Shriram General Insurance Customer Care No. 1800 103 3009

Shriram General Insurance Co. Ltd. Toll free Number(s):
- 1800 103 3009 (For Customer Support, Mon-Sun, 9:30am-5:30pm)
- 1800 300 30000 (For Alternate Support, 4am-12am)
Official Website IVRS Menu: 1800 103 3009/ 1800 300 30000
First Select your preferred language
- Press 1: For general inusrance
- Press 1: For claim registeration
- Press 2: For policy related queries
- Press 3: For road side assistance
- Press 2: For health insurance
- Press 1: For shri health suraksha policy
- Press 2: For shri hospital cash policy
- Press 3: For shri kriti care policy
- Press 4: For shri sarvacare policy
- chd [at] shriramgi [dot] com (For General Query)
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Claim Process
- If you have any query related to claim process then firsty you have to call 180030030000, 18001033009 or email at chd [at] shriramgi [dot] com
Address: E-8, EPIP, RIICO Industrial Area,
Sitapura, Jaipur - 302022 - You can also make a claim request via filling this Claim Intimation Form
- For more information about claim process Please read
For Grievance Redressal
Level 1:
- For any query or complaint you can contact at 180030030000, 18001033009 or email at chd [at] shriramgi [dot] com, gro [at] shriramgi [dot] com
Address: Shriram General Insurance Co. Ltd.
(In partnership with Sanlam, South Africa)
E-8, EPIP, RIICO Industrial Area,
Sitapura, Jaipur - 302022 (Raj.) - You can also visit your nearest branch
- For Senior Citizens you can email at 180030030000, 18001033009 or email at seniorcitizen [at] shriramgi [dot] com
- You can also fill this Grievance Form
Level 2:
- If you are not satisfied with the resolution then you can contact to the Chief Grievance Redressal Officer at 0141-3928400, 18001807474, 180030030000 or mail at md [at] shriramgi [dot] com.
Level 3:
- You can lodge your complaint online through Bima Bharosa, Council for Insurance Ombudsman (CIO) or Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)
- If your query is still not resolved then you can contact to the Insurance ombudman given below:
Sr.No. City Contact No. Email Address 1 Ahmedabad 079-25501201 , 079-25501202 bimalokpal [dot] ahmedabad [at] cioins [dot] co [dot] in Jeevan Prakash, 6th floor, Near S.V.College Relief Road, Tilak Marg , Ahmedabad- 380 001. Gujrat 2 Bengaluru 080-26652048, 080-26652049 bimalokpal [dot] bengaIuru [at] cioins [dot] co [dot] in Jeevan Soudha Building, PID No.57-27-N-19, Ground Floor, No. 19/19, 24th Main Rd, 1st Phase, J.P. Nagar, Bengaluru- 560 078. 3 Bhopal 0755-2769201, 0755-2769202, 0755-2769203 blmalokpal [dot] bhopal [at] cioins [dot] co [dot] in LIC of India Zonal Office Bldg, 1st Floor, South Wing, Jeevan Shikha, Opp. Gayatri Mandir, 60-B, Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal-462011 4 Bhubaneswar 0674-2596455, 0674-2596429, 0674-2596003, 0674-2596461 bimalokpal [dot] bhubaneswar [at] cioins [dot] co [dot] in 62, Forest Park, Bhubaneswar, PIN -751 009. 5 Chandigarh 0172-2706468, 0172-2707468 bimalokpal [dot] chandigarh [at] cioins [dot] co [dot] in Jeevan Deep, Ground Floor, LIC of India Bldg, SCO 20-27, sector 17-A, Chandigarh -160017 6 Chennai 044-24333668, 044-24333678 bimalokpal [dot] chennai [at] cioins [dot] co [dot] in Fatima Akhtar Court, 4th flr, 453 (old 312), Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai 600018 7 Delhi 011-46013992, 011-23213504, 011-23232481 bimalokpal [dot] delhi [at] cioins [dot] co [dot] in 2/2 A, 1st Floor, Universal Ins. Building, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi- 110 002. 8 Guwahati 0361-2631307, 0361-2632204, 0361-2632205 bimalokpal [dot] guwahati [at] cioins [dot] co [dot] in Jeevan Nivesh Bldg. 5th Floor, near Pan Bazar, S. S. Road, Guwahati-781001 9 Hyderabad 040-23376991, 040-23312122, 040-23376599, 040-23328709, 040-23325325 bimalokpal [dot] hyderabad [at] cioins [dot] co [dot] in 6-2-46, 1st Floor, Moin Court Lane Opp.Hyundai Showroom , A. C. Guards, Lakdi-ka-pool, Hyderabad 500 004 10 Jaipur 0141-2740363 bimalokpal [dot] jaipur [at] cioins [dot] co [dot] in Jeevan Nidhi Il, Ground Floor, Bhawani Singh Road, Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur -302 005. 11 Kochi 0484-2358759 bimalokpal [dot] ernakulam [at] cioins [dot] co [dot] in 10th Floor, LIC Bidg, Jeevan Prakash, Opp Maharaj College Ground, M.G.Road, Ernakulam, Kochi- 682 011 12 Kolkata 033-22124339, 033-22124341 bimalokpal [dot] koIkata [at] cioins [dot] co [dot] in 7th Floor of Hindusthan Building (Annex), 4, C R Avenue, KoIkata-700 072 13 Lucknow 0522-4002082, 0522-3500613 bimalokpal [dot] lucknow [at] cioins [dot] co [dot] in Jeevan Bhavan, Phase II, 6th Floor, Nawal Kishore Road, Hazratganj, Lucknow- 226 001. 14 Mumbai 022-69038800, 022-69038833 bimalokpal [dot] mumbai [at] cioins [dot] co [dot] in IIIrd Floor, Jeevan Seva Annexe, S.V.Road, Santacruz West, Mumbai- 400 054. 15 Noida 0120- 2514252, 0120-2514253 bimalokpal [dot] noida [at] cioins [dot] co [dot] in Bhagwan Sahai Palace, 4th flr, Main Road , Naya Bans, Sector 15, Noida-201301, Dist: G.B.Nagar Uttar Pradesh 16 Patna 6122547068 bimalokpal [dot] patna [at] cloins [dot] co [dot] in 2nd Floor, Lalit Bhawan, Baily Road, Patna 17 Pune 020-24471175 bimalokpal [dot] pune [at] cioins [dot] co [dot] in 3rd Floor, Jeevan Darshan - LIC of India Bldg, N.C. Kelkar Road, Narayan Peth, Pune- 411030.
Nodal Officers Emails for MACT Cases
Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal
Sr.No. | State | |
1 | Uttar Pradesh | nodalofficerupo [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
2 | Uttarakhand | nodalofficerupo [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
3 | Bihar | nodalofficerupo [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
4 | Jharkhand | nodalofficerupo [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
5 | Rajasthan | nodalofficerrj [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
6 | Maharashtra | nodalofficermh [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
7 | Goa | nodalofficermh [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
8 | Gujarat | nodalofficergj [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
9 | Madhya Pradesh | nodalofficermp [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
10 | Chhattisgarh | nodalofficercg [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
11 | Karnataka | nodalofficerka [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
12 | Tamil Nadu | nodalofficertn [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
13 | Puducherry | nodalofficertn [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
14 | Kerala | nodalofficerkl [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
15 | Andhra Pradesh | nodalofficerap [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
16 | Telangana | nodalofficerts [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
17 | Punjab | nodalofficerdlo [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
18 | Delhi | nodalofficerdlo [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
19 | Jammu and Kashmir | nodalofficerdlo [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
20 | Haryana | nodalofficerdlo [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
21 | HP | nodalofficerdlo [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
22 | Odisha | nodalofficeror [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
23 | West Bengal | nodalofficerwb [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
24 | Sikkim | nodalofficerwb [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
25 | Assam | nodalofficerne [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
26 | Tripura | nodalofficerne [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
27 | Manipur | nodalofficerne [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
28 | Meghalaya | nodalofficerne [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
29 | Nagaland | nodalofficerne [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
30 | Mizoram | nodalofficerne [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
31 | Arunachal Pradesh | nodalofficerne [at] shriramgi [dot] in |
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Head Office
Shriram General Insurance Co. Ltd.
(In partnership with Sanlam, South Africa)
E-8, EPIP, RIICO Industrial Area,
Sitapura, Jaipur - 302022 (Raj.)
Fax No.: 0141-2770692, 0141-2770693
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