to rights and
benefits of the above securities.
Solemnly affirmed at ________ on the ________ day of _______ of _____.
Signed in the presence of
Full Name and :
Address of
Notary (Signature of Magistrate/Notary)
Pin :
Regd. No
Use space below to affix:
Notorial/Court Fee Stamps Official Seal of Magistrate/Notary
Notes: 1. This affidavit is to be executed in the presence of a first class or stipendiary
Magistrate/Public notary /Judicial.
2. This affidavit should be signed by each deponent separately.
(not required in case of Nomination)
Name of Participant
Address of Participant
Dear Sirs,
Re : Transmission of security balances standing in the name of late _____________ under Client
Id ____________ DP Id ___________.
1. In connection with the above, I wish inform you that Mr./Mrs. _____________ expired on
_________________ and was holding the following securities under the Client Id _________
and DP Id _________.
ISIN Name of Company No. of securities
2. I the undersigned, residing at _______________, am a legal heir of the said deceased.
3. I do not desire to make any claim of title of the said securities and have no objection whatsoever
in transmitting the said securities in the name(s) of Mr./Mrs. _____________ who has/have
opened a beneficial owner account(s) under Client Id _______ and DP Id _______.
4. In consideration of registration of the aforesaid securities in the client account of Mr./
Mrs._______ under DP Id________ Client Id ________at my request, I hereby agree to
renounce all my rights existing as well as they may accrue to me in future in respect of the
aforesaid securities.
Signed in the presence of
Bank Manager Signature of the legal heir
Full Name and Address of Bank Manager
Note: This letter of No Objection should be signed by each legal heir separately.
( not required in case of Nomination)
Name of Surety *
Permanent Residential
Age years Permanent Account No. **
* A person cannot stand as surety for spouse/ family member ** Furnish proof of PAN
(Fill in any one or more of the following boxes, whichever is applicable)
A. Details of Employment
1. Name of Employer :
2. Place of Employment :
3. Annual salary :
4. Other emoluments :
B. Details of immovable property owned :
(Absolutely in own name and not as member of a joint & undivided Hindu family. Specify
whether the immovable property consists of houses or mere land)
1. Within the municipal limits :
2. Situation :
3. Value :
4. Annual rent realised :
C. Details of business owned
(absolutely in own name and not as a partner)
1. Name of organisation :
2. Nature of business and location :
3. Annual turnover :
4. Annual profits :
Date :
(Signature of Surety)
Full Name and Address of Bank Manager Signed in the presence of
Pin (Bank Manager)
Affidavit from the surviving members of the HUF declaring that the person designated by
them is indeed the new Karta of the HUF and as to completeness and accuracy of the
information provided.
(In case of transmission of securities held by Karta of HUF)
We, the applicants listed below, residing at the respective addresses set out below,
Sr. No. Name of Applicant Age Gender Address
do hereby solemnly affirm on oath and state that as under:
1. ___________________ ("the Deceased Karta") was holding a beneficial owner account
bearing Client Id ___________; DP Id _____________ ("the said beneficial owner account")
with ____________________ , (Name of the Participant), as the Karta for and on behalf
of our HUF.
2. The Deceased Karta passed away on ______________.
3. We are all the surviving members of a Hindu Undivided Family ("HUF").
4. We state and declare that the aforesaid list of surviving members is complete and exhaustive,
and does not leave out any member of the HUF. We affirm that this list is accurate in all
respects whatsoever.
5. The said Deceased Karta was holding the following securities in the said Demat Account:
(Applicants to reproduce from the latest Transaction Statement or Statement of Holdings)
6. ___________________ is the new Karta for our HUF and shall hold the securities lying to
the credit of the said beneficial owner account. We confirm to _________________________
(Name of the Participant) that the new Karta is indeed the new Karta of our HUF.
7. We have requested that the securities be transmitted from the said beneficial owner account
held by the Deceased Karta to the beneficial owner account opened in the name of the
Designated Karta (Client Id _________; DP Id ______________) and have filed a
Transmission Form on ____________ (date). We state that all the information provided
therein and in this Affidavit is complete and accurate in all respects and that all the members
of the HUF are fully aware of the above request made to the Participant and there is no
pending dispute, difference, objection or claim to the same among any of the members of
the HUF in this regard.
We hereby solemnly affirm and say that what is stated herein above are true to my knowledge and
nothing has been concealed therein.
Solemnly affirmed at ______________, this ______ day of ________ 200__:
Sr. No. Name of Applicant (s) Signature
Before me
Notary Public