SBI Customer Care No. 1800 1234

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 1800 1234 (For Customer Support, 24x7)
  • 1800 2100 (For Support)
  • 1800 11 22 11 (For General Query)
  • 1800 425 3800 (Alternate No. For Support)
  • 1800 11 1109 (For Reporting Unauthorised Transactions)
  • 1800 180 1290 (For Credit Cards Query)
  • 1930 (Cyber Crime)
All India Number(s): 
  • 1860 500 1290 (For Credit Card Query)
  • 1860 180 1290 (Alternate No. For Credit Card Query)
  • 080-265 99 990 (For Customer Support)
  • 902 269 0226 (For WhatsApp Support)
  • 92237 66666 (For SMS/ Missed Call Service)
  • 8008 20 20 20 (For Unhappy With SMS Services)
  • 8422 8455 15 (For Query Related To Credit Card Payment)
  • 810 8100 986 (For Available Credit Limit)
  • 94491 12211 (For Reporting Unauthorised Transactions)
  • 915 222 0220 (For Doorstep Banking)
International Numbers: 
+91-80-26599990 (International Toll Free No.)

IVRS Menu: 1800 11 22 11 , 1800 1234

Select your preferred language: Hindi, English and for other language press 9

  • Press 0: To block your atm card, upi, internet banking.
  • Press 1: To get account balance and statement, CIF information and nomination status.
  • Press 2: For atm card and check book services.
  • Press 3: For sbi yono, yono business, retail internet banking and interest certificate.
  • Press 4: For interst rates loans deposits, complaints, hajj yatra and prepaid services.

After pressing the above key please Press 9 to talk to the Customer Care Executive.


Install App

Important Links

Important Contacts

Sr No Support provided for Toll Free Number
1 For unauthorised transaction reporting) 1800111109
2 SBI YONO 1800111101
3 Pensioners 1800110009, 18004253800 , 1800112211
4 PMJDY 1800110001
5 SBI FASTag 1800110018
6 Home Loan 1800112018
7 Income Tax Refund Orders (ITRO) 18004259760
8 Wealth And Platinum customers 18008900
9 SBI Doorstep Banking Services 1800111103
10 Helpline for Senior Citizen And Differently abled Customers 18008888
11 Other National Toll Free No. For PMJDY 1800110001, 18001801111
12 GST 1800112017

Registered With WhatsApp Banking

  • Send “Hi” from your WhatsApp Number to 9022690226 and follow the instructions given by the Chat-Bot.
  • Send an SMS in the following format “WAREG ACCOUNT NUMBER” to 7208933148 from your registered mobile number with us. For example, if your Account number is 123456789, then user will send SMS as WAREG 123456789 to 7208933148.
  • If registration is successful then you will get a confirmation message on your Whatsapp linked to your registered mobile number.

For SBI Cards Query

For Lost or Stolen Cards

  • Log on to and instantly block your card by clicking on ‘Block Lost \Stolen Card’
  • SMS BLOCK XXXX to 5676791 from your registered mobile no. (XXXX = Last 4 digits of your SBI Card)

SMS Services / Missed Call Banking

Sr No. Service Name Keywords
1 If Unhappy with services Unhappy with services: SMS UNHAPPY to 8008202020
2 One Time Registration Process Send SMS, ‘REG Account Number’ to 7208933148
3 Green Pin Send SMS from registered mobile number in the below format,
PIN CCCC AAAA to 567676
4 Loans SMS ‘HOME’ /‘CAR’/ ‘Personal’/ ‘Gold’ / ‘SME’ to 7208933145
7208933140 for Home Loan
7208933141 for Car Loan
7208933143 for Gold Loan
7208933142 for Personal Loan
7208933144 for SME
5 Mobile Top Up/Prepaid Mobile recharge Registered SBI Quick Customers can do Recharge of the Same registered mobile No by sending a SMS on 917208933145.
7 De-Registration Process SMS ‘DREG ’ to 7208933148
Account Service
8 Balance Enquiry Missed Call or send an SMS ‘BAL’ to 9223766666
9 MOD Balance Enquiry Send SMS “MODBAL” to “9223766666” to get available balance and MOD
balance as response through SMS
10 Mini Statement Missed Call or send an SMS ‘MSTMT’ to 9223766666
11 Cheque Book Request Acknowledgement Send message "CHQREQ" to 7208933145
12 E-Statement - last 6 month Send an SMS ‘ESTMT <space> <Account Number> <space> <code> to 7208933145
13 Education Loan Interest Certificate Send SMS ELI <space> <Account Number> <space> <code> to 7208933145
14 Home Loan Interest Certificate Send SMS HLI <space> <Account Number> <space> <code> to 7208933145
15 Full list of Services Send SMS “HELP” to “917208933145” to get full list of services as response through SMS.
16 Language Change (Hindi/English) For Language Change (Hindi/English) send message Hindi for Hindi language and English
for English language to 7208933148

SMS/ Missed Call Services

Sr No. Service Name Keywords
1 Registration SMS "REG<space>Account Number" to 09223488888
2 Balance Enquiry Give a Missed Call or send an SMS ‘BAL’ to 9223766666
3 Mini Statement Give a Missed Call or SMS "MSTMT" to 9223866666
4 Block ATM Card SMS "Block<space>XXX" to 567676
5 Car/Home loan SMS "Car" or "Home" to 567676/9223588888
6 Full list of services SMS "Help" to 9223588888

Other Emails

Sr.No. Services Email Address
1 General
2 Aadhaar Seeding
3 Home Loan
4 General

Grievances Redressal Offices Contacts

Level 1:

  • If you have any complaint/ query, then you can contact at this tollfree no. 18001234 , 18002100 or at this mobile no. 080-26599990 or you can also email at .
  • You can also vist your Nearest Branches .

Level 2:

  • If you are not satisfied by the resolution provided by the branch, then you can reach to the Grievances Redressal Cell At Local Head Offices.
  • Sr No. Circle Name Contact No. Grievance Cell E-mail Address Circle Addresses
    1 Ahmedabad 079-23320101, 079-23320102
    State Bank of India,
    Local Head Office,
    Lal Darwaja,
    Ahmedabad-380 001
    2 Amaravati 040-23387350, 040-23387268

    State Bank of India,
    Local Head Office(Andhra),
    Amaravati Circle,
    Hybank Towers,
    Gun Foundary,
    Hyderbad-500 001

    3 Bengaluru 080-25943126, 080-25943500 State Bank of India,
    Local Head Office,
    65, St. Mark's Road,
    Bangalore-560 001.
    4 Bhopal 0755-2575226, 0755-2575537 State Bank of India,
    Local Head Office,
    Hoshangabad Road,
    Bhopal-462 011
    5 Bhubaneswar 0674-2600554, 0674-2600682 State Bank of India,
    Local Head Office ,
    111/1, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Marg,
    Bhubaneswar - 751 001.
    6 Chandigarh 0172-4567423, 0172-4562402 State Bank of India,
    Local Head Office,
    Sector-17-A, Chandigarh-160 017
    7 Chennai 044-28308688 , 044-28308809 State Bank of India,
    Local Head Office,
    Circletop House,
    Aparna Complex,
    16 , College Lane,
    Chennai-600 006.
    8 Delhi 011-23404124, 011-23407121 State Bank of India,
    Local Head Office,
    11, Parliament Street,
    New Delhi-110 001.
    9 Guwahati 0361-2237513, 0361-2237663 State Bank of India,
    Local Head Office,
    Opp. Assam Sachivalay,
    G S Road, Dispur,
    Guwahati - 781006
    10 Hyderabad 040-23466513, 040-23466108 State Bank of India,
    Local Head Office,
    Bank Street, Koti,
    Hyderabad - 500 095.
    11 Jaipur 0141-2256103 State Bank of India,
    Local Head Office,
    Near Udyog Bhavan,
    Tilak Marg, C-Scheme,
    Jaipur - 302 005.
    12 Kolkata 9674710403, 033-22489333 State Bank of India,
    Local Head Office,
    'Samriddhi Bhavan,
    1, Strand Road ,
    Kolkata-700 001.
    13 Lucknow 0522-2295392, 9076603495, 9076603496,
    9076603497, 9076603498 State Bank of India,
    Local Head Office,
    Motimahal Marg,
    Lucknow-226 001.
    14 Maharashtra 022-26445124 State Bank of India,
    Local Head Office,
    “Synergy”, B.K.C.,
    Mumbai-400 051.
    15 Mumbai Metro 022-26445863, 022-26445864 State Bank of India ,
    Mumbai Metro (AAndBU),
    “Synergy”, B.K.C.,
    Mumbai-400 051.
    16 Patna 0612-2219469 State Bank of India,
    Local Head Office,
    West of Gandhi Maidan,
    Patna-800 001.
    17 Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2192666 State Bank of India,
    Local Head Office,
    Thiruvananthapuram, Pin-695 012
  • You can also contact to the Network Grievance Redressal Nodal Officer:
    Email: (Same for all network locations)
    Sr No Network Nodal Officer Telephone Number Grievance Cell
    Telephone No.
    1 General Manager NW-I 079-25506577
    Fax: 079-25506577
      State Bank of India, Local Head Office,
    Lal Darwaja, Ahmedabad - 380001
    2 General Manager NW-II 079-25500673
    Fax No.: 079-25503172
    3 General Manager NW-III 079-25506705
    Fax No.: 079-25507613
    079-25506050, 079-25509103
    4 General Manager NW-I 040-23387873   State Bank of India, Local Head Office (Andhra),
    Amaravati Circle, Hybank Towers, Gun
    Houndary, Hyderabad - 500001
    5 General Manager NW-II 040-23387235
    Fax No.: 040-23314902
    6 General Manager NW-III 040-23387373 040- 23387350, 040- 23387268
    7 General Manager NW-I 080-25943028   State Bank of India, Local Head Office, 65,
    St. Mark's Road, Bangalore - 560001
    8 General Manager NW-II 080-25943038  
    9 General Manager NW-III 080-25943584 080-25943126
    10 General Manager NW-I 0755-2575261
    Fax No.: 0755-4288010
      State Bank of India, Local Head Office,
    Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal - 462011
    11 General Manager NW-II 0755-2575987
    Fax No.: 0755-2764693
    12 General Manager NW-III 0755-2575983
    Fax No.: 0755-2763290
    0755-2575226, 0755-2575229
    13 General Manager NW-I 0674-6772100   State Bank of India, Local Head Office,
    111/1, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Bhubaneswar - 751001
    14 General Manager NW-II 0674-2600507 0674-2600554, 0674-2600682
    15 General Manager NW-I 0172-4567602   State Bank of India, Local Head Office,
    Sector - 17 A, Chandigarh - 160017
    16 General Manager NW-II 0172-4567652 0172-4567120, 0172-4567075
    17 General Manager NW-III 0172-4567682 0172-4567423, 0172-4562402 0172-4567120, 0172-4567075
    18 General Manager NW-I 044-28308733   State Bank of India, Local Head Office,
    Circletop House, Aparna Complex, 16,
    College Lane, Chennai -600006
    19 General Manager NW-II 044-28308807  
    20 General Manager NW-III 044-28308956 044-28308409, 044-28308488
    New Delhi
    21 General Manager NW-I 011-23341852   State Bank of India, Local Head Office,
    11, Parliament Street, New Delhi - 110001
    22 General Manager NW-II 011-23407250  
    23 General Manager NW-III 011-23407680 011-23407121, 011-23407227
    24 General Manager NW-I 0361-2237556   State Bank of India, Loacal Head Office,
    Opp. Assam Sachivalay, G S Road, Dispur, Guwahati - 781006
    25 General Manager NW-II 0361-2237531 0361-2237663, 0361-2237513
    26 General Manager NW-I 040-23466511
    Fax No.: 040-24756988
      State Bank of India Local Head Office,
    Bank Street, Koti, Hyderabad - 500 095
    27 General Manager NW-II 040-23466521
    Fax No.: 040-23466524
    040-23466513, 040-24751010
    28 General Manager NW-I 0141-2227353   State Bank of India, Local Head Office,
    Near Udyog Bhavan, Tilak Marg,
    C - Scheme, Jaipur - 302005
    29 General Manager NW-II 0141-2256305  
    30 General Manager NW-III 0141-2256381 0141-2256326
    31 General Manager - NW-1 033-22438241   State Bank of India, Local Head Office,
    Samriddhi Bhavan, 1, Strand Road, Kolkata - 700001
    32 General Manager - NW-2 033-22435743
    Fax No.: 033-22108322
    33 General Manager - NW-3 033-22436524 033-22489333, 9674710403
    34 General Manager - NW-1 0522 - 2295142   State Bank of India, Local Head Office,
    Motimahal Marg, Hazratganj, Lucknow - 226001
    35 General Manager - NW-2 0522 - 2200316  
    36 General Manager - NW-3 0522 - 2295132 0522-2295391, 0522-2295392,
    37 General Manager NW-I 022-26445501   SBI, "Synergy", Plot No - C-6, G Block,
    Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra ( E ), Mumbai - 400051.
    38 General Manager NW-II 022-67514545  
    39 General Manager NW-III 022-67514503 022-26445626, 022-67514142,
    Mumbai Metro
    40 General Manager NW-I 022-67514403
    Fax No.: 022-67514403
    022-26444401 SBI, "Synergy", Plot No - C-6, G Block,
    Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra ( E ), Mumbai - 400051.
    41 General Manager NW-II 022- 67514407
    Fax No.: 022-26445402
    42 General Manager NW-I 0612-2219179   State Bank of India, Local Head Office,
    West of Gandhi Maidan, Patna - 800001
    43 General Manager NW-II 0612-2209005  
    44 General Manager NW-III 0612-2209008 0612-2219469
    45 General Manager NW-I 0471-2192604   State Bank of India, Local Head Office,
    Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram - 695012
    45 General Manager NW-II 0471-2192605  
    46 General Manager NW-III 0471-2192606 0471-2192666, 945701600
    Toll Free Nos.: 1800112211, 18004253800 Toll number: 080-26599990
    Designated e-mail addresses for loding complaints:,
    Designated number for SMS Unhappy Service: 8008202020
    SMS to be sent to 567676 for complaint status.

Level 3:

  • If you are not satisfied by the resolution provided by level 2, then you can contact to the Principal Nodal Officer
    Contact No: 022-22741216
    Email ID - .
    Address: Customer Service Department,
    State Bank of India,
    State Bank Bhavan, 16th Floor
    Madam Cama Road,
    Mumbai 400 021

Level 4:

For RTGS/NEFT Queries

Location Contact Details E-mail ID Name and Address
Mumbai NEFT Tel: 022-27560746
RTGS Tel: 022-27560746 ,
Asst. General Manager(IT-PS) State Bank Global IT Centre, 3rd Floor, C Wing,
Balaji Bhavan, Sector-11, CBD Belapur Navi Mumbai – 400 614
For more contact details , you can check Customer Facilitation Centres

Nodal Officers for Person with Disabilities

Sr No. Name of Circle/ Corporate Centre Designation Contact No Email Id Address
1 SBI Corporate Centre Deputy General Manager 022-22029456 State Bank of India, Customer Experience Enhancement Department,
SBI Bhavan, Madam Cama Road, Mumbai-400021
2 Ahmedabad Asst. General Manager 079-23320101

State Bank of India, Customer Service Department, Local
Head Office, Bhadra, Ahmedabad 380001
3 Amaravati Asst. General Manager 040-23387435

State Bank of India,Customer Service Department, Local Head Office
(Andhra Pradesh), Amaravati Circle, Hybank Towers, Gunfoundry, Hyderabad-500001
4 Bengaluru Asst. General Manager 080-25943500

State Bank of India, Local Head Office, 65, St. Mark's Road, Bangalore - 560001
5 Bhopal Asst. General Manager 0755-2575537

State Bank of India, Customer Service Department, 5th floor, Local
Head Office, Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal 462011 (M.P.)
6 Bhubaneshwar Asst. General Manager 0674-6772170,

State Bank of India, Customer Service Department,Local Head
Office, 111/1, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Bhubaneswar, 751001
7 Chandigarh Asst. General Manager 0172-4567423

State Bank of India,Customer Service Department, Local Head
Office, Sector-17A, Chandigarh160017
8 Chennai Asst. General Manager 044-28308809

State Bank of India, Customer Service Department, Local Head
Office, 16, College lane, Nungambakkam, Chennai-600006
9 Guwhati Asst. General Manager 0361-2337513

State Bank of India, Customer Service Department,Local Head Office,
Opposite Assam Sachivalay, G.S Road, Dispur, Guwahati-781006
10 Hyderabad Asst. General Manager 040-23466108

State Bank of India, Customer Service Department, Local Head Office,
Bank Street, Koti, Hyderabad50009
11 Jaipur Asst. General Manager 0141-2256103

State Bank Of India, Customer Service Department, Local Head Office,
Near Udyog Bhawan , Tilak Marg , C-scheme , Jaipur-302005
12 Kolkata Asst. General Manager 033-22489333

State Bank of India,Customer Service Department, Local Head Office,
Samriddhi Bhavan, 1, Strand Road, Kolkata – 700001
13 Lucknow Asst. General Manager 0522-2295395,

Customer Service Department, Customer Service Department, Local
Head Office, Moti Mahal Marg, Lucknow 226001
14 Maharashtra Asst. General Manager 022-26445124,

SBI, "Synergy", Customer Service Department, Local Head Office,
Plot No -C-6, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai-400051
15 Mumbai metro Asst. General Manager 022-26445856, 022-26445864

SBI, "Synergy", Customer Service Department, Local Head Office,
Plot No -C-6, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai-400051
16 New delhi Asst. General Manager 011-23407480

State Bank of India, Customer Service Department, Local Head Office,
11, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001
17 Patna Asst. General Manager 0612-2820629

State Bank of India, Customer Service Department, Local Head Office,
West of Gandhi Maidan,Patna-800001
18 Thiruvananthapuram Asst. General Manager 0471-2192666

State Bank of India, Customer Service Department, Local Head Office,
Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram - 695012

Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna Contacts

For International Customers

International SMS Services

Sr No. Service Name Keywords
1 One Time Registration Process Send SMS, ‘REG Account Number’ to 07208933148
2 De-Registration Process SMS ‘DREG ’ to 7208933148
3 Balance Enquiry Send SMS “MODBAL” to “9223766666
4 Mini Statement Missed Call or send an SMS ‘MSTMT’ to 9223766666
5 MOD Balance Enquiry Send SMS “MODBAL” to “919220055222”
6 E-Statement- last 6 month Send an SMS ‘ESTMT <space> <Account Number> <space> <code> to 917208933145
7 Home Loan Interest Certificate Send SMS HLI <space> <Account Number> <space> <code> to 917208933145
8 Education Loan Interest Certificate Send SMS ELI <space> <Account Number> <space> <code> to 917208933145
9 Cheque Book Request Send message "CHQREQ" to 917208933145
10 Full List of Services Send SMS “HELP” to “918108511111”
11 ATM Card Configuration ATM Card Blocking - To block atm card, send an SMS from registered mobile number as ‘BLOCKXXXX’ to 567676 (XXXX represents last 4 digit of the card number).
Send an SMS ‘SWON/SWOFF ATM/POS/ECOM/INTL/DOM/NFC xxxx(last 4 digits(5 digits in case of NFC) of Customer's debit card no).
to 918422933333
SWON: Switch on
Swoff: Switch off
12 Green PIN Send SMS from registered mobile number in the below format,
PIN CCCC AAAA to 567676
13 Loans SMS ‘HOME’ /‘CAR’/ ‘Personal’/ ‘Gold’ / ‘SME’ to 917208933145
917208933140 for Home Loan
917208933141 for Car Loan
917208933143 for Gold Loan
917208933142 for Personal Loan
917208933144 for SME
14 Mobile Topup/Prepaid Mobile recharge Registered SBI Quick Customers can do Recharge of the Same registered mobile No by sending a SMS on 917208933145
15 Mobile Topup/Prepaid Mobile recharge send message " MOBACC OTP" to 917208933145

For NRI - International Toll Free Numbers (ITFNs)

Sr No. Country International Toll Free Number*
1 Australia 1800-012-473
2 Bahrain 80-801-724
3 Belgium 80-076-562
4 Canada 1866-3284-209
5 France 800-740-849
6 Germany 800-183-0736
7 Hong Kong 800-932-045
8 Italy 800-789-407
9 Japan 006-633-812-439
10 Netherland 800-022-3031
11 New Zealand 800-449-909
12 Oman 80075792
13 Qatar 00800100157
14 Russia 810-800-293-010-12
15 Saudi Arabia 800-814-4209
16 Singapore 800-101-2333
17 South Africa 0800-982-360
18 UAE 800-091-190-05
19 UK 808-101-7633
20 USA 1866-328-4209

*Please do not add Country Code (e.g. +91 or 0091) while dialing the above International Toll Free Numbers

Other customers residing outside India may dial +91-80-26599990 (call rates applicable) to avail services of SBI Contact Centre

NRI Forms Center

NRI Nodal Officer

In case your query is not resolved and wish to escalate your concern, please contact designated Nodal Officer of your State or Union Territory.

Sr No. State/UT Contact No. Email Address
1 Arunachal Pradesh 0361-2237595
2 Assam
3 Manipur
4 Meghalaya
5 Mizoram
6 Nagaland
7 Tripura
8 Telangana 040-23466316
9 Bihar
10 Chandigarh 0172-4567535
11 Haryana
12 Himachal Pradesh
13 Jammu and Kashmir
14 Punjab
15 Chhattisgarh 0755-2575974
16 Madhya Pradesh
17 Delhi 011-23407397 / 011-23407141
18 Haryana (Sonipat/ Faridabad/Gurgaon)
19 Uttrakhand
20 Western Uttar Pradesh
21 Uttar Pradesh
(Other than western UP)
0522-2295499/ 0522-2295494
22 Gujarat 079-25506476
23 Daman And Diu
Dadar Nagar Haveli
24 Karnataka 080-25943152
25 Kerala and Lakshadweep 0471-2192355 / 2351836
26 Maharashtra
(For Mumbai And Raigad district branches)
27 Maharashtra
(other than Mumbai And Raigarh District) and Goa
28 Orissa 0674-2392050
29 Pondicherry 044-28308761
30 Tamil Nadu 044-28308768
31 West Bengal 033-22131707
32 Andaman and Nicobar Islands ,
33 Rajasthan 0141-2256280
34 Andhra Pradesh 040-23387491

Contact Details of Relationship Mangers at Representative Offices (ROs)

Sr No. Representative Office Telephone No. Fax No. Email Id Address
1 State Bank of India, Representative Office, Dubai,UAE
+971 43537336
+971 43536199 ,
State Bank of India,
Representative Office,
P.O. Box - 126959
Room No. 110, 1st Floor,
The Business Center,
Khalid Bin Walid Road (Bur Juman Metro Station Exit 4), Bur Dubai,
2 State Bank of India, Representative Office, Abu Dhabi, UAE +971 24469488
+971 24469489 State Bank of India,
Representative Office,
P.O. Box - 111783,
Office 2303, Commercial Tower (Tower A),
Behind City Seasons Hotel /
Honda Showroom, Electra Road,
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Corporate Centre

Sr No. Name Contact Details Contact Details
1 Customer Service Department Email:
Fax: 022-22742431
The Dy General Manager
Customer Service Department,
State Bank of India,
State Bank Bhavan, 16th Floor
Madam Cama Road,
Mumbai 400 021,
2 Corporate Centre Fax No.: 022-22742430 The Chairman
State Bank of India,
State Bank Bhavan,
Madam Cama Road,
Mumbai 400 021

Social Sites




Regarding complaints

mera sbi ka amount deduct hua netbanking sai, kaise complaint kru

Idhar hi to sab fraud log

Idhar hi to sab fraud log baithe hai.

Internet banking and password

I forget my internet banking password. Plz help me. I don't register my email id how to get my password

Complaint - Debit card not received

Dear Sir,

I, Shubham Kumar Srivastava, would like to draw your attention to the subjected complaints. New Insta Saving Account was opened and Debit Card issued to be delivered via speed post. Have checked in Post Office Site today and its showing card returned due to INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS.
I called the post office care and they confirmed that it's Bank Mistake that has given your insufficient address. I called SBI customer care to complain and follow up as to how I can get the Debit Card but they are not ready to register my complaint and telling me to wait for ten working days and after that debit card will be sent to Home Branch and you can collect the same from there.
If this is a mistake on part of the bank, then why is a complaint not being registered through customer care and instead I am advised to visit the home branch to collect the debit card.
I was forced to register two complaints online as no one from the customer care unit was listening and understanding my concern, Request your intervention in this regard and instruct the concerned department to send the debit card directly to my residential address which was given at the time of opening the account online.


Money transfer

Dear sir,my money 10000 rs not credit next account,but my money, debited from my account, please return my money

Icard Mobile

This product icard mobile company will be purchase nokia mobile is fround company each all people plse my request solve it Sbi bank today my transaction 500 also this fround person used this money

Visa cad unblocked

Sir my visa card blocked # 7232, I am work out of India, now i am out of money because my Visa card not working and no flight to go home because Covid 19.
I request to you please unblock my SBI visa International card. If you need any additional information let me know.

Have a great day.

Thank you.

Refund money

Refund money back and

Dbtl transfer to other account

My sister don't have any account in sbi (she have account in uttarakhand grameen bank) however her dbtl money is being transfered in someone else account in sbi chamoli uttarakhand branch
I tried to contact branch manager sbi chamoli but he did not pick up call
Please guide and help

To change mobile number

I have to change mobile number from my SBI Bank account

To change mobile number

We want to change mobile number from our SBI Bank

Irctc ticket booking problem...

My ticket ID number.076458O6272/000 is not book my seat so please confirmation my ticket and solve my problem

loan settlement of pending two wheeler loan due to cibil score o

dear sir i am regular customer of ur bank .i have two account in sbi differant branch as per bank instruction merged old account in my sallery accunt due to cibil score negative reason written off in my cibil score found old two wheeler loan pending from 2006 so iwant to settle loan 19000/-
reason of loan pending in 2006 my accident due to twowheeler iam lost my job &mother after recovery of my family join new job open new account in sbi take loan in 2010 1,5 lac,2014 5.5 lac paid amount regularly 7close loan account within year after long time iam going to branch for personal loan they check and told about negative cibil score so please what is process for remove written off from my cibil score

how to know acvount no. after getting lost passbook

i lost passbook of sbi branch udai khurd and i dont know how to know account no.?

Paisa galat jagah Chala gaya hai

Mere account se 11 October 2019 ko mere galati se Paisa kat Gaya hai kyo vo Paisa Mera mil sakata hai

Failure of transaction through bhim sbi pay app

I have made a transanction ticket no 1236912 for mobile recharge of RS.75. My transanction showing success But message came transanction failed.The same
amount is debited from ubi a/c.Ihave raised the dispute to bhim sbi pay app.But yet to get any result. Can it solved?.

Found debit card

Sir i found SBI debit card of Syed Nasreen AT Dongri. Plz contact on 7900012XXX

CiF transfer

How to transfer CiF nub ?

लोन संबंधी

यदि समय से पहले लोन लोन चुका हूं तो मुझे क्या बेनिफिट रहेगा क्या क्या नुकसान रहेगा वह बता


i am Maruti Jadar. I am a STATE BANK Account holder at SBI
I have withdrawal Rs.1000' and 1200/'-(TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED ) from STC Humhama Budgam (j&K) But I have not got the money from ATM, i have checked my statement amount not deposit my acc
Date: 05/08/201
Time: 1540 HRS
I am not able to contact any of the customer-care number (tried some 50 times).


Refund money

My transaction is pending inside truecaller , but the money has been debited from my sbi account. Please resolved my problem and refund my money as soon as possible.

sbi customer care number


mis behaviou in brance

sir m misri gaav ka rhne vaala hu m sir charkhi dadri sbi branch khathmandi me account khulvaane ke liye gya tha to vo bolte h ki yha pr nhi khule ga jb ye baat mene manger ko btai to cleark ne gard ko bol kr muje branch se bhaar niklva deya

Plz help

Sukanya account not opening branch manager and staff and miss behaviour branch

Phonepe se transaction failed bol rha h

Sir hmara phonepe se transaction bar bar failed bol rha h mne phonepe customer service se bi bat ki tb bi nhi hua . Fir bola bank helpilne pr sampark kre please check my secur6


My account is not convert in pmsp account. From Sbi Barachatti ifsc code sbin0014317.

Pmsp account ka benifit

Pmsp account ka benifit bataye plz.

Sir maine sbi VPA se paytm

Sir maine sbi VPA se paytm mall ko pay kiya but Balance debit ke bad canceled ho gaya lekin mughe refund nahi mila jabki paytm mall cashback kar diya help me

About SBI fruad credit ard application

Sir , I never ever apply any application for SBI credit card . Kindly cancel that application . And I want to know who apply behalf of me kindly provide email and also contact numbe. I hope you understand my question.
Thank you

money debit by my account

Dear sir
I m Anupam singh ,i want to say that,from my acc.debit 300 but i have not receive money so, plze help me sir bank manager will not give me any response that why i will complain here.
your faithfully

I am not get money from SBI ATM CHITTORGARH

26/2/2019 I am not get money from ATM but my account release money
Please my 7000 rupees remove my account
Branch Govind Garh

Ricco industry ATM not working properly

Last few months bank ATM sweep machin passbook machine not working properly

ATM deduction

I withdraw money rs. 5000.00 at sbi ATM jhandachauk kotdwara Pauri garhwal Uttarakhand but money not dispense and AC. Debited.please solve my problems


How much time to chech clear..

loan lender

Hello, this lucky Benson loan company. In this company we offer a lifetime loan opportunity. Do you need an urgent loan to clear your debts or do you need a capital loan to improve your business? Have you been rejected by banks and other financial agencies? Do you need a consolidation loan or a mortgage loan? Today, we say we stand and look further from where we are here to make all your financial problems something of the past. We lend funds to individuals in need of financial assistance, who have bad credit or need money to pay bills, to invest in business by 2%. We want to use this tool to inform you of all our helpful and reliable help, and you will be ready to make your decision. We are saved, and we keep our word and our promises. Contact us today by e-mail:

Can not registered for net banking online

After filling of all the details I can registered for the online net banking it's showing your bank is not permitted


What is the latest update for fund transfer to Nigeria? . We can transfer fund to Nigeria(in the company benificary account). Please reply.

Amt transferred

How I get details of transferred amt and payee details.

By using SMS or internet banking


My paymat not refund

Sir mai doha Qatar me hu mai

Sir mai doha Qatar me hu mai apne ac.. Se paisa MOBAIL me dalna chahta hu

Money transfer by mistake how I can get ?

Dear sir
Im arvind kumar prajapati
Sir I had transfer 50000 money in SBI A/C (3087805xxxx) by mistake

Sir please help me how I can get my money again.
Please contact me.


recharge not successfully and amount deducted

My refund in return my account

I was filled bill payment on 26octomber but he didn't deposit yet in my bank what is reason ?

Please check my account sir

Money refund transfer

Money not transfer and back me

Subject - Application for the loan for Home maintenance

Dear Sir/Mam
I have come to know that your SBI provides loans to salaried Employee personal loan to customer. I should like to be considered for grant of loan under this scheme.

I would like to bring to your kind notice that I need a loan for home maintenance I have a raw house in the village, which needs maintenance. But I belong to a poor family. Hence, my father cannot afford the expenses of my maintenance.

I'm a site engineer at Ghaggar toll plaza NH1 (Ambala). I work here on the site. I have been working here for four years. I am a resident of Saharanpur. The company has sponsored the guest house here. Our company has head office in Gurgaon. I would like a loan of 150000. My salary is 17700(Monthly).

Therefore, I request you to kindly grant necessary loans for my home maintenance. I promise you that I shall abide by all the terms and conditions of the loan . I will be happy to produce certificates and documents
Which you may require in this connection.

Looking forward to receiving an earlier and favourable reply.

Abhay Bhardwaj

Home loans

I need our help



About bank transfer

Sir,i gave bank transfers form to my branch. Then how can k know whether my bank is transfered or not.want your suggestions plz reply me!

Requesting for recovery of username and password

With reference to the subject cited above, I on behalf of my wife Mrs. Zubeni E yanthan would like to ask your assistance to recover my wife username and password.
That sir, my wife has lost his registered mobile mobile her SBI account so she cannot login to internet banking.
Therefore sir, kindly us to register a new mobile no. in the sbi a/c.
Thanking you Sir!

No transfer money & direction in my account.

Mane 08/09/2019 ko mere sbi a/c ko sbi anywhere ko use karke mere doser bank me 9500/- NEFT Karke transfer joye per dushre bank me money jama nahi hui aur sbi account mese 9500 deduct ho gaye.
So need ful

Establishment of ATM

Sir, 18/08/2018
We are the residents of villages Khankira,Laulai(Dhenkanal District),Samia,Salapada(Kalakala of Jajpur Distict) having only one Bank branch ie.Odisha Gramya Bank depend on one Bank for our daily banking needs.People from distant places come to Samia(Kalakala) under Badachana block for Financial transactions. This is about 8KM radious. There is no ATM in this periphery area.

So, we would request you to be kind enough to estblish two ATM one at Laulai & other at Budhakendu so that the people would get better banking service.

Yours faithfully
Ram Sankar Das.
Pitabash Mohanty.
Sadasiba Mahanta.
Ratnakar Hembram

education loan

sir mera sbi me account nhi h kya mujhe sbi se loan mil skta h kya

Account enquiry

What no call Saudia to India sbi helpline service please give me no with code

Balance dedaction hone ke karm me

Mera bal kat gaya lekin mere a/c baroda bank me nhi pahucha h so please mere broblem ka samadhan kare .dedaction rs 50000

Balance deducted

I am Sunil Kumar my 10000 thousands rs. Dudect ho gya hai so please refund my balance 10000 thousands

PPF Maturity

I have a PPF account in SBI which I started in June 2003. My question is, now that it is 15 years since I opened the account can I close it immediately and withdraw money or should I wait till end of this financial year i.e March 2019.

The procedure to close PPF account

I have a PPF account in SBI which I started in June 2003. My question is, now that it is 15 years since I opened the account. can I close it immediately? or should I wait till end of this financial year i.e March 2019.
Can you explain the procedure to close PPF account?

Mobile number registration

Sir when I deposit or withdraw money I get notification but when I call/SMS to get my ATM pin autogenerated reply says that my mobile number is not registered with bank account. Same things with adding my bank account with Paytm.

About Mobile Number Registration

I want to register my mobile number to get notifications of transactions.

Recharge of mobile or payment

Sir Mera recharge transaction failed kyu batata hi

Money refend

Mere aacount se 24/06/2018 ko ek form aaply karte time 300 rupees cut gya but form apply nhi hua to balance aacount me refund nhi hua...plz refend my balance

Balance cut information

My account is debited by 147.63 but i did not use my account what is thereason. Will you please provide me helpline no. For thisissue

Rules about new ATM Card

Dear sirs
My son Ahir Harsh have an saving account with SBI bank. But no ATM facility with him. For ATM what is the procedure and which document is required and what the rule for ATM facility.

On 18/12/2017, I deposited

On 18/12/2017, I deposited Rs. 5000 in Hyderabad Airport (e-Corner) to my account using my debit card. But I didn't get any intimation that my money got deposited. When enquired the security of the ATM, he said that there is a problem in ATM so I won't get any receipt.
I also raised several complaint, but after few days but the complaints were cancelled because I wasn't having the transaction ID.
I kindly request you to look into this issue and take necessary actions as soon as possible.
If no actions are taken, I have no other choice rather than switching my account to another bank and legal action will be taken against the bank.

Thank you.

with regards,

Remittance has not been credit in my account

Dear SBI customer ,
as I would like to advise you that I am a NIR customer of SBI Ballabgarh SBIN0001157 ,Chawala colony I am working in abroad Tanzania I have sent my salary last month on 6th Feb ,2018 and this month on 1st March ,2018 but did not credit in my account as of now as still looking forward for my sending money as you know has been long time .
so please be requested you to find out my money and post in my account I would highly appreciate you to sort out my issues .
thanks .
with thanks and regards,
NRI Accounts holder
Sodan Singh
Branch Chawla colony Ballabgarh ...SBIN0001157

About amount charged for using UPI service

I want to use UBER UPI service.before their activation i want to know the service charge charged by the bank againt their usage.

PF amount Reg

Dear sir,

Good Evening
Here mention my UAN (100362222088)account number can you please check the PF amount still not credit for second transaction in my account please check and reply as soon as possible sir because what problem in my side tell you I clear the problem and I already asked PF office he say our side process finished and pending for bank side .last credit date 18.08.2017 and credited amount 12,812.

Thank you.
‭‭+974 5072 6246‬‬

Sent from my iPhone

Deduction of TDS

Regarding Interests against FD gets debited on due date on 3rd of every month. But in the month of April of each financial year ie on 3rd of April,the Bank deducts TDS automatically. It is not possible to deposit form 15G/H on 2nd and 3rd April,eventhough sometimes it is deposited on 3rd April, the same does not get entered and the process of deduction of TDS effected.
Despite of submission of forms 15G/H submitted within 10th of April,the refunds are not affected eventhough making applications,posing complaints,talking to customer care,bank officials.
No actions takes place and ultimately, returns are filed(customer does not fall in the income tax bracket) and refunds are awaited from IT deptt for years.

Is the customer responsible for opening FDs in the first week of an month?
Why TDS gets deducted in the first few days of opening month of the financial year before due date of submission of Forms?
Requested to take measures as the customer is harassed for the same

New pin no.ATM

Sir my atm pin no. Blocked so please send new pin no.



agriculfure loan renual- refused

I bought agriculture loan lost 6 years ago.Every year i renual loan.But last year 2013 -field officer refused and insulted me. He told "get out I say". I felt too much.I fully upsetted .from 20-12-2013 I go to ask renual loan. my SB A/C no.30303761833.sirkazhi puthupattinam branch. Lands are in my father name.he told clear loan.laon amount Rs.1lakh/-,then I paid the interest amount Rs.11000/- I want know the reason?


branch manager interest is not good to avail his duty to customer



How to activate internet banking via email remotely

How to activate internet banking via email remotely

Unauthentic attempt


While i do online transactions it fails to complete the process and gets the message "unauthentic attempt"..
Kindly help me in thia issue.

Yours truely
Sanjana P Justin

User name & password

I put information asked for opening Net banking . Kit was received from Branch but unable to see my User name @ password,

Net banking user name and password

I have no user name and password to login net banking

Bhim Adhar

Mujhe net banking ka user name password chahiye

concern about new account opeining in sbi for minor


I like to inform you that, i want to opening a new sbi account for my nephew, his age is 1 half year, beacuse his father's pension is credit his account. according to PF officer minor account should be this (son UNG mother). but our nearest SBI Branch Manager can't aggree for the same. Bank manager said if you create new minor account then your minor account like this (mother UNG son).
please shot out my concern as soon as possible.


Regarding SMS Alert Service

D/Sir we have apply for SMS alert service on my mobile at SBI SATNA Branch. we requestto you that kindly provide the SMS alert service on given detail below My Name manoj kumar shukla c/o Shri Ram sunder shukla My A/C No-10633141766 my mob. no-09923900586


Respected Sir,
With due respect, I request you to say that I have
taken the home loan of Rs 3,60,000 from SBI branch Barkhedi (Branch
code-30230) Bhopal in 2006. As I am paying regular installment of home loan but without any information bank increases Home loan installment from 132 to 168 that is 36 month more (3 years) I have already complained 3 month ago to the branch manager Moh. Arshi but he didn’t take any action against it and misbehave with me, which is very shameful and said that if you have problem then close your home
account .Sir I just have a humble request to you that please sort out
the matter of disorder in home loan installment as well as take
necessary action against the branch manager Moh. Arshi according to
law & order. Sir my humble request to you please sort out my problem & take necessary action regarding this.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Sudha Rani Tailang

Home loan A/C No- 63003450186

ATM card Lost

wed, 5/06/2013 -chandraket singh s% ranjeet singh
ATM card Lost

I am Chandraket singh s% Ranjeet singh ccount holder of sbi having a/c no.30953621613. I lost my ATM card on 01/06/2013 so pls stop my ATM card urjently. Contact no.9935383170. Email I'd


ATM card Lost

I am rohit sahani account holder of sbi having a/c no.11171306033. I lost my ATM card on 22/05/2013 so pls stop my ATM card urjently. Contact no. 9654147455. Email I'd

SBI ATM NOT Activated

I Got new ATM Card from State Bank of India, which i have received pin number i have mentioned correctly. ATM ID s10F002786002 Response code 073 i went to ask the same State Bank of India regarding this problem they said they cant solve this problem . Tool free Number informed me to contact our local State Bank of India Branch. . no use ,

bank refusing to pay through debit card for online purchase

sir,I am using my dad's account's debit card wanted to buy something but
the company is showing that ,the transaction could not be complete at the moment because card company is denying to deduct amount ,sir i have to register my account before online payment also???


yestreday,when I was using my Debit card for withdrawing money from one of the south indan bank in porur, tamil nadu,the Cash was not dispensed by the ATM and a receipt also not received.But when i checked my account it was found that the corresponding amount has been deducted.i want the SBI people to look into this and refund it as it is most urgently required..Im not able to contact any of the customercare nos.(tried more times)


SIR I tried to withdraw a amount of Rs.20000 from my SBBJ A/C no.51037286839 on April 3,2013 from ATM no S10G100122003 .but I could not get money. I received a slip showing "SORRY ENABLE TO PROCESS" while my A/C debited by Rs20000. Ple examin it & credit my A/C by Rs20000.

hello sir

My rs 1500 rs debeted for account two times for only tssbet

claim for payment amounting Rs 15000/-and 10000/-

SIR I tried to withdraw a amount of Rs.15000 from my SBI A/C no.11404635169 on April 13,2014 from Txn no 789921649 And Atm id FFBR000238015 .but I could not get money. I received a slip showing "SORRY ENABLE TO PROCESS" while my A/C debited by Rs15000. Ple examin it & credit my A/C by Rs15000.
And other
SIR I tried to withdraw a amount of Rs.10000 from my SBI A/C no.11404635169 on April 13,2014 from Txn no 789939079 And Atm id FFBR000238015 .but I could not get money. I received a slip showing "SORRY ENABLE TO PROCESS" while my A/C debited by Rs10000. Ple examin it & credit my A/C by Rs10000/-.